Tribune Staff Reporter
NATIONAL Insurance Board Minister Shane Gibson yesterday said there was still no clear-cut indication of when audit reports into the board’s operations will be released to the public or their cost to taxpayers.
He also insisted that the information contained in the highly sensitive reports, which has been said by the minister to be “shocking”, has not been released prematurely.
Mr Gibson said only a select few, including Prime Minister Perry Christie and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, had the chance so far to scrutinise the findings.
Many expect the reports will shed more light on what took place in the months leading up to the leaking of allegations against suspended NIB director Algernon Cargill. Mr Cargill later filed an affidavit making counter claims.
Mr Gibson said: “Let’s put it this way: Nobody has gotten the document to date except maybe three or four individuals. I have not seen anything anywhere that would suggest that any information came out of the documents that I have in my possession.
“Right now we are in the process of having them reviewed and as soon as we have completed our review and received our legal advice then of course we would at some point in time release them.
“I couldn’t tell you for sure when it will be released but I can say it absolutely will be released.”
According to Mr Gibson, officials want to ensure the reports are examined thoroughly by the government before being disseminated.
He hopes that reforms to the NIB Act, as suggested by government contracted Grant Thornton Bahamas, can be drafted by the end of this year.
“We want to make sure that we take a look at all of the recommendations, look at all of the facts that came out of the audit.
“If I had my way, certainly before we break for the summer, we would see some of those proposed amendments in Parliament.
“Unfortunately it’s not always up to me by myself, I have to get the support of my colleagues.
“So once the review is completed, hopefully before the end of this year and maybe even before the end of the summer break we should see some of those amendments made in Parliament,” Mr Gibson said.
wave 11 years, 8 months ago
This statement made midway through his press release, “I couldn’t tell you for sure when it will be released but I can say it absolutely will be released.” Then right at the end he states, “So once the review is completed, hopefully before the end of this year“. Looks like they need the next 8 months to fudge the report to their favor. After all it is going back to 2003, they know many PLP henchmen received “relief benefits” in a form of ”no worry no need to pay my PLP comrade”!
Anyone else drinking their kool-aid?
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