Tribune Staff Reporter
CONCERNS have been raised over the delay in the installation of Dr Elliston Rahming as US Ambassador to Washington.
Dr Rahming’s appointment as Ambassador to the United States and Permanent Representative to the Organisation of American States was announced earlier this month.
Yesterday Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said that while the OAS post came into effect immediately, there has not been a decision from the United States on Dr Rahming’s appointment.
Mr Mitchell said the government is also awaiting a decision on the former prison superintendent’s appointment as Ambassador to Mexico.
Mr Mitchell spoke to The Tribune from Haiti, where he is attending the sixth Extraordinary Ministerial Council of the Association of Caribbean States.
FNM Chairman Darron Cash yesterday chastised the government for announcing Dr Rahming’s appointment prematurely.
“If it is factual that the designated or proposed Ambassador to the US has not yet been confirmed by the US government that would be most regrettable and unfortunate because it is highly improper for the (Bahamas government) to announce that someone has been appointed until the host country has formally agreed to accept that person,” Mr Cash said.
“The Prime Minister’s handling of his diplomatic appointments has been pitifully clumsy and amateurish,” said Mr Cash. “Within days of coming to office he prematurely recalled diplomats appointed by former Prime Minister Ingraham. Yet, after almost one year in office Prime Minister Christie has yet to get our country’s full complement of diplomats in place.”
hotep86 11 years, 11 months ago
Why pick on Elliston Rahming? Kelsey Johnson hasn't left as yet either...Oswald Brown....Rhoda Jackson to Geneva, Mr. Rolle to Haiti - they're all still in Nassau buddy! Perhaps the Minister should respond as to why NONE of them have left as yet!?!
banker 11 years, 11 months ago
Elliston Rahming has attracted the attention of Amnesty International as head of the prison system. I wonder if that is part of the delay.
john33xyz 11 years, 7 months ago
Yes. As head of that outfit, he is probably undergoing more scrutiny than usual. A rough place that prison is.
Someone told me the other day that when they were in maximum security there for 3 years a while back, on more than one occasion when they ordered the N.Y. Strip steak the kitchen didn't even have the bernaise sauce to go with it. Truly unbelievable.
akbar 11 years, 10 months ago
Now a chairman and deputy crony blaming the US for our crime situation. When you don't tie your "potcake" it does bite the wrong person.
jessejames 11 years, 10 months ago
There are also several foreign diplomats representing new diplomatic relations with the Bahamas waiting a long time to present their letters of credentials here in the Bahamas. I heard a few have even been waiting over a year.
john33xyz 11 years, 7 months ago
It is not hard to believe that the Bah Govt has been making people wait. I believe it is their only talent, really. It is good that they are getting a taste of their own medicine.
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