New gambling bill 'favours foreigners'


Tribune Staff Reporter


ATTORNEY Wayne Munroe accused the government yesterday of having different and higher standards for foreigners in the Bahamas, despite claiming to believe in Bahamians.


Wayne Munroe

He was commenting on a new gaming bill that would allow casino operators to facilitate on line gaming or “interactive gaming”, however it will still remain illegal for Bahamians to gamble.

The bill, which is still in the draft stage, is expected to be presented to Parliament on May 1.

Mr Munroe said he is disappointed in the government for giving the impression to Bahamians that “local is bad and foreign is good.”

“Is this government saying that visitors will once again be able to do something Bahamians can’t? It appears there is a different, higher standard for foreigners. It seems that they are treated like saviours. They came to rescue the Bahamas and because of this they are treated much better than Bahamians. I don’t understand how Bahamians, who are taxpayers, are getting less consideration,” he said.

“Bahamians should be very upset about this especially because this was drafted around the time the government asked Bahamians to vote on gambling in the referendum. The present government campaigned on believing in Bahamians, well this bill will tell Bahamians exactly what the government thinks about them. If you are a hard core Christian fundamentalist who is trying to save this country from the scourge of gambling then you should also be upset at this.”

Mr Munroe, who represents six web shop owners fighting for the right to participate in the gaming industry, said his clients are “concerned” about this bill, but understands that the gaming industry is a gamble.

He also said the interactive gambling will not allow the gamblers to win cash prizes but rather loyalty points.

He said: “These points will be applied towards things related to their visit here, which is still a form of gambling because they are still getting something of value. I have some opinions on what the government should do and I am drafting something to give them. I’m working on my many, many views that I am going to express to the government through the proper channels and I’m looking at how it is going to affect my litigations.”

In January, Bahamians overwhelming voted “no” to gaming in the Bahamas, specifically to the taxation and regularization of the gaming industry.


Philosopher_King 11 years, 10 months ago

1) I agree whole heartily with Wayne's position; this the utmost example of being hypocritical by Bahamians who claim to oppose gambling in the name of saving their fellow man from destruction if they aren’t as equally outraged at this bill.

2) I told all who would listen online and mobile gaming is coming globally. It is just whether we will have a real stake in the profits made from our shores or just wish to stand in long lines looking for jobs in the industry that will most likely go to foreign IT managers and online/mobile App developers..

3) Tribune please stop distorting the truth, because less than 30% of the eligible voters voted NO so it was not an overwhelming majority of Bahamians. Who really knows what most Bahamians think about the issue since they didn’t bother to show up.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

i don,t know what most think ,but the majority that voted ,voted no ,,but them webs shops still open

bahamian242 11 years, 10 months ago

I can't believe the dis-loyalties of this elected government! The referendum we had on the 28th January past, was just a farce, and a complete dis-respect to the voters of this Commonwealth! This is what I have to say about hearing of this new gaming act that is to be debated in Parliament, to become law! This is like me giving my neighbours children my children's food, while my children go with-out and starve, while the neighbours children has enough to eat 12 meals a day for life! What is wrong with these people, is it that we now must leave The Bahamas a go else where, to save our lives????

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 10 months ago

It favours tourism Wayne. As has always been the case with casino operations.

vinceP 11 years, 10 months ago

@ proudloudandfnm, I totally agree with Mr. Munroe. This is a bunch of Bull Shyt. Tourism my ass! I've said it before and I'll say it again, "I pray to GOD that we don't end up revolting like the Haitians, and Jamaicans do". Its really only so much i think that Bahamians will take, and specifically those that suffer because of the bad choices Government make. Here it is in the 21st Century, we have THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL immigrant here, and the Government is concerned about grown men, and women Bahamians gambling? Are you kidding me? When was the last time any of you heard about a raid taking place? The sad truth is that both FNM and PLP Governments have neglected to deal with it and now the Police and Defense force are afraid to do anything about it, and not to mention our useless Immigration department. Our police force and Defense for is without a doubt, out numbered by such VIOLENT groups as the Haitians and Jamaican,s and so they are afraid to deal with it. This country is doomed, and that is no joke, and it wont get any better until Bahamians demand to be treated better and stand up for our rights. This is some serious shyt.

blueothello 11 years, 10 months ago

When did the Jamaicans ever revolt on a scale of the Haitian revolution? They had a couple of rebellions, which were put down quickly, but never had a revolution. I think you're being grossly unfair on both Haitians and Jamaicans whom you characterize as "violent". The Jamaicans that I know here are hard working and law abiding people. Unless you have proof that both sets of people are the minorities creating the majority of the violence in the country, then you need to live by the old adage "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be considered wise, than to open it and be considered a FOOL"

John 11 years, 10 months ago

For too long we have`allowed non-Bahamians to control the economic wealth of this country/nation. Where does the profit from the tourist dollar really go? where and to whom?. Bahamians have to give up their rights to beaches and contribute their tax dollars to constructing, staffing and maintaining tourist facilities but where is the benefit to them? At present the cost of living in the Bahamas is heads and shoulders above the reach above the average Bahamian, especially in Nassau and Freeport and very few Bahamians venture across the bridge, niot to mention to go on beaches over there. The PLP government is selling this country out, hook line and sinker, mostly to satisfy their own greed and because of their inability to understand what they are giving away in some of these contracts they negotiate. Meanwhile the Bahamian poeople are seeing red and some are turning yellow beacuse all our pocket should be full of green. Take the blinders off ad see who the real decievers are.

ayatollah 11 years, 10 months ago

The camel back soon broke and boy that will be a day in this country..mr prime minister. We tired

John 11 years, 10 months ago

This is the greatest deception in recent history. While Perry Christie and the PLP set up a decoy referundum to close web shop, they were busy drafting legislation to give casino operators the same rights and priviliges they had bahamains vote against for themselves. Perry and the PLP usually would get through half of their 5 year term before Bahamians be praying for election to hurry up come but the anniversary of their first year in office is sill to come next week and even soms die-hard PLP's are calling for Perry to carry his backside. Yes even at this early stage. Are they going to make it through a full 5 year term? And the Christian Council peove to be nothing more than a low class political prostitute who, allegededly took money from froeign investors to help them legislate laws to discriminate against themselves. This one must go down as the great deception and if elections were called today the PLP will get less than the "YES" votes in thier referundum.

akbar 11 years, 10 months ago

When you come in on lies deception becomes an art. This government has failed the Bahamian people. I feel used and insulted I could have spent that time voting putting in some numbers.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

Don,t worry numbers ain,t going anywhere ,thats done been paid for.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

Wanye knows this is nonsense ,but xenophopia is a great seller ,ask Hitler ,,,Wanye my brother the people voted no ..i don,t care if you are DNA YOU HAVE NOW BEEN PAID TO MAKE IT LOOK ALRIGHT FOR THE ALREADY BOUGHT PLP NOT TO CLOSE THE WEB SHOPS ..after a referendum and 3 judges sayin no i still bought # this morning ..PGC should have had the b@lls to legalize and tax it ,,especially after they were already bought and paid for ..

SP 11 years, 10 months ago

Perry Ingraham and Hubert Christie....Which of these two would any of us dare trust to negotiate an oil agreement on the behalf of the Bahamian people?

I say again......I wouldn't trust the PLP or FNM with two pinches of puppy poop! Six of one, half dozen of the other.........Perry Ingraham and Hubert Christie....

It took Hubert "one man band" Ingraham 12 to 18 Months to piss everyone off....Perry "the sneak" Christie managed to piss everyone off in less than 12 Months!

Which of these two would any of us dare trust to negotiate an oil agreement on the behalf of the Bahamian people?

I say again......I wouldn't trust the PLP or FNM with two pinches of puppy poop!

Bermuda got fed up with decades of corruption and stupidity with their own PLP and UBP and formed a new party… The One Bermuda Alliance (“OBA”) …who won the government December 2012 and IMMEDIATELY made sweeping changes to benefit Bermudians.


Perhaps we could persuade Mr. Wayne Monroe to form "The One Bahamas Alliance" party and we can do the same!!!....I’M READY!



concernedcitizen 11 years, 10 months ago

lets see the PLP have turned to anti foriegn xenophobia to distract ,now the numbers man and their lawyers are shouting "bad foriegner " which really translate to "bad whitey " and makes the undereducated masses feel good ..i think the goverment and the numbers man got the same PR firm ..hey Wanye it was us the Bahamian public that voted NO ,,,

BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

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