Stunned reaction to Immigration


Dionisio D'Aguilar

Stunned Bahamian businesses yesterday described the Immigration Department’s “raid” at Atlantis as “simply reprehensible”, warning that such actions were counterproductive to the government’s key objectives of economic growth and job creation.

Edison Sumner, the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation’s (BCCEC) chief executive, told Tribune Business the organisation “obviously can’t condone” the way Immigration officers entered the resort’s Dolphin Cay and detained the head sea lion trainer in front of resort guests.

Others, though, were more blunt. Dionisio D’Aguilar, Superwash’s president and a leading critic of the Government’s new “harder line” work permit and Immigration policies, said he was “absolutely shocked” by media reports of what had happened.

He told Tribune Business that his phone had been “inundated with phone calls from people wondering what the hell is going on.”

Media reports yesterday described how Immigration officers entered the Atlantis water park through a back gate, and demanded that the head sea lion trainer produce her passport in front of hotel guests.

Despite explaining that she could not do so, the officers escorted her to a vehicle and took her away. It later emerged that while the Immigration Department had denied her work permit in December, the resort had filed an appeal, the outcome of which was pending.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday urged detractors of the government’s new immigration approach to use rationality in looking at the policies that only aim to defend jobs for Bahamians.

The Minister further stressed that the Department of Immigration is an entity that enforces the law without his interference.

If that was the case, Mr Mitchell said many would say that immigration law enforcement is politically directed.

He was responding, in a press statement, to criticism against immigration officials after it was publicised this week that a Dolphin Cay, head trainer was detained without warning as she interacted with sea lions and visitors.

Eyewitnesses of the incident, which caused quite a stir at the attraction, noted that the three officers who took the employee into custody were rude and pushy after she had told them that she did not have her passport with her.

Mr Mitchell said: “There are rules that apply. All non-national employees in The Bahamas must be the holders of work permits to be gainfully employed in The Bahamas and they ought to have it in their possession as evidence of the lawful right to be in The Bahamas. That is the law.

“Where issues on particular matters arise, the Department is open and available to help resolve those issues.

“The principals at Atlantis sent me e-mail communications about the matter. It was then referred to the Director. As far as I am aware the matter was satisfactorily resolved. I have therefore no further comment on that aspect of this matter.”

“It is regrettable that on occasions the execution of policy causes some confusion. This appears to be the net explanation for the compendium of circumstances that unfolded at the Atlantis property yesterday. The conspiracy theorists should not go into overdrive on this.”

While Mr Mitchell and the government have been continuously criticised over the new immigration policies, former New Covenant Baptist Church pastor Bishop Simeon Hall said the nation should support the Christie administration’s approach.

Mr Hall believes that all areas of employment should be exhausted by qualified Bahamians before foreigners are hired.

He said: “Minister Mitchell is to be commended for leading in this effort by this current government to address this issue that has waylaid us for decades.

“When there is ‘corn in Egypt’ people come to Egypt but in hard economic times the faces of strangers become more pronounced.”


TalRussell 11 years, 11 months ago

Minister Freddy was chosen by the good residents of the Fox Hill constituency, as their elected MP. I forget now, who in the hell was it that elected Comrade Dionisio to speak out for the thousands of natives go'in without paycheques, many because of how hundreds of these same damn work permits were easily handed out by the red shirts. 

Dionisio is well known as one of many of the men's who covered their heads with paper bags, when the Hubert regime was handing over the work permits and passports to foreigners. This man has spent so much energy being in the media, attacking the every move PM Christie's government has made.

Could it be he does not want the immigration minister to tell the truth, to all who want the old Hubert ways of rubber stamping work permits and passports to live on? So much time and energy reacting and not offering useful information to the government.

It can't be a good sign to always be in the media attacking Freddy? Doesn't he want to show Bahamians that yes, their can be wisdom, even in Minister Freddy's actions? That even Fox Hill's elected Freddy is not wrong on the work permit issue? Do we really want Bahamaland to return to the work permit days of Sir Stafford and Freeport's Wallace Groves?

Comrade Dionisio let's look at the positive side. Our Freddy only brought in for work permit questioning, an individual who has been denied a work permit? The US government have now admitted to having falsely arrested and charged, none other than "Elvis," although the King has no pending matters before the US government?


PKMShack 11 years, 11 months ago

Name me a Bahamain sea lion trainer. We need some new minds, this old money in Gov. is still not working.

akbar 11 years, 11 months ago

The chickens have come home to roost. When this government attack the Bahamian workers the public outcry is "yeah they lazy and making too much money". Now they attacking foreign workers it is an outcry. Bahamians are a bunch of bootlickers and crabs! Like HIM Selassie the First said when ending his speech to The League of Nations (precursor to the UN) at the unprovoked and dastardly attack of Italy against Ethiopia. "Today for us , Tomorrow for you." You support when they want put Bahamian workers out of a job well support it now.

akbar 11 years, 11 months ago

To add to it Customs and Immigration duty is to Protect Our Sovereignty they have certain powers which include the removal of illegals any time and anywhere. Whether it be the Haitian worker who mowing my grass (private property) or a sea lion trainer at Atlantis (private property). Furthermore if her application is in appeal just like Haitian and Jamaican migrant workers she should be deported until her appeal process is done. Furthermore Atlantis should be brought before the courts for aiding and abetting illegal workers. They law don't just apply in South Beach, last time I check Paradise Island was in the Bahamas therefore they too must abide by the Laws of Bahamas.

akbar 11 years, 11 months ago

Mr. Mitchell need not apologize for Immigration officers doing their job.

rp242 11 years, 11 months ago

This is a bunch of non- sense. There is a time and place for everything!!! Because it is a place of business, those officers should have called the lady over to question her. I would not expect her to come to her place of employment with her passport strapped to chest everyday with her field of work. Not to come in the front of visitors to demand these things in the front of guest and customers. I understand its their job and they can question any immigrant, at anytime. But we all should have morals and common courtesy to everyone.

How about these same officers take that same force and question and carry those illegal Haitians and Jamaicans within our community. They know just where they live and work. If now immigration officers are deciding to actually do their job and enforce the law. They should do it everyday and to every different nationality.

John 11 years, 11 months ago

Is ppl like Dion. DiAguilar who would see this country awash with foreigners (illegal to boot) and still stand behind the foreign invvestor. Customs and Immigration must exercise their powers to visit any business establishment, any resident, any community at any reasonable time to carry out it's duties and responsibilites, an important one at that. Protecting the soverginity of this nation. Did Dion ever witness when Immigration visit local business, foodstores, for example, and no one is allowed to leave? Customers, employees and owners must provide proof of citizenship or work permits. Lets hope Immigration pays visits to Old Fort Bay, Lyford Cay, Albany and all those cays in Northern Abaco, where boaters come and go as they please. And lets hope they crack down on some of these communications and technical companies that have consultants working from hotel rooms. And some of these Chinese businesses that have dozens of their own nationals living in close quarters, who come down and do work, in kitchens, in butcher rooms and stock rooms after hours.

jackflash 11 years, 11 months ago

Immigration needs to visit Nygard Cay.

He has people come in on a visitors permet working for him.

They all carry radios on thier hip and plan all his events along with other stuff.

This is a fact.

SP 11 years, 11 months ago

The PLP and Minister Fred Mitchell should be commended for finally taking meaningful steps to protect the Bahamas for Bahamians just as other countries protect their jobs for citizens. Uncle Tom cheif Dionisio D’Aguilar, was “absolutely shocked” by media reports of what had happened at Atlantis...But is quite comfortable with 40,000 Bahamians being unemployed!

Wacko one-man-band sold $40M in work permits which equates to about 30,000 expat's allowed in to take mostly blue collar jobs, leaving Bahamians to turn to crime for survival....."Business".....carried on yachting with Uncle Tom in toe.

Uncle Tom says his phone had been “inundated with phone calls from people wondering what the hell is going on.”

Who are these "people"...And why would they call Uncle Tom instead of someone with authority able to address their concern properly?

Every country has a responsibility to protect it's local work force. Saudi Arabia is going through the same exercise.


Uncle Tom Dionisio D’Aguilar is a key instrument in the one-man-band...Hubert Minnis better watch out!

Carry on Mr. Mitchell, we highly commend you!

abacoman 11 years, 11 months ago

They need to come to Abaco and do the same thing at Bakers Bay

SP 11 years, 11 months ago

Those of you that would have Immigration invite illegal’s to tea and biscuits ears are still ringing from tunes of the one-man-band.


queenfrank 11 years, 11 months ago

I would like to know who the Director is and who sent these men to pull this woman off the job? Was it revenge for someone losing there job? This is not how a country should operate. Shame Perry Christie.

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