Thousands attend first annual barbecue contest


Some of those at the Cattleman's barbecue competition, including event organiser Jenny Pinder, right.

THE Cattlemen’s first annual barbecue competition took place on Saturday at The Green Parrot Nassau’s Bay Street Marina and Boardwalk.

Twenty-six teams competed for more than $2,000 in cash and prize.

The sold out event saw 2,500 patrons walk through the gates to sample the finest barbecue Nassau has to offer.

Sponsors and teams combined for to erect 45 10x 10 booths.

The trash talking started early in the week with the event sponsors the Ministry of Tourism/Team Tourism talking a big game.

The event was promoted on six radio stations and all the DJs bragged about their cooking skills.

Patrons paid $15 to sample all the food on offer throughout the day.

Bahamas Food Service provided all the meat for the sampling including pork, ribs, steak and chicken.

Other categories included seafood, sauce and booth presentation.

The judges included chefs, lawyers, doctors,politicians, foodies.

The judging covered appearance, texture and most importantly, taste.

Team Gone Fishin cleaned up, medalling in five categories. The Meat Police also had a great showing, medalling in three categories and coming third overall.

The big winner of the day was first placed Team Miller, who secured a seat at the Cattlemen’s Caribbean Competition in San Juan Puerto in July.

Thompson Trading was the main sponsor of the event. They had the biggest booth display and gave out loads of product samples.

Event organiser Jenny Pinder said: “For a first year event, it exceeded all our expectations. We had nothing but positive feedback.

“We really want to thank all the sponsors who made this day possible.”


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