Tribune Staff Reporter
FNM leader Hubert Minnis yesterday called for the immediate closure of illegal gambling and lottery operations, as law enforcement have more than enough justification to take action.
Mr Minnis blasted police chief Ellison Greenslade and the government for “inordinate delay” following Chief Justice Michael Barnett’s decision to lift an interlocutory order that protected gaming web shops.
The party is lobbying for the immediate closure of all illegal gaming operations through the execution of search warrants to confiscate all “computer terminals, servers and ATM machines” used to facilitate transactions occurring at web shops or in private homes.
Crown attorneys Lauren Klein, Darren Henfield, Darcell Williamson and Melissa Wright-Knowles, moved to have the January 30 court order lifted in a hearing before the Chief Justice a week ago.
They argued that operators had themselves admitted they were engaging in gaming and that such activities went outside of what they were licensed to do as web shop cafe operators.
However, attorneys for the plaintiffs noted that the Crown did not dispute that there was a meeting between the operators and the Ministry of Finance in April 2010 when full disclosure of their operations was made to the government and their licenses were renewed.
On April 10, Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett ruled that “the police must be allowed to enforce the law unless and until the law has been declared to be invalid.”
Concern has been raised that the Christie administration is attempting to dodge the issue of shutting down web shops as it appears that no one in government wants to take on the job of enforcing the law.
Following the January referendum on web shop gaming, Prime Minister Perry Christie had announced that all web shops must close with immediate effect.
On Wednesday, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said that although he was certain that the police force has enough personnel to do whatever needed to be done with web shops, he could not say what the plans were.
He said that it was not his job to direct the police chief, adding that officials would have to wait for the advice of Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson before making a decision on the way forward.
Last week in response to public calls for the police to take action and shut down number houses everywhere, Mr Greenslade told The Tribune that the Force is now conducting a probe to see if web shop owners are deviating from the clauses of operation allowed in their business licenses.
He also said he would not discuss how, when or what tactics the police would use to carry out the clampdown.
Yesterday, Mr Minnis said: “It is now the job of Mr Greenslade to do his best to enforce the law; to stop making what sounds like lame excuses, and to stop trying to anticipate the legal challenges which people who are breaking the law may try to raise. Let lawyers do the job of lawyers while you, Mr Commissioner, do the job for which we believe you to be fully qualified and capable, namely prevent crime, including ‘white collar and computerized gambling’ crimes.”
Wayne Munroe, the attorney for several web shops, has filed an appeal and a stay of execution on the decision to drop the injunction.
Mr Munroe said that in the interim it would be in the best interest of his clients for the government to shut them down, rather than them closing voluntarily.
In an interview with Tribune Business, he said that if the Government chooses to act on the Chief Justice’s ruling it could set itself up for further legal action at the cost of taxpayers.
Mr Munroe is representing Island Game, Island Luck, FML, Asue Draw, Whattfall and Chances.
tireofthemiserablelife 11 years, 8 months ago
why is there so much focus on shutting down the web shops, there are all kinds of illegal activities going on within the BAHAMAS and there is also the crime rate, no jobs, people having no place to live, some people still living without light, water and no food, but yet we are focus on shutting down the web shops, which employ people....we need to focus on the right thing and get are act together. Instaed of always seeing the wrong the Goverment is doing, why dont they (PLP/FNM) work together so we all can make the BAHAMAS a better place to live (but i guess thats asking to much)....and am sure Mr. Greenslade knows his job and dont need nobody telling him how the do it, (unlike some)
positiveinput 11 years, 8 months ago
Just say that the web shops do get shut down immediately. Providing that the employees of such establishment were having National Insurance Fees deducted, would they immediately receive unemployment benefits to sustain their families. Many argue that Bahamians need to be protected from the dangers that can occur from gambling along with the laws that are being 'violated'. So in that sense (Mr. Minnis) lets look at the dangers of driving a motor vehicle. From a teenager one is able to receive a permit to do so and in some/many cases driving laws are violated which causes property damage, medical damage/bills or even loss of life. Following the same reason gambling houses should be shut down, why not stop the import of vehicles and remove the deadly motor vehicles from our streets. Bottom line, IT LOGICALLY DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago
In shutting down the webshops it reinforces the following of the law that in our Bahamian society is too commonly felt to be "do what you like". This while it may seem trivial is also showing that all laws should be followed and any breach of them will be taken seriously.
When the sentiment is driven home to Bahamians that all laws are to be respected hopefully that thought will also transcend into the laws that deal with violent infractions.
It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, it is the law and there is a proper place and protocol one must follow to oppose it.
Again, the employment argument holds no water for me. I don't care if you are employing thousands, illegal is illegal. And it also stands that while those people should have never sought illegal work in the first place, they sure have had ample time to try and secure legal employment since the decision of the referendum. This was inevitable. While the job market is tough right now, those people should have been looking.
TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago
Bahamians could be expected to listen to the new Comrade Leader of the red shirts, had he as a member of Hubert's inner cabinet circle, spoken out against the selling of numbers?
Truth is one of the arguments made by the attorneys for the numbers "bosses," is that during their meeting with his regime, they were left with the expectation that since the cabinet was prepared to reverse its decision not to continue to renew their web shop licenses, that it was a sign that all was well with what they were doing?
Bahamians also remember that as the former minister of health in the previous red shirts regime, he did little worthy of mention to improve the medical facilities and services of our islands. Pilots and citizens are still risking death in the emergency landing and takeoff of medical flights.
i remind the Comrade Leader, that it was also his regime's idea to buy a broke down Hotel in Freeport, with nothing more than a election promise of converting it into a hospital?
I am shocked that the attorneys for the numbers "bosses" have not yet asked the courts to force the present PLP government, to produce the actual minutes of what was said at those meetings?…
Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago
Now, now TalRussell, I have to remind you that Dr. Minnis, when he was Minister of Health, was responsible for instituting what will be soon known as Telemedicine so that the Family Islands could have access to health services that are financially limiting due to cost of flights, and also increasing the accuracy and access to determine who needs to be seen on an emergent basis. This particularly has a lot to do with diagnostic capability. Many things were done.
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 8 months ago
I wish the PLOP would have followed thru with the hotel idea. Too many people having to sleep in the ER because there are no beds. I don't know where this nonsense about the htoel being run down. Aint a thing wrong with that building! PGC and his group needs to open that hotel up as a hospital IMMEDIATELY and stop acting like children. So what if it was an FNM idea? Open the damned thing now. Even if the PLP is planning to build a new hospital (yeah right) they can still use the hotel until their hospital is open.
IloveBahamas 11 years, 8 months ago
Beautifully said IRONVelvet! The law of the land must be followed! As for the jobs again, the number of people that "they" said were employed went from 1000 and something to ?. Rrriighht. Another spineless argument. The isssue goes deeper than jobs, deeper than the so called "oppression" of Bahamian people.!Think about the millions of dollars that are siphoned into the big boy's pockets and compare that to the monies that they pay their employees and invest back into the country. Peanuts I tell you! So how much we as a country really gaining? I will leave that for another day another forum! This here is simply about following through....following through on your word, and your agenda. The referendum was held on the basis that the government wanted to make a ruling on an issue based on the consensus. The referendum revealed what the people wanted. This occurrence in addition to the present laws and the KNOWN Reality of the web shops function all leads to one thing.....
prioritiesinorder 11 years, 8 months ago
I am certain that Sol and Sarkis must find this whole episode amusing. Here it is the government of the bahamas is fighting a few number businessmen over what is almost a century old custom and on the other hand the government helps subsidize foreigner doing the exact same thing. Then there is the Christian Council who decided when the Pindling government was first considering casino gambling that a compromise would be to allow gambling but to not allow bahamians to gamble. Like these lawyers say with wigs in court---I put it to you members of the clergy that your opposition is not really sincere because if you truly felt that there was something demonic about gambling you would not want our American and European guests to partake on this soil. Its like saying crack is bad but we will allow you to sell it just as long as you dont sell it to bahamians. Take it a step further you would not take money from any members who work in casinos. A few months ago some of these same clergymen were fighting for the right to bless bahamar biggest casino in the region. Then there is the police. We live in a country where there are literally hundreds of murderers out on bail, some on bail for three and four murderers n you are telling me we should have the police hiding in bushes with binoculars trying to catch mama rolle putting in her 3ball. Some people thought this was gonna give them points with the Lord but I doubt
prioritiesinorder 11 years, 8 months ago
N i am certain that if these number men were white men we would not even be having this discussion. I find it amusing when I hear the argument that the only people who are getting rich are the owners. Well if they took the risk and put up the money then who should really benefit. have u ever walked in kellys and said my god only kelly one benefitting from kellys.Aside from the jobs I would challenge anyone to compare the charitable contributions of these numbermen to any other business in the country. I see it different. i see young black men who through creativity took an almost century old custom to another level and became bosses in a town. And when I say boss I am not talking about the sopranos I am talking about young men who employ hundreds of people. How many families do you feed daily?
TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago
Comrade how in the hell can you come on here and dare to compare a legitimate and legal business operation, such as the Kelly's with as you put it, "black" men's operations, who I should point out that the records on file with the government, do not reflect that they are paying into the National Insurance Board, for the vast majority of the some 4,000 Bahamians that they have claimed to be employing? Truthfully, the numbers ain't adding up in they favour?
The Chief Justice should've asked their high-priced lawyers who wasting the courts time, why the NIB numbers ain't adding up?…
Individual 11 years, 8 months ago
I dont see what all the confusion is all about. Their business license in itself is invalid. Its always been. In fact, it became null and void from the first gambling operation conducted by the facility. So one does not have to prove that they are doing illegal stuff now...simply show that they did gambling there ever! There was legal reason to raid them, confiscate their stuff and shut them down after the referendum...but no evidence now? I give up dread...
concernedcitizen 11 years, 8 months ago
I,m not totally againts numbers , i think people have to be responable for them selves and i wish goverment was getting the revenue from taxing it .Having said that , the population voted no ,the court has sided with the ruling ,now the AG has to call the Minister of national security and Commish and instruct them to go ahead and begin arresting the gentleman who on video have admitted to breaking the law , if not law and order no longer live in our Bahamaland .
SP 11 years, 8 months ago
Would someone please shut up the jackass in Hubert Minnis!
bigdee 11 years, 8 months ago
itas so funny the FNM was in power why did not they get straight then no goverment wanted to touch it why because when election times come up both major parties get funding from the number bosses so i say to PLP and THE WORTH less FNM leave it alone if they employ over 100 jobs from those jobs come at least 50 more because of those 100 jobs all the prime minster need to do is go into house assembly and pass the law because shutting them down is not the answer we need get some of those pastors out the church who robing the poor people and living high of the tites and offerings and broken up people homes PASTORS stop living a rich life ok they know what they are i love god i like the church but i dont like what goes on into some of them be real bahamas
SP 11 years, 8 months ago
Mr. Minnus needs to apologize to the Bahamian people for his FNM party leading the country to the present unprecedented unemployment and fiscal condition.
The FNM destroyed the country and are acting like everything was O.K. under their watch. Not one word from the FNM on their total abysmal failure that wrecked our country.
Imagine what would have happened to the Bahamas if we were stupid enough to vote them in again….
The FNM is the official proven party of stupid....SHUT UP MINNIs!
Ironvelvet 11 years, 8 months ago
Ummm, not to be rude, but do you only follow the musings of your own mind? The Bahamas as the REST OF THE WORLD underwent a global recession over the last few years. If you ask me, you should thank the FNM government for leading us and allowing us to hold on at the level that we have. I have many American friends who were laid off and haven't worked in 4 years!
For a country that depends on someone else from another country spending their dollar on us, The Bahamas has held its own. These are hard times GLOBALLY and if I must say the Bahamas has done its fair share and better than most.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 8 months ago
well said , i can understand party loyalty ,but not admitting their was a world wide recession when every news agency talked about it every night for 4 years, and we came out of it with a lot less debt ratio to gdp than most countrys i.ON top of that we didn,t lay off any civil servants..its like denying the holocost ,when some one denies the holocost or the great recession you know they are an ass or mentally ill
noelleattlaw 11 years, 8 months ago
The FNM Leader and many other politicians are delusional. Did the referendum teach them nothing. Gambling is a non issue for majority of Bahamians, hence the low voter turnout. Our leaders still have no vision, they are propagating 1980 issues to arouse the masses into a insular cause. When everyday were bathing in dirty water, our electricity supply is paged with load shedding and our phone system is not worth the fiber-cable that it runs across. We are third world, and yet our politicians are talking out using police resources to shut down a business that operates on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Not a possibility my friends. When are we going to become proactive instead of reactive. You know these things is are the cause of our brain drain in the country, because sensible people cant take silly S**t.
rp242 11 years, 8 months ago
Reading these comments makes me realize why the Government of the Bahamas feels like they don't owe us (the people) any answers to our questions or concerns about things/ issues of our country.
Right is right and Wrong is wrong!!! This isn't about PLP or FNM, Red or Gold. It's about Illegal activities and the law being enforced.
If they found operations to be illegal when the Webshops/ Gaming houses were raided. How come now they can't find cause to close them down? How is it after hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on Consultants and a Referandum, can the Prime Minister and the Commissioner say they can't close the Webshops down until they found iilegal activities. This government has "US" for Stupid clearly. All kind of money going down the drain to continue operating as if their was no campaigning and voting.
Now instead of important matters that need to be put before the courts, We have Webshop owners and their Lawyers fighting the law to continue operating their businesses. When criminals are walking free or getting fat off the tax payers monies. Or better yet, Police Commissioner can come on television demanding that indecent pictures or videos not be upload onto Social Media. That he an investigate and charge persons before the courts. But the illegal activities done in plain sight, every day, on almost every corner, he finds the most foolish excuse to not enforce the law.
This is sad Bahamas.We are sad as a Nation.
Because this Gaming issue shows how the Government feels about us as a people. It seems like what ever they say goes. What ever they do is right. Despite which party is elected. It's time to open our eyes and look beyond the color shirts of the Political Parties and the issues in our Society!!!!
vinceP 11 years, 8 months ago
Minnis is a Damn Fool to the highest degree, and what makes him look more stupid is his useless contributions in the House of Assembly. This jack ass simply opposes everything that the Government does, just to oppose. He is useless, and will not make a good PM. If the FNM wants to get back in power, they better get rid of that jack ass, and replace him with perhaps Loretta Butler Turner. I really hope that my Bahamian people are paying attention to this HEARTLESS jackass.
USAhelp 11 years, 8 months ago
Not sure why this unlawful numbers houses seem to always become a political issue. CLOSE THDM DOWN NOW :-(
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