UPDATE: Police deny students access to the House of Assembly

10:45am COB Union of Students president Ernesto Williams told The Tribune that the students have a right to sit in the House of Assembly.

Police have said that they "received information" and have been instructed not to let the students into the House.

10:25am COB students who went down to the House of Assembly were told by police that they would not be allowed to sit in on the House proceedings. They were ordered to gather on the northern side of Rawson Square.

Prime Minister Perry Christie arrived at the House and told the students he could not speak to them, as he had to attend Parliament.

Police officers are out in force in Rawson Square this morning as protestors from The College of the Bahamas are expected to gather in the front of the House of Assembly to demand the reversal of proposed fee increases.

More on this story as it develops.


Guy 11 years, 11 months ago

This is unbelievable and speaks to the level of respect the youth of this nation can expect from our current leaders.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago

The students are right, they do have a right to sit in the House of Assembly, disrupting proceedings is another story. The police are supposed to only act when something like that happens.

The number of protests Rawson Square has seen speaks to the unhappiness of the people. Oh PM Christie, your ankle biters are waiting for leadership.

shortpants 11 years, 11 months ago

We Believe in Bahamians. What a bunch of liars .They never gave a damm about the youths of this nation. They made sure their families were well protected . We need to come out in full force as Bahamians and let them feel the wrath .... These bunch of jokers and clown,Bahamians we need to get together before they bring us down .They have nothing to show since coming to power NOTHING but mess .Bahamians like promises ..You'll need to learn to read and stop listening to the noise in the market that's what have us in this mess with these low down dirty scoundrels .NOTHING going forward only backwards .We as a country needs leaders with vision Hubert was taking us there but no we could not wait I think we would have been further on ,We wanted promises only a comfort to a fool. Bahamians don't like change but wants the best . Read Bahamas Read ..and than no one will have to promise you anything you make the right choice when the time come ,all over the world countries were feeling the pressure ,Hubert let all those public servants keep there jobs but he still was not good enough to continue making the right choices for us we would rather live on promises.

justice4all 11 years, 11 months ago

Bahamians needs to stop complaining, am tired of it...all we do is complain and no action...If the Prime minister and his officials is not doing noting and just causing more harm for the Bahamian people and many others in this country, then we need to make a stand. Everyone needs to make a stand and stand we shall all do, to get him and his officials out, if we want a change, change is not going to come with complaining, actions speaks louder than words. Bahamians there is no time for talks let us Reunite and Stand.

dacy 11 years, 11 months ago

SHORTPANTS, we got the government we deserve, with our ungrateful impatience selves!

ohdrap4 11 years, 11 months ago

I will not comment on the student's right to enter the House of Assembly-- this is an issue for the citizenry at large.

But, they are fighting for the right to PARK???? They are rich!!! They have cars!!! Let them eat cake!!!!

The schools in the USA, when faced with decreased govt funding, made up for it in fees, and at Worcester State Univerity, the students pay a $72 a year pedestrian fee, yes a fee for walking.

Tuition fees are not the largest proportion of student's school bills in many cases.

The technology fees happen because technology is very expensive and gets obsolete by the day. Schools allowed them selves to be hijacked and blackmailed by Learning Management Systems and other softwares. Why don't the students protest the technology by giving up their g4's for a week?

It is also surreal to see the COB unionists backing the students-- they forget that they negotiate constant salary increases and allowances for themselves, while only working 12 hours a week. Costs could be reduced if they taught more and if their "research" projects were subject to topics which increase revenue at the college. Administrators could also sign up for salary reductions.

justice4all 11 years, 11 months ago

Mister, we are talking about the Bahamas here and not the United States....That is the main thing I can't stand when people compare this little Island to the United States...Our maintenance here is so high, food, clothes, utilities bills, rents, mortgage, not to mention low income pay, so please stop comparing us.

Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago

I only commented above on their rights as citizens. However, I agree that what they are protesting is ridiculous. The tuition needs to go up as well. Its the only way to increase the level of teaching there anyway, that is if they want to increase resources and better professors. If you can't afford it, go work and save your money.

shanice 11 years, 11 months ago

lol as a cob student i don't mind paying more. the problem is i just find there to be a problem when u have students being attacked,robbed or raped on campus: classes with no ceilings in them(look in the S block) security guards hitting on girls instead of doing their jobs,computers that are not working within the school and only 4 printers on the whole entire campus. They've had years to invest millions of dollars into improving the college.Also alot of the students drive their parents cars or own some bubbla they paid for by working.

eabrown95 11 years, 11 months ago

Your comment is incorrect to the situation, many Cob students do not, and I repeat do not have a car. I can speak I walk and catch to class in the rain, sun, and cloudy weather, i don't have a ride, and i think it's unfair for me to be paying for something I do not use.

MartGM 11 years, 11 months ago

I understood from both the press release and what has been issued to news outlets is that only Students who park on campus will be paying a parking fee. I would think that means every car that is parked on campus will have a decal or a sticker and those without will be towed.

bjwoodside 11 years, 11 months ago

Why are you generalizing? I'm rich? Please show me these funds and this car that you claim I own. Please get real. The majority of COB student's do not own cars and a lot of them struggle to obtain funds for tuition.

Lockhart 11 years, 11 months ago

Bahamians want the world...For Free...Sad state this country is in

TruthorDare 11 years, 11 months ago

It is not that Bahamians want the world for free we simply want to see what we are paying for. How long has the College of The Bahamas needed development?.....from I began in 2009 nothing has changed. We are not complaining about the increase in fees instead we are comparing it to the rotten service and it just does not add up.

MartGM 11 years, 11 months ago

Nothing has changed because they haven't increased fees in many many years. The money you pay barely covers utility fees and staff salaries (if they even cover them at all).

TruthorDare 11 years, 11 months ago

*To whom much is given much is expected!!!!!!!!*

Browneyez89 11 years, 11 months ago

What I do not understand is that persons are on this page commenting about fees needing to go up? Do you attend the College of the Bahamas? I think not, because if you did, you would not agree. The College of the Bahamas wants to raise fees and service is poor. Also, if the economy of the Bahamas is in a rough state, who told them that the students of COB could afford the raise? If you do not know what is going on in COB, I suggest that you keep your comments to yourselves because you are not helping the situation at all. By the way, this is the Bahamas not the United States.

MissKay242 11 years, 11 months ago

There is proper procedure for such thing. The Administration of COB knew what their plans were long before. Many individuals are attending COB because they can not afford it. They should have inform students well in advance and stop sending emails at 12am in the morning so many student disregard. SCANDAL! .. & all the idiots comparing The Bahamas to the USA please stop! ... the "walking fees" .. the government maintains all facilities and if injured on a public street... that is covered by the government. NON OF WHICH OCCURS IN THE BAHAMAS. .... Furthermore, the fees and tuitions are higher .. but the students also get what they pay for.. we pay technology fees and 80% of the time the computers are unable to use and numerous other problems... and there is NO reimbursement NOR roll-over ... The fees they are increasing will not make a difference to COB's productivity or service provided by the extremely rude staff ... they will only be a burden to students.

MartGM 11 years, 11 months ago

This fee structure won't take place until the new school year (2014/2015). The government maintains all facilities...that's a joke. Have you seen the government buildings lately...COB is doing the right thing in NOT waiting for the government to get their act to together. COB is being proactive right now in adding these fees so they can increase their operating budget. I attended COB and frig, the College isn't that bad! The education is up to par with what you receive abroad. That's the MOST important thing! I printed all my work there, I used the computers on campus to do my work, I worked in the library and I attended classes so I used the facilities. If they added this fee structure while I was there, I would have gladly paid it! It's very needed.

Even now when I go to that beautiful building you students (yes, I'm generalizing!) want to destroy i.e. the new library, I get free WIFI! On my campus abroad (not the US either) there was no such thing as FREE Wifi for visitors. I go on that campus (COB) very often for meetings, I'd say at least once a week. I have NEVER to this date had a problem with the wifi. I'm sure there are problems...but remember COB doesn't supply the internet or the infrastructure, they only provide the means.

Why don't some of you students start a campaign to get free computers and laptops for the campus? A few students did something similar at my School for a campus garden and more student space...it worked WONDERS! If you want something done DO IT YASELF!

I don't mean for this to sound harsh, but that's reality. Fight for a freeze on tuition, I'll support that (along with many other Bahamians). But don't fight for no parking fees! WTH...if you don't want pay it then carpool and split the cost with your friends, take the bus, walk...I did all of the above when I attended COB.

mbrown517 11 years, 11 months ago

Some of these comments are just unbelieveable. He who knows it feels it. "They are rich"- which college of the bahamas are you referring to. You obviously have no idea how many students work to put themselves through school, and many of them are working at jobs that pay minimum wage. Paying a parking fee when you have a car is not a problem. The problem arises when you DO NOT have a car, then what are you paying the fee for, and when you do have a car and there isn't even any lighting or security in the parking lot. Just walk around cob, take a look at the facilities students are subjected to and you will see why we are outrage. We aren't getting what we are paying for now, and we should pay more? NOT with my hard earned money. There is alot more information to be learned about this whole story, do some research

pulchritudinous 11 years, 11 months ago

        "A lack of knowledge cause my people to suffer"

First, it is important to find out the whole story before one can comment with sense and good judgement. College of the Bahamas students are not protesting for the right to park. But, against the sudden increase in tuition after some students have already paid their bills. While cliches are a dime a dozen, some of them seem so befitting. "To each their own." Unless You are a student at the college of the bahamas or a parent paying the tuition of course you will not begin to understand why students are complaining as everyone so adequately puts it. Yes, COB's tuition is "affordable". Consequently, we get what we pay for. A mediocre education in a less then safe establishment. If it were your car being broken into or you getting robbed on campus then I'm sure YOU would be complaining too!

Collin 11 years, 11 months ago

I am a former student at COB and employee. Recently, my niece attended COB and as she was from a Family Island it forced me to be on campus and keep abreast of what is happening at COB.

I take offense with the students who keep speaking about COB inferior education. That is utter nonsense! COB has produced many of the brightest minds and has assisted many who attend and then went to abroad to further their education to excel. In fact, COB's standards in terms of quality of education is higher than most anywhere in continental North America and elsewhere. What I assert here is based on research and facts provided by any number of sources. So please students stop disrespecting what you are not likely to appreciate until you decide to go further.

Now having said that; as a former executive of COBUS (Business Senator and then Presidential Adviser) I take great offense with how COB's Council has handled this matter. Any decision that will impact student's/parent's pocket books should always provide a grace period to allow for people to plan their finances, especially in these challenging financial times.

So the students and parents for that measure has every right to be upset and take this type of disrespect from the authorities at COB.

Further, the game the Bahamian Government is playing with the students at COB and their parents is sad and beneath us. Who will believe the PM, nor the Minister of Education has no clue of said increases. Who?

Students continue your fight because it is not just about fees, but about showing a respect and regard for young people and the by extension the populace of our country.

jackflash 11 years, 11 months ago

This seems to be the thought out and sensible comment yet!

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