Fire N Theft leader is gunned down

POLICE sources yesterday said they were concerned that the fatal shooting of one of the country’s most notorious gang leaders could cause “an all out war” among rival criminal groups.

Officials, said persons close to the matter, were worried that crime, particularly murders, could take a sharp turn for the worse after Julian “Heads” Collie of the “Fire N Theft gang”, was gunned down in a hail of bullets at around 10:45 pm Wednesday. The incident happened at Millar’s Heights near Carmichael Road. Collie, 34, was a resident of Pryce Street in Nassau Village.

A second man, who accompanied Collie, was also shot in the leg. Police sources said he is Cameron “Grover” Smith.

It was reported that Princess Margaret Hospital’s security remained on “high alert” throughout Wednesday night and Thursday, to safeguard not only Smith, but also hospital patients and staff against any form of retaliation.

Collie, according to The Tribune’s records, had been wanted by police for questioning early last May after two rival gangs shot up the Baller’s Night Club on East Bay Street. That incident led to 22 arrests, two deaths and eight people injured. Stephen “Die” Stubbs was also wanted for questioning in connection with the matter at that time.

That incident also led to license reviews of several nights clubs in New Providence.

According to police reports Collie and Smith had just arrived at Collie’s girl friend’s home when three men pulled up behind them in a silver coloured Honda Civic. Two of the men got out of the car and opened fire.

The victims then ran but were pursued by the gunmen who continued to fire their weapons. The Tribune understands that Collie was shot 17 times in his body. He later collapsed at the scene.

Authorities made an appeal, through a press statement, asking anyone with information to contact them as soon as possible.


MartGM 11 years, 11 months ago

It sounds like home and work will be my routine for the next week. Lord please keep us safe!

lazybor 11 years, 11 months ago

Interesting days ahead!http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

jackflash 11 years, 11 months ago

At least under the new recording method these gang related murders are classified in a different colum, so the murder rate will always be lower then last years.

Having said that, I wounder would happen if the same method used under the new system was applied to last years stats? That is a question worth asking?

steplight 11 years, 11 months ago

Crime Waves Are Demonic manipulations in the Bahamas - The Phenomenon Of Black Magic - What is demonic manipulation?Demonic manipulation is a demonic enticement to do things you would not ordinarily do.Demonic manipulation can also be defined as: the capture of one’s reasoning ability, forcing it to conform to the wishes of the manipulator.In other words, if somebody wanted you to reason in a particular way, he could put a spell on you, thereby manipulating your reasoning ability in order to achieve his goal.The problem with demonic manipulation is that when the enemy makes you want something, you will want it so desperately that all other considerations become secondary.Demonic manipulation can also be defined as a spell that cannot be seen, felt or touched, yet it is something you act on.It sometimes will make you look away from that which is good and reasonable, while desiring that which is harmful and unreasonable.

leeza 11 years, 11 months ago

This is deep and I beieve there is a lot of truth to this but I know that we who are followers of christ have greater power when we war in the Spririt

John 11 years, 11 months ago

A lot of crime in this country is facilitated by a slack judicial system that is filled with lazy, unconcerned and non-productive persons. I know of a case that has been going on for over two years. In fact the trial was concluded since last year but it is only left for the magistrate to make a ruling. But the magistrate, herself, has put the case off at least seven times, claiming notes were not ready, among other reasons. Don't these people have bosses to be accountable to? Imagine the amount of time and man-hours that have been wasted on this one trial, and the faustrations of persons having to go back and forth to court and nothing happens, over an over again. But these are among the highest paid and highly perked civil servants in the country.

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