Tribune Business Reporter
THE BAHAMAS Electricity Corporation’s (BEC) executive chairman Leslie Miller says consumers should see a ‘noticeable decrease’ in their electricity bills come September, telling The Tribune the electricity provider’s Clifton power station was running at “full speed”.
“You will see a noticeable decrease in the cost of electricity come September. People cannot elect a decrease at this time due to the fact that these are the summer months. We are burning more electricity even when care not noticing it. No one has seen any hefty increase in the cost of their electricity. The savings that the Government initiated during the budget debate, some of them are already kicking in. Furthermore our plant at Clifton has been running at full speed for the last 30-45 days so we are already providing lower electricity by using the cheaper fuel out of Clifton,” said Mr Miller.
Mr Miller added: “Every single engine at Clifton (which runs on cheaper Bunker C fuel) is running and that has not happened in many years. That decrease is already in place but you won’t notice it now because you are using more electricity and basically paying the same amount of money for it on a monthly basis. Come September and October you will see that decrease on your bill right away.”
Regarding the corporation’s attempts to reduce its overtime payout Mr Miller said: “Over time has come down by some $4 million from $12 million. This year we will max out under $8 million. Next year we are going to cut that in half. We have already seen some very meaningful changes at BEC.”
digimagination 11 years, 7 months ago
We shall see!
joey 11 years, 7 months ago
First it was was July now its September or October. Every month there is an excuse, seems like the Bahamian people like smart talkers, or anyone who can tell them something sweet so they can get a good joke ,and laugh their heads of.Doctors say laughter reduces stress I guess this is why they so like hear foolishness.
justthefactsplease 11 years, 7 months ago
My electricty bill was almost doubled in July (over June) and I can't yet figure out why ... I did nothing different. I wonder if the plan is to double it and then reduce it by 10% ... that would be achieveable.
Paula 11 years, 7 months ago
Mr. Miller is full of sh** !!!!!!!! The light bill goes down October of EVERY YEAR because the weather starts to change and we do not need to use the air condition as much. He wants us to believe that we are going to see a ‘noticeable decrease’ in our electricity bills because of something he is doing. Not all Bahamians are dumb, stupid and blind Mr. Miller.
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