UPDATES: Chief justice lifts injuction protecting web shops

3.45pm UPDATE: Attorney Wayne Munroe has advised his web shop clients to stay open despite the Chief Justice's decision.

1.23pm UPDATE: Attorney Wayne Munroe is filing an appeal and application for a stay of execution over the Chief Justice's decision.

CHIEF Justice Sir Michael Barnette has lifted the order stopping police from arresting persons in web shops.

The injunction that prevented law enforcement officers taking action against web shop gaming operators, was enforced shortly after the Bahamas voted against legalalising and taxing the industry.

Attorney for Paradise Games, Alfred Sears, told The Tribune that he is meeting with his clients to review the ruling, which he says he has yet to read.

He added that after consulting with them, he will get his instructions on the best course of action.

Alfred Sears and Jeff Lloyd represent Paradise Games. Wayne Munroe is representing Island Game, Island Luck, FML, Asue Draw, Whattfall and Chances.

More on this as it develops.


Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago

Ahhh let the games begin. Pun intended!! Alright government let's see if you are worth your metal in enforcing the law. A law you all disrespected with the disgrace of a referendum.

TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago

The numbers "bosses" high-priced lawyers should now have no doubt, that unlike the PLP cabinet, Comrade Chief Justice Sir Michael was ready give their numbers rackets clients an early Tuesday morning wake-up headache. They have tested the learned CJ and now got's their answer, that this is one judge who is prepared to discharge his judicial responsibilities, to restore the peoples votes.

What a wonderful day for Bahamaland when the Comrade CJ demonstrates that his high court can deliver rulings and do it in a swift manner, with integrity and impartiality.

Now, we will watch to see if the Attorney General and the Commish will likewise honour the votes of the people, and be as swift as they were with dispatching the policeman's to arrest and charge Comrade Rodney?

Shouldn't be hard to find them numbers shops, being there is one them operations located right across from the Supreme Court?

Let them spend all the legal fees millions they want, appealing all way up to the Privy Council, but with all their damn numbers selling rackets doors ... padlocked.

A great day when the bells of justice are loudly ringing across our Bahamaland.




bismark 11 years, 8 months ago

Commissioner,you now have to enforce the law,those web shop operators are nothing but a bunch of parasites feeding on the backs of poor people,because that's who usually buy numbers,a number house is on every corner in the inner city,i don't see any in the upscale areas ,they take advantage,selling dreams what never materializes "everybody wins" ? that's bullsh....t the only person wins is the number house,now that money could go to feeding some neglected child or pay whatever bill they have instead of giving it to those thieves portraying themselves as legitimate business men.

twinboy 11 years, 8 months ago

they are not taking anything frm the poor if u have ur rent money or bills money n decided to take a chance with it then thats on you....ppl who dnt gamble dnt take care there bills or kids so whats the point

nowonder 11 years, 8 months ago

OK now how long will it take before the first arrest ??

Any one want to BET !!!!

headlightman 11 years, 8 months ago


lazybor 11 years, 8 months ago

are appeals still valid in this country? let's see what happens...http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

realfreethinker 11 years, 8 months ago

The police can take action . unless the judge stays his decision until an appeal is heard or the court of appeal give an emergency stay. The commish is free to do his job, but I am not sure he has the will.

bismark 11 years, 8 months ago

lets see who run the country,the police or the number men?

B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago

Silly Bismark...the police provide protection for the web shops and frequent the shops to play their numbers...LOL ;-) There may be a few token arrests to make it look like something is being done but they will be swept under the rug over time while everyones memory of this fiasco fades to a distant memory and things return to business as usual.

bismark 11 years, 8 months ago

thanks for waking me up,i forgot we are in the land of do whatcha wanna do

twinboy 11 years, 8 months ago

now the christain counsel will start making noise again but where were they wen those person died in police coustody.....number houses employ plenty ppl if these ppl were to lose there job who is going to help them, i no for sure none of u who are rejoicing well help

Logic_wru 11 years, 8 months ago

If you dont buy numbers with your money you worked for why would you spend so much time trying to stop others from going to web shops - people should be allowed to spend their money how they see fit as long as their not hurting people or destroying property

tireofthemiserablelife 11 years, 8 months ago

Thats right...i should be able to do what ever i wan with my money....let me see if the christine counsel gen help find a job for these workers.....

TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago

Comrades when an argument is made that we should be allowed to engage in anything we damn well wish and without regard to any law, there can be none more cheerful in Bahamaland, than the numbers "bosses" and their team of high-priced legal eagles, to discover that they have such proponents, rushing to the pages of The Tribune, more than eager to also present their most ridiculous arguments.

If there is no selling of numbers go'in on behind the darkened windows of the web shops, then the policeman's ain't coming to lock up you, your employers or your customers. Your legal web shop business will not be padlocked.

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