JUST IN: Court of Appeal judges dismiss web shops' appeal

The application filed by attorneys representing web shops was just dismissed by the Court of Appeal.

The attorneys filed an appeal to have an injunction reinstated after the Chief Justice lifted it last week.

The injunction prevented police taking action against web shop gaming operators.

The Court of Appeal judges adjourned court for 10 minutes to make a decision on the application by web shop.


PKMShack 11 years, 11 months ago

What will be the response now = There won't be none so don't be surprised or disapointed. Their track record is poof enough.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago

Shall we now enforce the law?

TalRussell 11 years, 11 months ago

Maybe The Tribune Publisher can be kind to Bahamalnd, by making sure the PM and his minister of national security are rushed copes of this now "second" outright rejection of the numbers "bosses" outlandish arguments, to stall the peoples "It's A No" Vote. Not a bad idea to furnish them with copies, being both these men's been talk'in likes they know nothing about anything to do with numbers?

Comrades the Justices must be thinking; Look fellows we know you get deep pockets to pay legal fees, but isn't all of this starting to become a touch ridiculous?

Whats next, give an urgent shout-out to Queer Liz?


ayatollah 11 years, 11 months ago

Three strikes I think there out come on commish do your job

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 11 months ago

Think Greenslade's investigation might take about 4 more years....

Hollie 11 years, 11 months ago

The Government and Yellow Police commissioner will do absolutely nothing! They know who these guys are but nothing will be done.

What has happened to the Flowers case. He was convicted of selling numbers He appealed. His government came in power and the case has now disappeared.

The police seem to be giving the numbers men enough time to remove any evidence and to get their money out of the country.

jackflash 11 years, 11 months ago

Good Idea Tal,

They will now take it to the Privy Consol in London,

Boy that must drag on for about ten years......

Observer 11 years, 11 months ago

But if the activities of the web-shops are legal, then an 'injunction' is not necessary.

jackbnimble 11 years, 11 months ago

Too funny! Can't wait to see how this turns out!

leeza 11 years, 11 months ago

Man its obvious that the PLP has Mr. Greenslade's hands tied the police can not act and will not act unless they get the Okay from Minister of National Security. So this is going to be interesting.

gkeato 11 years, 11 months ago

If the Government wants gambling they could do it themselves, there is no need for a 3rd party. Lotteries all around the world are run by Governments, but when they do all the money stays in Government when it from outside parties, it can end up anywhere, even in the hands of crooked politicians

John 11 years, 11 months ago

The Web Shops fell down onthe referundum because they were so sure the vote to legalise them would pass. They should have insisted that the question whether casino gambling should be allowed in the Bahamas be included and then the government would have to act accordingly, depending on how the people voted.

USAhelp 11 years, 11 months ago

I guess we will now need a consultant to study this.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago

wiil it be english ,or south african like the referendum or canadian like the mold in the PM office ,,bahamians first ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

TalRussell 11 years, 11 months ago

Comrades even before the Appeal Court Justices "dismissed" the web shop appeal I had this picture in me head of them passing around to each other a copy of Act 2 of Shakespeare's play, as a motivation tool to articulate for the average Bahamian to understand, their reasoning behind the courts "outright rejection" of the numbers "bosses" appeal: - Shakespeare - "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once."

You listening PM, minister of the security and you PLP cabinet members? Tak'in action to respect the peoples "It's A No" Vote, is something the people believe you to fear?


bismark 11 years, 11 months ago

The people have voted no,the court has dimissed the appeal it is now time for the relevant authorities to do their jobs and stop making excuses.The government created this mess,if they had taken responsibility for it in the first place none of this back and forth wold have been going on,the only people who will feel is the people who work there,dont mind those hogs"number bosses"bout they care about jobs,they don't care about nobody but themselves

TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 11 months ago

I have never gambled in my life and never plan to. But I think this has a whole lot to do with a lot of folks being so self-righteous and overly holy. I am a Christian and I say if the people want to gamble, they should have a choice. God gave us all the gift of free will. It doesn't mean that all of the decisions we make will be right or good. Some people are sweethearting, fornicating, lying, stealing time and money from their employers but just because this one sin is not the one they are doing, they want to have the loudest voice. It's just like same sex marriage. They could get married a hundred times down here. It's what's recorded in heaven that's an accurate report. It's what God requires of us that will matter. That's their choice to do what they want to do or to do what is right. Whether it's the law or not, God is the ultimate authority.

As for this gambling thing, I see so many religious leaders coming together for an all out war against the numbers houses. I have even heard some of them bash the leader of this country with such venomous indignation and self -righteousness. He is still the leader of the country and should be treated with respect no matter how you feel. But I want to see the religious leaders galvanize themselves in the same manner which they did to address the gambling issue, to put on a same type march in support of stiffer penalities for child rapists i.e. pedophiles - rapists period. There is no way these guys should see the light of day ever again to come out and rape somebody-else's child...case and point: the ugly boy who is on trial now for Marco's murder. They just need to get Life in prison. I'll support a march for stiffer penalities for those monsters.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago

some of the people who voted no buy numbers , they thought we could curry Gods favour ,,,we really believe we our more blessed cuase we go round sayin we are a christian nation ,,do the christians think their god doesn,t see the gay preachers ,the ones sweethearting ,the ones preaching "someone againts you but if you give me some money you,ll be blessed" our blessing was Castro taking over Cuba and americans can,t visit there ,,that soon going end

John 11 years, 11 months ago

The soultion is still a simple one. The webshop operators have to bring a lawasuit of discrimination. Why is one set of people allowed to gamble in the Bahamas while another group of people are not? Why is one set of people allowed to own casinoes /gambling houses in the Bahamas while another segment (of society) is barred from operation and ownership? Why was one set of people granted licenses to operate casinoes in the Bahamas, based on a cabinet decision, while another set of Bahamians are denied the opportunity to operate web shops based on public opinion alone?. " When a government has to rely on public opinion to make decisions,then that government has * lost* its ability to govern."

PKMShack 11 years, 11 months ago

One phone call to BTC and Cable Bahamas and all the gaming website domains can be blocked and the numbers game is over. How hard is that. No raiding webshops, no need to enter homes no need for police to burn an ounce of man power. Maybe no one in Government knows how to make the call......Dummies.

albala 10 years, 10 months ago

I see no reason for any other decision from the judge! Everything seems to be just a publicity stunt!

Marc 10 years, 8 months ago

The web shops make a great deal of money online, it's no wonder they want the injunction back in place. They should check out the bails options on http://bail-2-go.com/bail-process/">http://bail-2-go.com/, they might need them since the police could get to them anytime now.

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