Florida senator Marco Rubio 'outraged' over Bahamas deporting Cubans

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has signed a letter to Perry Christie expressing 'outrage' over deporting Cubans

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has signed a letter to Perry Christie expressing 'outrage' over deporting Cubans

UNITED States Congressional members have expressed their 'outrage' in a letter to Perry Christie over Cubans being sent back to Havana.

The letter comes from Senator Marco Rubio, who has been touted as a potential Republican runner in the 2016 US presidential race, along with Bill Nelson, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart and Albio Sires.

US Congress representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Republican, Florida), Chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee signed onto the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional letter with her Florida colleagues Senators Bill Nelson (Democrat-Florida) and Marco Rubio (Republican-Florida) as well as Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart (Republican-Florida) and Albio Sires (Democrat-New Jersey).

The letter says: 'We write with grave concern over the treatment of Cuban refugees detained in The Bahamas. Specifically, we are outraged that Cuban refugees, according to various media reports, were beaten by prison guards and denied adequate food, water and medical care.

"The description of their treatment is deplorable, but we recognize your government's efforts in accepting responsibility and for committing to a full investigation into what occurred.

"It is our understanding that the Government of Panama offered asylum to the Cuban refugees on humanitarian grounds. Given the fact that the Cuban regime maintains one of the world's worst records on human rights, we are disappointed by your decision to repatriate the freedom-seeking Cuban refugees back to their brutal oppressors. We urge you to halt any further repatriation of Cuban freedom-seekers in the future."

It came after Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell said on Friday that 24 Cuban nationals had been deported from The Bahamas to Havana.

Ros-Lehtinen said: “It is unconscionable that the Bahamian authorities have decided to forcibly repatriate Cuban freedom-seekers back to their brutal oppressors under the Castro regime. Despite the fact that Panama had offered to grant asylum to 19 Cuban nationals that were being detained in The Bahamas, the government of The Bahamas took the misguided approach to cave to the influence and pressure of the Castro brothers and sent these refugees back to the place they so desperately tried to escape.

“It’s obvious the Castro regime is using these refugees to seek revenge against the Panamanian authorities for seizing the North Korean bound ship, from Cuba, carrying illegal arms last month. Not only did these refugees face brutality by the Bahamian prison guards and live under unbearable conditions due to the lack of basic necessities, they will now be forced to face definite retribution and deplorable conditions in Castro’s gulags. Cuba maintains one of the world’s worst human rights records, and this spineless decision to send them back is not only unacceptable, it is immoral.”


proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago

Man who cares what any lying republican has to say? They wanna talk about human rights? That's a laugh. I guess Iraqi's are not human hey? Bunch of hypocrites.

Someone tell Rubio that video was a fake. Obviously he has not seen it. If he had he'd know in 5 seconds that the voices in the video are CUBAN....

lazybor 11 years, 7 months ago

very well said! Let's ignore these nonsenses...http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

read the article ,there are democrats also ,,,,,although i prefer democrats they lie also ,,Ben gazi...also i as a Bahamian have been beaten by the police ,then rode in the van all night as they whipped the sh##t out of young black males and told them to get their a## back over the hill ,,,,this wasn,t the 1950.,s it was 2003 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

When I first heard the story I thought it was just a bunch of baloney. I thought it was ludicrous that defence force officers would beat detainees. But from what I read today...one of the detainees may have been hospitalized for something like 3days. That's unbelievable!! I'm going to assume that it was retaliation for something done to the officer...but that's no excuse.

Human rights violations are a big deal worldwide not just in the States. I believe what Fred Mitchell did was done in spite...my personal belief. If there were reports that the Panamanians wanted the detainees it should have been investigated, the "I haven't heard anything from the Panamian consulate" doesn't pass muster.

It looks bad. Some may say who cares..with all the %#%* blowing around in this mess I pray not too much of it blows back on us.

This was poorly handled all around.

wave 11 years, 7 months ago

It is well known around the world that the Bahamian police can and do beat detainees’! You all wonder why the Cubans are crying foul when a young man was beaten to death by police and it was just reported through the media.

John 11 years, 7 months ago

SEEMS like these people trying to use the Bahamas to advance their dispute with Cuba. On the one hand they claim the Cubans were beaten, mistreated and underfed in the Bahamas but they made no effort to assist in their maintenance. Then they say the Cubans was seeking to return to the USA but authorities in that country never gave permission for their return. Then there were claims that they eere granted assyulum in Panama but this was never confirmed. In the main time loud and embarrassing protests were going on affecting the economy and number one industry of this country. The government did the right thing and got the Cubans out of this jurisdiction. Now they should communicate with the Cuban government and those protestors in Florida and let them know that while the present environment exists, there is no guarantee thst Cubans found illegally in our waters and on our shores will NOT be returned to Cuba. So advise their people NOT to come

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

unless the Cubans are pretty girls ,somehow they seem to get out of the detention center ,marry a Bahamian and open businesses ,,,the U/S can survive w/ out our shopping in miami ,,we can,t survive w/ out their 4 to 5 million visitors a year ,,its nice to point the finger at the big bad U/S but unless we make beds and serve them drin ks we don,t eat ,,THATS REALITY ,,,,

banker 11 years, 7 months ago

Wow. This story is getting legs. It didn't die down. This doesn't look good for the Bahamas. I am wondering if the Cubans were beaten here. If so, then the story won't die down.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

It seems to me that they were...I was shocked to hear it, from Fred Mitchell's earlier communication i thought the whole story was a load of crap...but it seems "something" actually did happen. One of these articles today mentioned that one of them may have been in the hospital for 3 days...

JohnDoes 11 years, 7 months ago

If they are so 'gravely concerned' why dont they take these 'refugees' off of our hands? I mean that is where the cubans want to be, IN THE USA! IF YOU REPUBLICANS/SENATORS/CONGRESSMEN ARE SOOO 'CONCERNED', PLEASE HELP US AND OFFER ASYLUM TO THESE BLATANT/TRESPASSING CUBANS! Our country is small, we have our hands full dealing with our own citizens, yet you want us to just give asylum to these LYING/DEFAMING/TRESPASSING Cubans? I HATE WHEN THESE SPECIFIC AMERICANS GIVE ADVICE ON HOW TO HANDLE THINGS YET THEY DON'T WANT TO OFFER HELP OR ACCEPT THE PROBLEM THAT WE ARE FACING. They are not even here to see what is going on and, are not even trying to either. They only see and hear what is in the media but never seek the real source of information which is coming from our Minister Fred Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell do not mind all the heat coming from this. Stand your ground and do not be swayed, same to you Mr. PGC! Now get this mulatto man 'plastic smile' off of the front page, there is other more important news to be reported!

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago


JohnDoes 11 years, 7 months ago

Mr.Concerned Citizen, you want to critique but it doesn't seem like you've got on your glasses or contacts. Do you see the slashes '/' that separate the words? REPUBLICANS / SENATORS / CONGRESSMAN. Republicans in the sense that it relates to this Senator, and Senators and Congressman in general who are also concerned, Republican and/or Democrats. And hell with them boats, because it is not the matter of catching them, we already did that, but it seems like they are more concerned with the treatment that they did not help to assist and/or offer. We are treating them the best with what we have but is it not obvious the state and geographical location of our country? This is not something that just happens out of the blue, we are in the center of a trade/immigrant triangle in the sense that Goods are being transported to and from the USA as well as immigrants looking for a better life there. Its not our fault that these refugees did not think of the consequence of 'what if we get caught by Bahamian authorities?'. Immigration affects us all differently.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

also i as a Bahamian have been beaten by our police and some of us are complicent in smuggling cubans and hatians ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it makes us feel good to give the finger to the big bad U/S ,but deep inside we all know our very standard of living depends on american visitors ,republicans and democrats ,,and lest you forget it is a democrat that passed the cultural exchange program w/ Cuba making it possible for 400,000 americans to visit there last year ,,next time you go through FT lauderdale look at the ads w/ direct flight from U/S to Cuba ,,the tour company pulls the permit from the state department under cultural exchange ,,all approved under a democratic administration ..

USAhelp 11 years, 7 months ago

The police do this to our own and we still defend them.

JohnDoe 11 years, 7 months ago

The above statement contained in the letter is interesting and suggestive that something did occur, "the description of their treatment is deplorable, but we recognize your government's efforts in accepting responsibility and for committing to a full investigation into what occurred". If the claims are bogus, exactly what did we accept responsibility for? I understand the need to send a clear message to potential Cuban immigrants, however, notwithstanding this situation should have been handled with better professionalism and diplomacy. We are a small country and we must choose our partners and enemies very carefully because unfortunately the concept of a level playing field is unrealistic. It is similar to your child demanding a level playing field and joint decision making in your house.

JohnDoe 11 years, 7 months ago

Thanks Minister Mitchell. Are there any other issues above you can shed light on based on your discussions with them?

bahamiandud3242 11 years, 7 months ago

There seems to be a lot of paid propagandists (or ignoramuses) in the comment section of this article.

Nothing happened, the video was fake (even the protestors admitted it was fake) and they (the cubans) came here illegally to begin with. I like how Mitchell didn't bow to foreign pressure, if he did, every dirty Cuban and their mama would be on a boat headed for Nassau.

Anyone taking the side of the illegals is an illegal themselves, a paid propagandist or just plain stupid.

Get off this page bey!

Rubio is a joke, I find it funny how all those Americans bashing Mitchell are of Cuban descent.


ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Don't know who you're referring to as paid...but I really wish someone was paying me to do this, I like it, its fun reading the comments, the differing opinions, arguing your point etc...and its a lot less stress than my real job!

Anyway..I haven't seen the video but from what's been described I'd probably agree it was a fake. For weeks as this story unfolded I completely dismissed it because ...well, it's obviously fake ..anyone can see that. I didn't even comment previously...no need

but for the first time I am hearing that someone may have actually been in hospital for 3 days??? What is that? It's the first time I'm hearing it...why? Ok maybe I missed the report...but that's serious, that has nothing to do with a fake tape

Imagine if worldwide they start reporting that the Bahamas is TORTURING political refugees? Because that is exactly how it would be characterized. And don't say the states does it ..we're not the states we don't have the leverage, we're a tiny little island depending on worldwide visitors in order to feed ourselves.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

I,M not so sure if the tape is the issue ,its sending them back to Cuba if Panama would have taking them ..As a former bad guy that has been arrested a 'few' times and been to Fox Hill the police beat the sh##t out of people ..once in 2003 they had me in the van all night telling me i could "buy out " as they rode around whipping the snot out of young guys w/ tamarind switch telling them carry there ass back over the hill ,,i was not a nice fellow and the violence even shocked me ,,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

i think now its more about they could of went to panama ,,and considering 90% of our guest come from the U/S ,,who is it most practical to appease ??

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

send the pretty gals first ,lol,,,done a bunch of them living behind standard pluming ,working for T Wells ,,,,,,,,,,,,,they even get club now ,Tynum ,,murphyville done gone latin

bewildered 11 years, 7 months ago

So what does Marco think the Bahamas should do with them?

spoitier 11 years, 7 months ago

This could've been done to build relations with the Cuban government in respect to letting some of the Bahamians that is jail over there out.

GQ 11 years, 7 months ago

Send ALL ILLEGALS BACK TO THEIR OWN LAND. P E R I O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago

US Coast Guard repatriates 24 Cuban migrants

Published on May 31, 2013 Email To Friend Print Version

MIAMI, USA -- The US Coast Guard repatriated a total of 24 Cuban migrants to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, in two separate incidents last week.

On Saturday, Coast Guard Sector Key West, Florida, watch-standers received a report from a Customs and Border Protection maritime patrol aircraft of a rustic vessel southwest of Key West. Sector Key West diverted the Coast Guard Cutter Valiant to respond and the Valiant safely embarked 11 Cuban migrants from the unseaworthy vessel.

The migrants were then transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter Pea Island for repatriation.

The Coast Guard repatriated another 13 migrants to Bahia de Cabañas on Wednesday after receiving a report of suspected migrants aboard an unseaworthy vessel. Watch-standers diverted the Coast Guard Cutter Valiant, whose crew arrived on scene and embarked 13 Cuban migrants. The migrants were later transferred to the Coast Guard Cutter Kodiak Island for repatriation.

"Illegal migrant ventures at sea are both risky and dangerous," said Capt. Brendan McPherson, 7th Coast Guard District chief of enforcement. "The Coast Guard will continue to put a high priority on patrolling offshore to prevent illegal migration and rescue those who put themselves at risk aboard unseaworthy rafts and rusticas."

Once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, all migrants receive food, water, shelter and basic medical attention.

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago

The USA routinely returns Cubans back to Cuba. Coast Guard intercepts and takes them back and there is the foot dry, foot wet policy, they catch you before you get ashore and boomsooki ya butt headin back to Cuba. Tell Rubio to stop his bull....

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

But has anyone accused the Coast Guard of torturing Cubans?

I dismiss the fake tape and repatriation wet land/dry land policy etc, I'm solely concerned that someone may have actually been beaten and beaten badly.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Again with the the look at them not me. It doesn't make it right...it doesn't help our case to anyone but a few thousand Bahamians...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Do you read what you write? You get very angry when people respond to what you say. I'm almost certain I read in your first post the words "Coast Guard" and in your 2nd "also the Coast guard don't oversee any immigration detention centers? Who knows what those drunks would do if they did"....

I won't resort to the childish name calling....

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

We are both wrong. Proud and Loud made the first post. So I leave that there.

I dont consider myself an apologist, I can jump up and down just as well as the next person when there's something to jump up and down about. In this instance if someone was beaten while in custody..there actually is something to apologize for. Sigh...not a damn thing to do with my country... ...I wonder what percentage of our visitors reside in Florida...what percentage are apologists or tree-hungers by nature...would be interesting to know.

They are doing it because they are leading a world power and we are a tiny little island. They know it...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Did you see Perry Christie's statement this morning? Even he realizes that the Bahamas is not an island entire of itself. Did you read Amnesty International's statement? I cannot think that you would classify their concerns as pathetic or something that doesn't concern this country...

JohnDoe 11 years, 7 months ago

It is ironic that everyone else is an idiot or totally clueless except you?

JohnDoe 11 years, 7 months ago

Far from a fact my friend. It is just a clumsy, transparent and unskillful debate trick!

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

none of us know for sure if detainees were beaten or not ,,,,and i,m not talking about the video ,,,,,,,,,,,The U/S embassy and higher ups in PGC cabinet know ,,,,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

how are you going to sue them for racism ??and hatred is an opinion you can,t sue for that ,,plus if one detainee got pushed or roughed up your whole case falls apart ..oh yeah lets sue U/S senators ,,one of which chairs the commitee on foreign affairs ,,,,,that my friend is pure crazy talk ,,w/ the violent robbery of the embassy official ,a elderly lady on her way to church ,the U/S customs officer and familys robbery on the beach we our inches away from a travel advisory ,,yes it happens in the U/S ,,but they don,t have to travel here ,,remember when we wouldn,t send 90 to the U/S, the U/S put one immigration officer at the airport and backed up the whole thing w/ tourist missing flights and complaining ...and then who signed the order to send him ,one Fred Mitchell,,,,.when 90% of your revenue comes from another country they dictate the terms not you !! thats reality my friend

JohnDoe 11 years, 7 months ago

The government has now admitted that the detainees were beaten. Their position now is that they were not beaten by the "Bahamas Government". What utter nonsense as if the Bahamas government has hands.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

give me a couple of good grands and i,ll get you a work permit for a martian ,,,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

Rubio wears the same shade of lipstick as Wilchome ,,just Wilchome uses a little more gloss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmao

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 7 months ago

1:03 pm, Mon Aug 5, 2013.

Associated Press | 0 comments

MIAMI (AP) — The U.S. Coast Guard has repatriated 69 migrants from Haiti and Cuba.

Twenty-six Haitian migrants were transported to Cap-Haitien, Haiti, on Thursday. Forty-three Cuban migrants were repatriated to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, on Tuesday.

Authorities said the migrants were interdicted at sea in five separate incidents.

Thousands of Cubans, Haitians and other migrants from the Caribbean and Latin America attempt to reach the U.S. through Caribbean waters each year. Cubans who arrive are generally allowed to stay under the "Wet-Foot, Dry-foot" police, while those stopped at sea are usually returned home.

Other Latino immigrants do not receive the same treatment.

Coast Guard Capt. Mark Fedor said the agency will continue to patrol the waters around the U.S. to deter illegal migrant activity.

getrightbahamas 11 years, 7 months ago

Anyone know what a dirty sanchez is http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p… Thats what he is trying to do to us. Ba$+a&d0. GRB

TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 7 months ago

I just wish people would obey the law and then none of this would happen... the people would not be in position to get beaten by nobody...police or detention officers... let's just obey the laws of the land as it pertains to immigration and everything else...

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Agreed. Pointing fingers and saying "but they're doing it too" is not acceptable....

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

funny thing we are involved in people smuggling ,,i live on a family island in the south ,,we know who runs the people and drugs ,,

SP 11 years, 7 months ago

What were Rubio's thoughts on the murder of Travon Martin? no outrage, no comment for for a citizen of the United States?

But pleanty to say for Illegal Cuban migrants?


concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

I,m sure if Rubio reads your post he will feel properly "put his place " and not speak again ,,,Boy you told him ,i,m sure if you could do it verbally it would be at an incredible volume w/ all manner of face contorting and chicken necking ,,,lmao

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