Nursing pioneer pursues unconventional specialty


Tribune Features Writer


EVER since her certification as the first Bahamian wound, ostomy and continence nurse several years ago, Dawn Albury-Gaitor has been saving the lives of many people. Those with special needs have sought care provided by Nurse Albury-Gaitor to improve the quality of their lives. She operates an out-patient clinic called Island Ostomy Wound Treatment Center.

The specialised field of wound, ostomy and continence nursing involves the care of patients with abdominal stomas, dermal wounds, pressure ulcers, incontinence and related skin conditions.

Nurse Albury-Gaitor has been a registered nurse for 26 years and graduated from the Bahamas School of Nursing in 1991. Her interest sparked after she was exposed to wound care that was different than she learned while in training.

“I started to work a part-time job along with Dr Duane Sands who is a cardiovascular and thoracic doctor and a wound care specialist. He asked me to hold down his office when his nurse was on vacation. I noticed there were persons that were coming in with their legs wrapped from the knees to the toes and he was doing things that I had no idea of. I hate not knowing. So I started to do some reading and it was shortly after that I left the Bahamas and went to the US to further my education and just to find out what the world has to offer in critical care. I also found out that there was a specialty of wound care that I did not know of,” she told Tribune Health

While working at the Cardiothoracic and Vascular Institute of the Bahamas, she was then exposed to colostomy, another area of care she wanted to become proficient in.

“That then opened up a entirely new area because while working in wound care I was exposed to people that were using a bag called a colostomy. This is because when persons have traumatic injuries to the belly like in car crashes where the sternum or the belly crashes to the wheel or dashboard or they have some sort of injury on the inside. In addition to the wound, they have also damaged their bowels. So within that wound there are the bowels. A wound care nurse has to be skilled enough to be able to manage that wound so that it can heal and also isolate the bowels so that faecal material does not contaminate the wound. This opened up a whole new field of ostomy care,” she said.

Nurse Albury-Gaitor studied the nursing subspeciality wound care at the Medical University of South Carolina’s nursing division. She completed the programme in 2005 and sat the international certification through the Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Society Board (WOCNCB) in 2010, and obtained her certification in the same year, becoming the first and only Bahamian Certified Wound Care Registered Nurse to date. She also enrolled in the ostomy program at the Emory University in Atlanta and successfully completed the Management of Standard and Continent Diversions (Ostomies). One year later she sat the international examinations in ostomy management, becoming the first Bahamian Certified Ostomy Nurse to date.

A colostomy, Nurse Albury-Gaitor said is a surgical procedure that brings one end of the large intestine out through the abdominal wall. The procedure is performed when there is an infection in the abdomen, injury to the colon, partial or complete blockage of the large bowel, rectal or colon cancer and if there is wound in the perineum.

In some instances people who have suffered gun shot or stab wounds to the abdomen usually undergo the lifesaving procedure.

An ostomy pouching system is then used, providing a means for the collection of waste. The ostomy pouch attaches outside of the body and is usually hidden under clothing. The pouch is attached to an opening called the “stoma”. The ostomy pouching system can be temporary or permanent, Nurse Albury-Gaitor said.

“I have a quite a few patients who are wearing the bag and it makes it easier when you have that person who is educated in that area and knows what to expect. Sometimes when I go to change their bags I get every bit of attitude thrown on me. But I do not get discouraged because I know this is part of the programme. They never signed up for it. But what I do is life saving. So, for some of them it is the box, and 6 feet under or the bag. When I put it like that the bag really seems attractive. You can do anything with the bag, but once you are dead you are dead,” said Nurse Albury-Gaitor.

“I love when I meet an individual who makes it seems as though their life is over: I am not going to venture out the house or do this anymore, I wanna kill myself. I tell them and I encourage them. Sometimes early on, every time the bag drops off they call me in the middle of the night. My husband has to get up and go with me. I cannot get angry because this is normal, they dismiss it, they do not accept it, they do not look at it, they do not clean it. When I see that person now coming to my office in their own clothing, no one knows anything is under there, they are back to work, they have taken their life back, they have integrated into community, they are able to have sexual relationships with their spouse, their mates. That makes it worth it. It makes a difference.”


dana 11 years, 2 months ago

Albury-Gaitor has been doing a commendable job by offering her expertise in the complicated field of wound care. The availability of advanced medication has certainly made the job easier for health care professionals like her. I was recently reading about http://www.thedetoxshop.com/shop/skin-c…">sun chlorella cream which is effective for skin rejuvenation.

leonardo85 11 years, 1 month ago

I think that Dawn Albury-Gaitor has been doing a great job and she should be commended for her efforts. As a healthcare professional I know that how hard it is to find a wound treatment facility. We also do not have many good infertility treatment clinics around except for MCRH. If you need an egg donor or if you want to find out about egg donation then you can look for http://mcrh.com/">egg donors at MCRH.com.

karina 11 years, 1 month ago

The need for such specialized care is on the rise, so we need more clinics like Island Ostomy Wound Treatment Center. Dawn Albury-Gaitor is an extremely gifted healthcare professional, she reminds me of the renowned nutritional cleansing coach http://revitalizedbody.com/about.html">Bobbi Mattson.

isabella 11 years, 1 month ago

For athletes having access to a state-of-the-art wound care facility is vital. However, in case of orthopedic injury it is best to opt for special clinics like U.S. Athletic Training Center which uses advanced technology like RMT to treat patients. You can also approach them online at http://www.usatc.com/home.php">http://www.usatc.com/.

dana 11 years ago

It is really reassuring to have access to a good wound care facility. Every health care center needs to have trained doctors and nurses who have considerable experience and knowledge in wound care. They should also make this facility available for patients with the help of a mobile medical unit, such units are available at http://www.lifelinemobile.com/quality.h…">http://www.lifelinemobile.com/quality.h….

leonardo85 11 years ago

It really feels reassuring to learn about exceptional health care professionals like Dawn Albury-Gaitor who always strive to better our lives. Since the cost of healthcare is so high, the poor section of the society can not always afford the fees of a doctor or the cost of medication. In our neighborhood we have a pharmacy which offers medication at http://www.TransferFactor-US.com">wholesale prices.

dana 11 years ago

Nurse Dawn Albury-Gaitor is associated with a very specialized field of healthcare. Her clinic is definitely unique as it deals with critical issues like abdominal stomas, pressure ulcers. However, to operate such a high-end clinic efficiently she must have access to modern health care equipments. She should approach major online medical devices suppliers like coasthttp://coastbiomed.com/">biomed.com.

karina 11 years ago

I think Dawn Albury-Gaitor is an exceptional person, she has pursued a very complicated path of medicine and she has been providing dedicated care in this field. She reminds me of another renowned physician Dr. Russell O. Schub, I went to his clinic for my Gluten Intolerance problem and he helped me find the solution I needed. I found him online at http://drschub.com/">http://drschub.com/.

isabella 10 years, 12 months ago

There is no denying the fact that nurse Dawn Albury-Gaitor has chosen a very unconventional path in the field of healthcare and she is doing a great job. At her Island Ostomy Wound Treatment Center, she is saving so many lives. These days many patients are showing an interest in alternative treatment methods like hypnosis. A friend of mine was having issues with weight loss, but she found the solution in the form of hypnosis at Illinois Hypnosis, she found out about this service at http://www.illinoishypnosis.com">http://www.illinoishypnosis.com.

zinos85 10 years, 8 months ago

This exceptional woman is indeed doing a great job for these patients. As a healthcare professional I understand how tough her job is. Like her I am also dedicated to my profession and I always offer valuable advise to my patients. Recently a woman came to me for bone related problem, I advised her to have http://mycalsura.com/">best calcium supplement for women.

dana 10 years, 8 months ago

Island Ostomy Wound Treatment Center does provide a ray of hope for those who suffer from critical wound related problems. Through this article more and more people would become aware of this facility. She should also use social networking sites to make people aware of this clinic. Dawn Albury-Gaitor should also upgrade her clinic with modern equipments, these days one can find medical equipments online, for instance, at http://e-current.com/theraband-latex-ex…">http://e-current.com/theraband-latex-ex…, one can find physical therapy equipments.

Marc 10 years, 7 months ago

There aren't many nurses out there who would be willing to undergo these tasks, she is a really good nurse to put the patient's care first. This is also the case of the http://www.ufirsthealth.com/hernia-surg…">hernia center, where everyone would do anything for the patients well being.

annie21 10 years, 6 months ago

People with her skills are often needed when it comes to senior care, some of them will need assistance with some very delicate issues. Growing old doesn't have to be a terrifying experience though, you can get an idea about the care you can receive on http://www.agwtn.com">http://www.agwtn.com , knowing you can rely on someone to help you out is amazing.

zinos85 10 years, 6 months ago

She is an inspiration for other healthcare professionals, she has chosen a highly complicated field which requires more trained and dedicated professionals like her. There is a great demand for trained healthcare professionals now, even personal fitness trainers too need to have qualification like http://www.netafit.org/accreditation.htm">NCCA Accreditation from NETA.

dana 10 years, 4 months ago

She has chosen a crucial field for her medical practice and she has been helping so many people deal with their complications now. She is an inspiration for others no doubt, more healthcare professionals should follow her example. However, now accessing healthcare service or medication is easier online, even if you need exclusive items like http://transferfactor-4-life.com/">4Life Transfer Factor supplements you can find that online as well.

isabella 10 years, 3 months ago

Wound treatment is certainly a very specialized field and it requires trained and skilled professionals like Dawn Albury-Gaitor. Such care facilities also need to have advanced equipments, however, one can find all sorts of medical equipments online including http://www.aeslightusa.com/product5.php">IPL machine.

leonardo85 10 years, 3 months ago

Becoming a wound, ostomy and continence nurse was not easy for Dawn but she has achieved her goal and now she is helping people find a cure to their critical health condition. Her job does require her to be patient and courageous, hopefully others would feel interested in this field too. Those who deal with child disability issue too need to have patience for dealing with little patients, they should also consider spreading awareness about this disease through http://www.thevulnerablechild.com/Speci…">child autism articles.

dana 10 years, 3 months ago

She has chosen such a complicated field for her practice, but she is indeed helping people find cure. There should be more centers which should offer wound care solutions, they could find the equipments they need online. At http://dexta.com/">http://dexta.com they could find patient positioning system.

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