Tribune Freeport Reporter
FREEPORT – Minister for Grand Bahama Dr Michael Darville said a new 150-bed hospital will be constructed on Grand Bahama to meet the demands of both public and private patient care.
Dr Darville admits that there is a bed shortage issue at the Rand Memorial Hospital.
“We are right now doing necessary research for bed space,” he said. “Over the last couple of days, it was reported in the media that an individual had demanded bed space.
“We don’t take that lightly and we are doing necessary research because we are in the planning for a new hospital as we speak,” he said.
Last Wednesday, Grand Bahama Christian Council president Bishop Arnold Pinder called attention to the lack of beds at the hospital.
Bishop Pinder criticised the PLP government for cancelling the former government’s plan to increase bed capacity by transforming the old Freeport Inn Resort, which was purchased for $1.9m as a means of upgrading the Rand.
Dr Darville said the PLP administration is committed to building a state-of- the-art hospital on Grand Bahama.
“In the meantime,” he said, “the Rand is being investigated as it relates to its ability to provide necessary service for in-hospital care.
“One thing we find is that beds in the hospital is an issue, but what is an even more important issue is that when patients arrive that medical service is provided in an appropriate time so we don’t clutter bed space.
“We need to move people very rapidly through the hospital and reduce the cost of delivery of health care.
“The proposed hospital will have 150 beds and will be much larger than the Rand, but it would be a private/public hospital where there would be a private wing at the hospital which is in great demand as well.
“Our research here on GB clearly indicates that there are residents who want to use the service, but (the Rand) does not have private capability. As a result of that, potential business that can stay on the island goes off the island.”
Dr Darville said that speciality and sub-speciality physicians are looking forward to the day when there is private bed space at the hospital so their patients can use its services.
He said the planning for a new hospital is a huge and complicated process.
The hospital, he said, will not just be for Grand Bahama, but will cater to the entire northern region.
He said a great deal of work has been accomplished, and they are now moving into phase two of their planning, consulting physicians with an eye to incorporating state-of-the-art techniques used in world-class hospitals.
“In our charter for governance, we clearly indicated to the residents of GB that this administration will construct a state- of-the-art hospital that will deal with local needs for residents as well as private sector needs.
“A state-of-the-art primary care facility is needed in GB because also in my portfolio there is a clear indication for the relocation of Hawksbill and Lewis Yard, and so we are in discussions of whether the Hawksbill clinic will remain at the present site or whether it will be constructed at a new site.
“There is no question that RMH has outgrown many aspects . . . and we have to be planning for the future. And a new hospital for GB is a plan for this administration going forward,” the minister said.
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago
So just because HAI bought the hotel next door to use as a hospital the PLP refuse to use it simply because it was HAI's idea. Now they say they are going to buld another hospital. Something tells me Freeport will have a bed shortage for at least another 4 years. Right up until the FNM win the landslide victory in 017 and open the hotel as a hospital as originally planned.
This PLP governmetn is shocking! How anyone could support this party is beyond me.
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago
A mother of a freind of mine suffered a severe stroke, no beds, they were told the mother would have to stay in the emergency room until a bed became available. 73 years old and she had to stay in that loud ER with people screaming and nothing but a hectic pace all night. Doesn't sound to good for a 75 year old's recovery, and all the while the hotel next door is sitting idle.
Perry Christie stop with this immature strategy of yours and open the htoel as a hospital...
john33xyz 11 years, 11 months ago
Why didn't Ingraham open it while he was in power? Same with clinic and airport in Abaco - only half-done projects. Mr. Half-Done Ingraham ended up winning less than 1/2 of the seats and so his Party is out of power. That's how it works.
Proud Loud (above) says when FNM wins in 2017 ....... How can anyone vote PLP or FNM in 2017 ???????? If the majority voted them out in 2012 why would they vote them in again 2017? Maybe the same reason the clowns who were voted out in 2007 were voted in again in 2012?
How many years do we plan to rotate the same two sets of clowns around in a circle?
This year is our 40th anniversary as a "free" nation. In that time we have only had 3 (THREE) Prime Ministers. Does that sound like a free nation? In 40 years (5 years each) we could have had 8 PM's. Instead we only got 3 of the potential 8 - that's less than half of the potential for change and democracy.
Now you want to put the FNM back in 2017????????? Then what? Put the PLP back in in 2022 ?
Which one will be up to bat when your grandchildren are old enough to vote? PLP or FNM? Which clinics will be half-done in that year? Which airports will be half-done? How many murders per years will be have?
The DNA offered a candidate in EVERY constituency during 2012. Not ONE was elected to a seat. Yet, Bahamians complain about the PLP and FNM on a daily basis. When it comes time to vote though, Papa and Obeah always come out on top.
Do Bahamians really want change? Are they willing to vote for it? Or are we worried we might run out of things to complain about if we did?
jackflash 11 years, 11 months ago
And I bet you that if they do start to build it will never go out to tender, the same old PLP don't finish the job contractors will get the job and the cookie jar will get raided again and again...
newcomer2012 11 years, 11 months ago
FYI, that hotel is very old and is a maintenance nightmare. It SEEMED like the perfect idea but in actually both parties have played political games with the hospital. If you think buying a broke down hotel right before election and claiming THIS is the going to be the hospital knowing full well the true state of the building is very misleading. Both parties have historically been unable to properly budget a project and stay within that budget. I am happy this was cancelled because it would have only been waist of money to try and "fix up" that hotel because what really needs to be done is the place needs to be demolished. However to demolish and re-build the ROI will probably be to little. Again, I am glad this is one case where we avoided good money being thrown after bad.
john33xyz 11 years, 11 months ago
I'm sure the old broke-down hotel is in no worse condition than the Rand Memorial Horse Spittal.
At the least the old lady mentioned above would have a bed to lay in instead of one of those little hard plastic chairs. Maybe you ought to go to the emergency room and sit your butt in one for 15 hours before you toss opinions.
That so-called hospital is a disgrace to humanity, just like our beloved prison. Yet we call ourselves human beings, and even children of God, and build churches on every street corner.
Keep giving the money to the pastors and let the old ladies drop dead in hard plastic chairs. Why not? We've been doing it for years.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago
when they say private /public ,,it means the treasury wil build a private hospital for PLP doctors to make a fortune ,,,
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago
john33xyz - Surely you are not referring to that failure of a party the DNA? The hotel was bought right before the election, us here in Freeport were happy about that as we have all had the experience I described above. The hotel was in good enough shape and would have made life a lot easier for the hospital and it's patients. THE ONLY REASON PGC DID NOT FOLLOW THRU WAS BECAUSE IT WAS HAI'S IDEA. That is petty and immature, time for PGC to stop pandering the ignorant and do his job.
And please man that group of clowns Bran so hurriedly put together were jokes. It became extremely obvious bran was only interested in hurting the FNM. That was a grudge campaign, nothing else. And there will be no money for the DNA come next election, Knowles and Sands will not throw good money after bad. Roscoe is now FNM and Ben never had a chance in his seat. The DNA will be lucky to field three candidates next time around.
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago
I am willing to bet by next election there will not be a new hospital on GB. Just another of PGC's fake promises...
concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago
there maybe a private hospital for DR Darville built w/ our money ,,lol
kuki12 10 years, 2 months ago
The new 150-bed hospital that will be constructed on Grand Bahama will save lives and will finally meet the demands of public and private patient care. Slowly but surely people are moving from treating ailments to preventing them and prolonging life with natural products like the ones you find on"> . Hopefully this is only the first in a long chain of solutions that minister for Grand Bahama Dr Michael Darville will bring to improve public healthcare.
zinos85 10 years, 1 month ago
It is wonderful to learn that a new hospital is going to be built to meet the health care needs. However, now accessing a healthcare facility in your required location is a simple matter. If you need a nursing facility in Michigan then you can find it at">
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