Democratic National Alliance leader
NO matter what your political affiliation, you would agree that there is a feeling of despair and hopelessness in our country.
A little over a year ago, the PLP was convincing persons all across this archipelago that they had the answers to the relief this country so desperately needed and that they were ready on day one to govern in this regard.
I think by now the majority of right thinking Bahamians have realised what the DNA said during the campaign that if you voted for the PLP it would be the same old same old… all talk and no action! If you voted for the PLP you would go “back back”.
For the most part Bahamians are “catching eternal hell” trying to make ends meet and keeping their heads above water.
The economy is bad, and unemployment is high notwithstanding the pie in the sky promises of the PLP a little over a year ago.
The middle class is dwindling at a scary rate. We are quickly becoming a society of the haves and have-nots. The future does not look bright and there seems to be no bridge to the future to be found anywhere.
Our government seems to be void of ideas, initiatives and most importantly vision.
We seem to be a country that has no direction, no plan and waiting on others to determine our economic future.
The Charter of Governance is a document that can be described as a misrepresentation. Instead of encouraging the growth of small businesses, which is the economic backbone of the country, the government seems to be intent on taxing these businesses out of business.
Today, doing business in the Bahamas and the costs of doing business in the Bahamas is a nightmare.
There has been no relief in this regard since the PLP government came to office notwithstanding their many promises.
We are having a difficulty filling our hotel rooms and many persons are working in the tourist industry just two to three days a week. Persons who work at financial institutions are being laid off with very little prospects of reemployment in that industry.
And the government is quiet as a lamb.
With all the noise in the market by the PLP leading up to the last election, the handing out of t-shirts and caps and cash, the many parties, food and drink, the DNA hopes that the Bahamian people will now realise for our future’s sake that these election enticements do not ensure good governance.
The Democratic National Alliance would like to ask the government, is there light at the end of the tunnel?
The Bahamian people are crying for some sort of relief and it is the government’s duty to guide the way.
Does this government have the ability to be the guiding light?
We in the DNA have said before and we will continue to say that we would like to see this government do well.
Indeed, if the government does well, the country will benefit. But this government has proven on many occasions since coming to office in May 2012 that they were not ready to govern on day one.
On behalf of the Bahamian people, the DNA would like to tell this government that we as a people need relief now. Please govern us towards the relief!
TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago
Notice how cautiously Comrade Bran goes out of his way not to offend any red shirt within reading distance? To hear him talk today you'd think he had never said things like; "if you voted for Papa it would be the same old same old… all talk and no action! If you voted for Papa you would go “back back”. What a difference in the things he pretends to have said back in 2012? Comrades can't you picture Bran as he leans back in his Montagu Road law office chair, as he stares into the computer screen, not daring to repeat in red shirts friendly Tribune, the nasty things he said about the red shirts during the 2012 General Elections. Bran everybody done knows you have become no more than a modern day political beggar. Yep, that's my own new catchphrase ... "Bran the red shirts leadership beggar."
alexispeack 11 years ago
I'm watching NDTV now listening to Rabbi Shergill (singer/AAP) talk about how growth is bad, that MNC's are evil american corporations">. Delhi gov freakin reversed the decision on FDI that previous government took after years of deliberation in less than a month. This action alone will raise red flags in the investment community. There is no respect for continuity in their actions. We will go back to wearing langotis and burning cow dung if AAP comes to power. I wholeheartedly thank Congress for supporting AAP in Delhi, because it's quite clear they are leftist radicals waiting to cut off India from the rest of the world. Expected good governance, anti corruption. Yet to see any major person tried let alone go to jail.
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