AGENTS of the Progressive Liberal Party have sought to use harassment and intimidation to influence The Tribune’s coverage of the claims against Deputy House Speaker Dion Smith.
Soon after it came to light that Mr Smith had been accused of a “tirade” in which he used racial slurs and put the tenants of his building in fear for their safety, party operatives began calling The Tribune in an attempt to have the story dropped.
The Tribune was asked to “ease up” on Mr Smith and “smoke the peace pipe with the PLP”.
Then another PLP agent began harassing a Tribune journalist in a public place over the issue, declaring loudly that the reporter was “being used” and should not write any further stories about Mr Smith.
Following this, one reporter said, PLP “cronies” fabricated a claim that the story – which was taken from documents filed in the Supreme Court – was only written because of a personal issue between himself and Mr Smith.
“They are now attempting to invent a ‘back story’ to The Tribune’s coverage to make it appear as if there is some personal vendetta between myself and Mr Smith, to explain why the story appeared in the paper in the first place,” said the reporter, who has in fact never met the Deputy Speaker before the allegations arose.
“This false story is now being fed to the public by their network of ‘whisperers’ to discredit The Tribune and thus save Mr Smith some time,” the reporter said.
However, political observers believe Mr Smith may already be on borrowed time, as he made a mistake in publicly declaring he believes he has the support of the Prime Minister.
“This has backfired,” one said. “The ball is now squarely in the hands of Mr Christie, who must now come forward and say whether or not he is backing this man.
“The public is anxiously waiting to see if this will be a repeat of Sidney Stubbs, Keod Smith, Kenyatta Gibson, Shane Gibson et, cetera.
“Is this the same Christie of 2002- 2007 or has he actually learned his lesson?”
• See today’s INSIGHT
242 12 years, 6 months ago
The same PGC from day one to now to forever
TalRussell 12 years, 6 months ago
What you talkin bout Tribune...agents of PLP?
Based on your journalistic history from 2007 - 2012 the red shirts didn't even have to bother with small time agents....when your regular "Editorial Contributor" head was so deep into something or up someone.
Judging by their five day old stale bread taste PM Christie's former law partner's writings left in the mouths of your readers, that defied both truth and common sense, him editorials had to have been delivered to you by sail boat directly from Cooper's Town, cause they were so outdated they had your man reaching all the way back into time to times long-past to pick on a dead PM Pindling, and his wife the now deputy governor-general of Bahamaland?…
concernedcitizen 12 years, 6 months ago
Lady P got on the stage and said Ping died broke and the crowd ate it up ..having Tiger on every forign companies board ,D Rolle holding for you in island seafood ,a salary for 25 yrs ,a house built by your supporters ,money from down south ,E Bannister totein to your door ,all the business lic whitey had to buy thru R Brown ,,,,come on Lady P ,but hey the gullible lapped that smack up ,like kittens to cream
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 6 months ago
My Lord Mr. Christie, don't you care about your legacy? Time for you to do something sir, as it is now you are the worst PM the country has ever had. Only you can save your legacy sir, only you can lead, let others do it and your legacy will be that of failure. Forever.
nationbuilder 12 years, 6 months ago
PLP = #epicfail , as always
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