Tribune Staff Reporter
POLICE are requesting the public’s assistance in locating the men responsible for six separate armed robberies over the weekend.
The first incident occurred around 4:10pm on Saturday and resulted in a man being robbed of an iPhone and an undetermined amount of money on arrival at his Gardens Hills home. The second incident reportedly occurred around 11:30pm on Saturday outside a home at Sir Lynden Pindling Estates.
Police say that when the resident arrived at his home he was approached and robbed of his white Kia jeep by two
men, one of whom was armed with a handgun.
On Sunday around 2:30am police say a woman was approached by two men and robbed of an undetermined amount of cash and her cell phone, when she arrived at her Hillside Estate’s home.
A few hours later, around 8:30pm two men were approached by two armed men who demanded cash and robbed them of their jewellery and cell phones. According to reports the men were attending a function at Montagu Beach when the incident occurred.
The final incident occurred around 12:15 am on Monday in the area of Soldier Road.
Police say two men, both armed with handguns entered a business establishment and robbed the cashier of an undetermined amount of money. Police are investigating all matters and are once again appealing to members of the public to always be aware of their surroundings and always be on the alert.
wave 11 years, 11 months ago
Yup, crime rate sure is down now.
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