Tribune Staff Reporter
A SECOND police shooting in two days has left a 23-year-old man in the hospital.
According to unconfirmed reports, this is the twenty-third non-fatal police involved shooting of the year.
Police said a 23-year-old man was shot in the arm by police after attempting to escape from custody.
The incident occurred shortly before 1pm yesterday after the suspect, a resident of Baillou Hill Road, attempted to escape officers at the South-Central Police Station.
According to a police source, when officers allowed the suspect to use the bathroom, he pushed them out of the way and ran out of the station.
“The officer got his police service weapon and shot the suspect in the right arm. The officers were able to recapture the suspect with the assistance of concerned citizens,” the source said.
He was in stable condition last night.
On Monday, an 18-year-old St James Road man was shot by officers when he was suspected of breaking into a house.
According to a Police Band member and resident of Reiax Drive, Penny Saving Bank Sub-division, two homes in the area were broken into last week. As a result, the officer had been monitoring the neighbourhood.
While at the back of his home, he heard noises coming from a neighbour’s house and noticed some young men trying to enter a rear door of an unfinished apartment.
Responding to the report of a house burglary in progress, police said they were confronted by the suspect who was armed with a knife.
According to a police source, he was shot in the right side of the abdomen and the left arm while in the bathroom.
Active investigations into both matters continue.
In June, police shot a 23-year-old man after an attempted raid on a Cost Rite store.
Police said they got an anonymous call that two men in dark clothing were entering Town Centre Mall on Baillou Hill and Robinson Road, with what appeared to be bolt cutters.
Officers responded and found the western door of Cost Rite open.
Inside, they saw two men fitting the description armed with an object with bags on their shoulders moving about the store.
When the suspects saw police, they tried to escape, but one was shot in the leg.
When officers checked the bags, they found an assortment of phones, I-Pods and electronic games.
positiveinput 12 years, 6 months ago
Wow 'tribune' might as well had posted a pic of the police band mermber house with his name and picture, and they wonder why the public hesitate to come forward with information.
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