Tribune Senior Reporter
NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said the police force has enough personnel to shut down web shops if that is the final order from the courts.
However, he said, he could not say what the police force presently plans to do with the web shops after the Chief Justice lifted a conservatory order that prevented the government from shutting down their operations.
Dr Nottage said while he speaks to Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade every day, they have not yet discussed a strategy with regard to web shops.
“No, we haven’t spoken about shutting down the web shops, that’s not my job,” said Dr Nottage.
“It’s not the minister’s job to tell the commissioner how to do his job.”
He insisted that the police will have to wait for a court order and advice from the Attorney General before moving forward, telling the media yesterday that he does not need to tell the police what to do.
“The police force will act in accordance with the law, full stop,” Dr. Nottage said.
“I’m not a policeman. The law is the law.
“Firstly they have to be provided with the order and they have to get the advice of the Attorney General.”
The injunction that stopped police from shutting down web shops was enforced shortly after the Bahamas voted against legalising and taxing the industry.
Wayne Munroe, the attorney for several web shops, filed an appeal and a stay of execution on the decision to drop the injunction. However, he said that in the interim it would be in the best interest of his clients for the government to shut them down, rather than them closing voluntarily.
TalRussell 11 years, 11 months ago
True, the PLP cabinet may have had good reasons to be smiling in this earlier photo, but let me tell them something they need to hear. The word on the streets is that the very natives who voted them back into office, are-beginning to get restless with them. And, that is the truth.
Tell us minister if you as the minister delegated to discuss police matters with the Commish ain't talk'in to him about the numbers rackets business, then who in the hell within the PLP government is tak'in to the Commish?
Maybe the public needs to better understand your thinking, by you telling us if you had felt it important enough to have discussed the arrest of Comrade Rodney, for if I am not mistaken is a mere misdemeanor which falls under Section 490 of Bahamaland's Penal Code, but not about organizations in full view of policemen's who are running afoul of Bahamaland's gambling laws? Minister it's important we know these things.
Tell us minister how do you expect those of us who stuck our necks out to fight for PM Christie to be given another chance at governing feel, when others have good reasons to remind us of how the PLP ain't behaving any better than they did as a government from 2002 to 2007? Badly embarrassed as hell is how we feeling.
My how the PLP cabinet have worked relentlessly to portray the new Christie administration as a team of elected officials who lacks the will to move against the numbers "bosses?" Maybe the media have been right all along in their reporting about the deep connections between the PLP party and the numbers "bosses?"
Comrades I done said my piece and without any fare or political favoritism.
And, all the Church people's said, Amen!…
Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago
TalRussell I am proud of your bipartisan assessment as I know how hard that must have been for you to call out your beloved PLP brethren.
The only thing I will add is that Bahamians need to stop saying, "well we need to give so and so a chance" This chance mentality is exactly what that word means a chance. Would you take a chance with your life or a guarantee with your life? And yes, nothing is guaranteed, but everything with the PLP is a chance. As many of us are now learning that chance initially is not thought to affect you directly, but the life of the country affects as all individually on some level.
For those that voted DNA, again I will say it, voting for a 3rd party that will never become elected makes no sense to me. Protest should be done vocally in the form of letters or protest, but NEVER in the voting booth, that is sensible democracy. A reminder, we live under a parliamentary system, the majority of seats will win the PM seat! This is how our government works, please remember that the next time you wish your vote to have a "say".
B_I_D___ 11 years, 11 months ago
The more they speak, the more laughable they become. Trying to remember a single article lately where a PLP official spoke where I did not just hang my head in shame to call them the governing party. At least I can stand proud in the fact that I sure as heck did not vote for them to be in power. For those of you who did vote for them, you reap what you sow. How many more years we have of this foolishness?
realfreethinker 11 years, 11 months ago
What does the commish have to wait for the injunction has been lifted, there is no stay of the cj's ruling so how can they say the commish have to wait for the ag this is crap
nowonder 11 years, 11 months ago
needs his payday
TalRussell 11 years, 11 months ago
Comrades despite my criticisms leveled at PM Christie, most of us remain steadfast in knowing enough truth about those red shirts, not to want to ever again trust them with the instruments of government, and guess what we are not going to change our opinions about them.
But what exactly is the real truth about this PLP administration is not as clear? Oh yes, on these here Tribune pages, on any given day, there is a blizzard of different answers to that puzzling question, ranging anywhere from they're just plain dumb, reckless to being corruptible?
Fact is no real evidence as to why they do what they do has ever been presented for readers to take seriously. Too many offer their own version of the truth but with nothing to suggest it is the real truth. And, just because you come on here and say things against PM Christie, don't expect readers to jump to believe what you post?
Comrades stay steadfast to your all but finished red shirts party and I'll still look upon you as my Dear political Comrades. But I won't in my lifetime seek out a membership in what still remains, the Hubert party.…
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago
Is there anyway possible we the people can get rid of this government? Our country cannot afford this party right now, the potential damage that can be caused by their ineptitude and apathy is staggering. The world is still in deep financial turmoil, this lousy group of amatuers are going to cause us way too much damage. We have to get the PLP out of office as early as humanly possible.
stillwaters 11 years, 11 months ago
IronVelvet, if I want to vote DNA, I have every right, no matter what you think!!!! Thank God for that. BJ is an artful dodger, skillful ducker, and pitiful minister!!!!!!!!
PKMShack 11 years, 11 months ago
Just worthless, he and the police chief need to be fired, and take Christie too. Does anyone know how the people can force an early election? These people taking our money and no one wants to do their job. No work = no pay.
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