UPDATE: Police called to BEC headquarters


In response to the withdrawal of labor of the members of The Bahamas Electrical Workers Union (BEWU), The Bahamas Electricity Corporation advises its customers in New Providence and the Family Islands that it has contingency measures in place to ensure that any action on the part of the union does not severely impact the Corporation’s operations.

BEC further informs the public that the action of the junior employees of the Corporation is illegal and; therefore, in breach of the industrial relations agreement and is in direct contravention of the labor laws of The Bahamas.

The Corporation encourages the BEWU that, as with any employee related matter, to employ all legitimate and legal recourse afforded to them through the industrial agreement and the laws of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Although there are instances when the Corporation and the union may disagree on certain matters, at all times BEC encourages the union to ensure that any action they may be considering is not to the detriment of BEC’s customers and by extension the entire country.

Finally, BEC reiterates its commitment to working with the BEWU, or any union, in the best interest of its employees, its customers, and the Corporation.

UPDATE: Police have reportedly been called to BEC's head office as workers demonstrating outside banged on customers' cars as they attmepted to enter the compound.

BEC workers staged a second day of demonstrations this morning by walking off their jobs at the corporation's head office on Blue Hill Road.

The workers blocked the gate at the headquarters, not allowing customers to enter the building.

BEWU president Stephano Greene said he does not support sabotage, but insisted that if the electrical supplies to the island were disrupted workers will not turn it back on.


B_I_D___ 11 years, 11 months ago

Since the union bosses and their minions have thrown the term out there of 'militant' actions, the RBPF and the RBDF should be called in using force to get these militants subdued. Bunch of brainless thugs.

islander242 11 years, 11 months ago

"UPDATE: Police have reportedly been called to BEC's head office as workers demonstrating outside banged on customers' cars as they attmepted to enter the compound."

Animals......If they hit my car I would run them over

Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago

LOL This is Bahamian biggity at its best I must say. BEC workers are OUT OF CONTROL!! Arrest these animals as Islander242 calls them and I have to agree if you threaten me by hitting at my car who's to say you wouldn't break the car window and injure me, run dem over!

I also agree with B_I_D show them militancy, bring in the RBDF!

ayatollah 11 years, 11 months ago

Fire all of there behind what they think this is talking fool about they don't want to work shifts

concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago

FULL SUPPORT FOR LESLIE MILLER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

USAhelp 11 years, 11 months ago

These union guys have been taken all of us for granted get rid of them and hire some new people that want to work.

ethicsleadership 11 years, 11 months ago

I have been listening to news concerning BEC for a few months and am very disturb of the comments being made about the corporation. 1. The government had BEC reduce its rates to the public - no business can stay profitble when expenses increase and the cost is not shared with the public. 2. I agree that the overtime at BEC is extremely high - This has been the case for decades 3. As a quasi corporation its by time a government had the strength to reduce expenses, however in my opinion the Board of the Directors are trying to resolve BEC issues with an autocratic style of management. This style is outdated and not use by any corporation including the Military.

The Board along with the Senior Management team should have agreed on an action plan, set timelines for the completion of each stage of the action plan. Employees and the Unions should be advice of the various steps. Of course employees and the union would not know the intricate details. Not all employees including management and line staff may accept the change positively, and in cases would decide to resist or leave the corporation.

Decision must be made for any entity to survive but we as a leader we do not ridcule the employees in order to get the public support.

The basic rule of life - love your neighbor as yourself

Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago

While your points are well taken. The Board of Directors have involved the union all along the way. The union has been intolerate and uncompromising. I and many people think it is unheard of for a person to not have to pay health insurance or pension, you and I (the Bahamian population) are paying that for them (as the "strength of the government" you refer to) on top of us the consumers having to deal with exorbitant energy prices that cushion their twice and thrice salaries.

Deadlines have been made, but the union and majority of the workers have been uncooperative and their disruptive behavior has Mr. Miller pandering to them in his attempts to be understanding and to keep the peace. This pandering is happening because of what you simply put "love thy neighbor as thy self".

If this were a private company, these shenanigans wouldn't even exist. A deadline for the new changes would be made and they would be implemented by the said date.

Denton 11 years, 11 months ago

My FULL support for LESLIE MILLER, and why didn't the Police immediately arrest those workers who were banging on customers' cars as they attempted to enter the compound? because they think they are beyond the law!

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