Christie seeks unity ahead of referendum


Perry Christie


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie wants unity among PLP and FNM MPs on issues of concern as the government prepares for another referendum – this time seeking to amend the Constitution.

Slated for November 2013, Mr Christie told reporters last night that he hopes when Bahamians head to the polls, pressing issues, including equal rights for women are resolved.

He said Cabinet Ministers were now in the process of reviewing the recommendations made by the Constitutional Commission which were handed over to the government last month.

His comments came following the official renaming of Springfield Road to Frank Edgecombe Street. Mr Edgecombe is a former MP of the Fox Hill constituency and also served as the vice president of the Senate.

“I will make every effort,” Mr Christie said, “to determine from the Opposition whether there can be unanimity with respect to some of the recommendations.

“If there is that possibility, then we can go to the country united on those points that we agree on and we know that probably will include women having the same privilege by virtue of men in our country and to remove gender discrimination.

“But of course with the opposition I have to judge them by whatever mood they are in at the time. So once we have looked at the report and consulted the opposition we will determine when we go to the country.”

He added that when the House of Assembly reconvenes after its six week summer recess amendments to the Gaming Act will be put forward.


ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

But of course with the opposition I have to judge them by whatever mood they are in at the time. WTF...did you just ask for unity and then spit out this statement?

Can we have the questions now so we can digest what we are being asked to vote on? No more trick it has to be legal to be regularized questions please.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

So...let's backtrack it 10 or so years...

Same dang referendum, giving women equal rights. Out of SPITE the PLP voted no.

But hey now...let's all be friends and pass this same referendum under the PLP's watchful eye.


hj 11 years, 7 months ago

With his party's popularity in a historic low and his personal popularity around zero (even his own MP's can't wait to get rid of him),PC all of a sudden seeks unity. By the way is this going to be a "binding" referendum?

ohdrap4 11 years, 7 months ago

Gee, and here it is I thought the stem cell thing was a Red Herring to cover up for VAT.

Now toss the referendum really quickly, the VAT discussion team has gone into hiding.

When , when are they going to put some vat procedures on the table?

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

LOL at HJ...'binding'...LOL...my mind hadn't even jumped on that one...TOO FUNNY!!

VDSheep 11 years, 7 months ago

A referendum – to amend the Constitution to say what? The referendum is to give the government approval to follow others; with their liberal same sex equal rights in marriage and Greek democracy type rights that would legally change the tradition of male and female union of marriage. What ought to happen before the referendum is - the entire nation must to briefed on every aspect (word for word) on what will be amend and added in the constitution. Otherwise, it is a blank cheque to lawyer politicians for unacceptable and offensive standards of behaviour to a so called religious society; including other things that will be entered into an amendment to the constitution. Of course many Bahamians will accept anything - they don’t check…, that is a real problem!

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