Tribune Features Reporter
IF YOU have ever seen Dyson Knight live in concert then you are familiar with the hype energy he brings to the stage. From jumping and dancing to taking full advantage of the stage, the Bahamian singer and entertainer always presents a must see show.
He had to get his start somewhere. In an interview with In Ya Ear, Dyson said his father, Vernon Knight, introduced him to music theory and the trumpet at the age of four.
From there on, Dyson said he was involved in church bands, school choirs and groups, college ensembles and a variety of quartettes.
He said his first professional paid appearance on the local scene was not as a singer, but as one of T’rez Hepburn’s premier male dancers.
Shortly after, Dyson recorded his first song “Time Bomb,” and he joined a group of singers that called themselves The Extra Band. “I recorded many songs with them but the most popular would be “Regatta Time”, “Drop Down”, “Come Up Slow” and “Private Dancer.” I then joined Bahamen in 2004 and I’ve been assisting the band “Visage” from 2006. I’ve become somewhat of a staple in Visage recording songs like “Baby Daddy” and “Six and Half Dozen.”
I’ve also recorded “Frig Up” and “I Coming Right Back,” the last two annual Junkanoo songs with The Mighty Sting Junkanoo group,” said Dyson.
While his friends, family members and supporters may consider these accomplishments as milestones in his career, Dyson said he still feels as if he is just getting started.
“I do have a few Cacique Award nominations and I have performed for number of prestigious events like the Legacy and Cancer Ball consistently. However, what is most inspiring for me is walking into a school or hostel that I’ve visited and performed and have the kids call me by name and sing parts of my songs because they remember my performances,” he said.
Dyson said music is a life long commitment for him and when he is no longer able to jump up and run across the stage, he will then walk or crawl. When that is no longer possible, the singer said he will continue to write and produce.
“Another milestone is the fact that I’ve been a full time entertainer for the past three years. I’m not rich yet, but I’m comfortable,” he said.
Speaking about how the music scene has changed and evolved over the years, Dyson said: “I feel the changes in music are all very recent, for example with D-Mac’s burst of hits. I say this most importantly and respectfully because he’s kept a level of professionalism on the business end which for a number of other artists has improved the respect for our talent.”
Dyson said there is an outlet for Bahamian artists but it is very scattered and not as easy to infiltrate as finding a 9-5 job.
“It’s a hustle and you have to be devoted, versatile, innovative and persistently creative to survive. Globally, physical albums aren’t selling the way they used to. The money is in live performances. And it’s the same here locally,” said Dyson.
To date, Dyson’s most recent projects include collaborations with Rik and Sketch Carey, Basil “Basie” Lightbourne, Eugene “Geno D” Davis, Visage and The Mighty Sting with the songs such as “Gold-Right Na” “Come Home Bey”, “Keep On Pushing”, “I Comin” and “I Coming Right Back.”
He said he has also released a string of solo songs that include the single “Reach Beyond Da Sky,” one of the songs he performed for the opening of this year’s Carifta games. Dyson said he also released the songs; “Out ah Order”, “Gal Ya Flirtin”, “Till It Leaves (Your Sight)” and “No Stress’n”, just to name a few.
“Presently I’m deeply invested in Bahamen’s project with Sony but I’m still pushing to press an album outside of that for the many that have requested to have a compilation of my recent work. I also have several unreleased singles that will be released throughout the remainder of the year. I’d like for my supporters to know that I greatly appreciate them and that I respect them to the point whereas I will always give them my best,” said Dyson.
To keep up with Dyson and his projects, follow him at Dyson Knight on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube or visit
karina 10 years, 11 months ago
I have attended one of the concerts of Dyson Knight and I loved his performance. You are absolutely right, he is not just a singer on stage, he is a complete performer. I am a huge music fan and I love exploring all genres of music, but I am more interested in">contemporary gospel music.
zinos85 10 years, 4 months ago
Dyson Knight is a renowned singer and along with being a musician he is a great entertainer as well. Getting such an early exposure to music has helped him flourish as an artist. He should continue to entertain audiences in the years to come as well. He should utilize the online platform for launching his albums, it would help him get better exposure. Now accessing musical instruments online has become a lot more easier, if you need a well built acoustics guitar you can purchase that from…">….
leonardo85 10 years, 3 months ago
He is indeed a talented artists and he has a long way to go, he is an inspiration for young talents. Now aspiring artists have access to recording companies which help them in every step of the way with providing">artist management service to them.
karina 10 years, 3 months ago
There is no denying the fact that Dyson Knight is a great performer and he knows how to keep the audiences entertained. Now the talented musicians could promote their work online and it helps them get better exposure. They could find good video production companies for making their video, but they should approach a reputed company like Defined Productions for this purpose, they can access this company at">
dana 10 years, 3 months ago
In a concert you would love to see a musician like Dyson Knight performing, he indeed has tremendous energy and he makes each of his performances memorable. He should now start experimenting with music, it would be better if he tries his hands at playing instruments like…">Lakeland bass guitar.
CarrieBaker 10 years, 2 months ago
His absolute energy is so catchy and overwhelming, there's no chance you get bored when Dysn Knight is performing. Imagine how great his music would sound with brand new equipment (speakers, monitors, power amplifiers etc). You can check it out here"> the sound is perfect. Anyway, attending to one of his shows is a must, especially if you're a big fan.
dana 10 years, 2 months ago
For such events there have to be such powerful performers around who can keep the audiences entertained throughout the evening. He should also consider joining some institute as an instructor, he could be a guest instructor at"> where he could teach the children to perform with confidence.
holymoly 10 years, 1 month ago
Dyson Knight is a great singer. Since he was a child he joined a church band and sang in different churches like the!life…">on campus church in Huntsville, TX. He has a great voice and his songs made him famous.
duppyVAT 10 years, 1 month ago
The Love Fest and Fam Fest are perfect examples of Bahamians putting on great events. The FNM and PLP put on great election rallies every five years and then turn around and say Bahamians cannot promote events etc.
cifblu 10 years, 1 month ago
It doesn't matter if you are working in health or in the sports field or even">artist management or music, everyone needs a motivation in order to develop their skills or to improve. If you sign up for online classes you will see some interesting ways in which you can keep your mind at what you have to do and be creative and efficient without procrastinating. For a really capable person, to be lazy is the worst thing that can happen.
leonardo85 10 years ago
He is a powerful performer no doubt and he should continue to impress his fans with such wonderful performances in the years to come. Children who are interested in learning music should be inspired by parents. If your child loves to play the piano then they should be encouraged to take up piano learning programs available at The Piano Playhouse, this school could be accessed at">
benjohnson 9 years, 11 months ago
I have heard a lot about Dyson and actually I am a big fan of him. I have seen many live concerts of him. There you can see a huge crowd to watch the show for all times. Thank you for sharing few words about Dyson.">Beverly Diamonds Ripoff Report
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