(CLICK here to read extracts from the investigation )
Tribune Staff Reporter
A YOUNG Defence Force marine admitted that on the direction of superiors, he punched, kicked and beat unresisting Cuban detainees with a stick until they screamed, in what is described in official investigation documents as a “frenzied” attack at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.
The officer (identified here as Officer 1; each of the officers questioned has been given a number, The Tribune having decided to withhold names pending the conclusion of the investigation) is one of four men who admitted to directly taking part in the beating – which they said happened while the victims were posing no physical threat whatsoever, according to investigators quoted in the documents.
In his confession about what happened on June 13, Officer 1 said following an escape attempt by Cuban detainees, Officer 4, his superior, told Officer 2, Officer 5 and himself to “Put something on them.”
“We then sat all the detainees in a room and then started striking them about their bodies,” he said.
“The tall Cuban male I was escorting earlier, I began hitting him about the upper body with my fist while he lay on the floor.”
“I moved over to the area, to (Officers 4 and 5), where they had another detainee restrained. While he sat on the floor as these marines held his arms down to his side of his body, I then began punching up this detainee about his body and chest area and he began to scream.
“From there, I moved to the third detainee who was the shortest of the three, who was lying on the floor and I began to kick him about the body and then I rest one of my feet on his neck.
“Shortly afterwards, I picked up a broom stick and returned to the first detainee I was restraining earlier and began to strike him about the body with a broom stick. After three strikes, the broom stick broke.
Officer 1 was one of seven officers interrogated about the incident.
Others told of detainees being kicked while on the floor and having mace sprayed in their faces.
“I was saddened, it was inhumane,” one said.
The victims were: Alexander Vasquez, Carlos Pupo and Yordan Contero. Vasquez told of his experience during a Miami talk show, the details of which were published in The Tribune on Wednesday.
Officer 1 told investigators that on one occasion, he saw another senior officer, Officer 3, strike a detainee with a baton.
On another instance, he said, Officer 3 beat docile detainees with a length of PVC pipe.
Three of those interviewed said Officer 3 was the most violent during the incident.
He, along with Officer 2 and Officer 4 – all older officers – refused to answer basic questions about the incident. Officer 2 initially co-operated, but then said he had been instructed by his attorney to decline comment.
Officer 5, another young officer, told how, after taking Cubans who they suspected of trying to escape over a barbed wire fence because of cuts and bruises on their hands, he took them to a guard house along with Officers 3 and 1, “and then we all began punching, kicking the detainees who were laid out on the floor.”
“Prior to us escorting the detainees to the guard house, (Officer 3) had taken a white coloured PVC pipe which was about arms length which he used to strike the detainees while they were outside the guard house.
“After about two minutes into the beating I left the guard room and went on the exterior southern side of the building. The reason I left the room was because I felt that the way (Officer 3) was striking the detainees started to affect me.
“The blows from the PVC pipe began to produce bruises and marks on the backs and parts of the detainees’ bodies.”
In their report, the investigators said the testimony of the statements by detainees of what they suffered is “consistent with the confessions of four of the suspects (marines) in this matter . . . the marines admit that at no time were the detainees a threat to them while in their custody at the guard house, yet they still inflicted violent beatings on them.”
rory 11 years, 6 months ago
What is the illegal source of this alleged report? (since it was not officially released, therefore it is a crime if it is genuine). And if that image is genuine, it looks like they got cut by barbed wire. Think maybe they got injured while trying to escape and perhaps just trying to further their cause by saying the guards beat them? Remember you are dealing with a group of people that regularly lie and cause self harm to bring attention - ever heard of the "boy who cried wolf"? If you want me to believe the "boy who cried wolf", then you need to convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt. Especially after all the death threats levelled against all Bahamians over the "fake" video.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Says the "boy " that claims to have international clients that he regularly charges five hundred dollars an hour for consulting fees .
JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago
@Rory, whenever your imaginary threshold of evidence is met don't be afraid to say so!
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
You are assuming that because they fled Cuba they are criminals accustomed to spending time in jail and causing themselves injury. These could be honest hard working men who just wanted to escape an oppressive regime and a chance at a better life. Open your eyes and your mind. Lucky for them they got to the Bahamas where social justice reigns
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Your bar for evidence is being lowered ever so slowly...oh well...looks like the leak has turned into a full fledged flood...lets see what the PM has to say on his return
nationbuilder 11 years, 6 months ago
tell us the exact law you claim has been broken in the PUBLIC receiving or the press reporting on a document produced by PUBLIC officers on PUBLIC time with PUBLIC funds by the PUBLIC's defence force who are paid with PUBLIC funds and whose head takes directives from the elected PUBLIC servants (the politicians in power). Tell us the exact law on the books that has been broken - not your personal opinions or feelings - simply the actual and exact law - statute and section.
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Shocking that the made oblivious anti-PLP government "journalists" upstairs at Shirley and Deveaux Streets would continue to republish "questionable" photos, after they are publicizing what they deem reliable evidence of the alleged beatings, that their medical experts must have informed them that there is no way in hell that the photographed injuries could not have possibly been inflicted from no amount of licks administered from no broom stick handle, punching, baton or kicking? Where is The Tribune's evidence that these photos were NOT staged, just like we all now know (including The Tribune) that the Cubans had in fact re staged and then presented their "Spanish actors" video to the international media as evidence. Minister Freddy has ordered a full investigation so why not first wait for the results? Even if the testimony has some validity, these are not the photographs of proof as to what really happened at the detention center. Has The Tribune even bothered to take these photos to medical evidence experts or not? Or is it their own Journalists who have become overnight medical evidence experts? There must be a law on he books to protect Bahamaland from Treason against the State, being willfully committed by members of the local media and Her Majesty's Official Opposition?
banker 11 years, 6 months ago
Cry, my Beloved Country. As the evidence piles up, the vociferous truth deniers become more shrill in their denials. We have two more Baghdad Bobs or Comical Alis here. Except that it ain't funny.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Yes we do Banker . Lady Tals is seasoned and skilled at the art of obsessively only looking at one side in the name of party loyalty and hatred of one man . I ,m a little worried if Rory can keep up the pace ,he has resorted to viscous name calling and flights of fancy about his stature as an international business consultant... ..lmao
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
I forgot about Baghdad Bob...we have them on the run...15yr old Baghdad Rory.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Belly laughs ,,thx
JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago
@TalRussell, the Nassau Guardian is carrying the very same story on its front page with even more sordid details, so its not just the Tribune. Always remember that, "truth crushed earth will always rise again". It appears that you and this government seem not to understand crisis management 101, which states that you should never stake out an initial position that is incompatible with your ability to build a golden bridge of compromise to new contradictory information. What is our move now? Do we double down further as the ship continues to sink? Where are the adults in our government. If we thought that this issue was just going to go away we are wrong. The PM needs to stand up and pivot this issue to contain the fall-out already inflicted and re-position us to move forward and restore some credibility. It is obvious that Fred Mitchell lacks the credibility to do so.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
@ Johndoe,, well put !!
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Comrade Banker I had at least been hoping that one day when we both had crossed over Heaven's Pearly Gates, that finally I would get to meet and chat with a reformed Comrade, with no more desire left for political axes to grind. Sadly, of late I am not so sure ya go'in make it with me up to Heaven?
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Traitors, betrayers and heathens? This man was beaten badly. There is none so blind as he who will not see
banker 11 years, 6 months ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXl1GkWW… If you are going to Heaven, I'm not going. It will be a dirty place, strewn with potcakes, liars, adulterers, fornicators, grifters, grafters, closets full of money, stealing the widows mite, selling out the country, cocaine clouds, same sex orgies and that will be just in the PLP tent.
emac 11 years, 6 months ago
LOL Funny Shite. But once again true
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Was funny for real:)
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Comrades some mistakenly fall in love with what they honestly believe to be the truth. While others play around with the truth, all the while knowing it's an unstable truth. Still some just enjoy being forced-fed untruth-ism, as long as it can bring PM Christie down from power.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
I was right Tals is seasoned and can turn a blind eye against a mountain of evidence ; however i think young Rory is pacing ,while scratching his head all the while trying to come up w/ vile names to call people who don,t share his myopic opinions .
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
A failure to grasp reality and grandiose opinions about ones business skills don,t always point to mental illness ;however , these issues are better addressed sooner better then later . The new medications have a good track record when taking as directed and most people upon treatment can live a productive and happy life .
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Mummy needs to wash your mouth out w/ soap .
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
I,m glad its coming out ;however i was looking forward to seeing what handpicked retired judge and "esteem" clergy were going to perjure themselves on an international stage .
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
When this whole incident started, I had no intention to comment as this was a whole sad state of affairs. However, whether you are PLP or FNM you should not condone the ill treatment of detainees in the Bahamas. The government from the start of this ordeal treated it with total missteps. Instead of attacking everyone that dared to contradict their authority, should have simply stated what they knew to be the whole truth and as Minister Mitchell said let the chips fall where they may. But in a truely brutish fashion, the foreign minister tried to silence every critic, even claiming Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition of siding the enemies of the Bahamas. To this day I still can't fully understand who these enemies are, as we have worked in amnesty with the USA, Cuba and Cubian Americans.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
THE enemies are anyone that would threaten Freds post and extensive travel calender .The Secretary of state in the U/S is arguably one of the most powerful political figures in the world and i would be willing to bet Fred logs more miles then J Kerry.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Easy boy ,read my above post about medication . the post after you tried to get "flirty w/ me " thanks but i,m heterosexual ...No clients to bill today ??
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Rory how old are you really? The tirade is reminiscent of a teenager....how are you able to handle clients who may have all types of personalities?
hotep86 11 years, 6 months ago
This is disgusting and disheartening. What kind of sociopathic, easily bribed officers do we have working to defend us?
Aside from the abuse, the government as a whole is one big let down in terms of the way this entire situation was handled. This is institutional failure. It's not one Minister or one Ministry involved in this. If the Prime Minister has any sense of morality and credibility he would immediately dismiss not just one, but a few of his colleagues.
I'm ashamed.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
I agree...it's a small man who needs to beat up defenseless people to make himself feel better about himself. The strong man spends his time helping people up.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
well put @thisisours
Solomon 11 years, 6 months ago
If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked. Proverbs 29:12 [KJV]
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
idiotic ,,anyone that pays you five hundred dollars an hour for consulting fees ,,Really Rory it was fun debating w/ you ,but now its a bit disheartening as you are increasingly becoming a sad little man that needs medical attention and consultation w/ a mental health specialist . I ,m a good guy and lately have done alright money wise ,if you can,t afford help i would be willing to assist .
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Please, buy a book on the subject of Emotional Intelligence
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Just dictated an URGENT Memo to be dispatched to my PR clients. Please instruct your accounting department that until late, little did i realize I have been much too underpaid. Will advise of my new rates by later cover.
PS Can you live with say, a $500 per hour billing adjustment?
Your Most Humbly Beggar
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Tals are you poking fun of your little cohort ,Rory the acclaimed ,by himself , international consultant ,,lmao
B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago
How does that saying go...ignorance is bliss!!
Question for the two with blinders on. Assuming, let's get hypothetical here, that there is irrefutable FACT...OFFICIAL reports from the PLP-dem...if that happens...what will you all say. Just asking. Faced with indesputable documented legal fact...what is your opinion on it.
emac 11 years, 6 months ago
Unfortunately some people will never accept the truth even if it hits them square in the face. But as Aldous Huxley puts it, “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Another writer says, “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
banker 11 years, 6 months ago
Bless you. You are above the rabble in truth and spirit.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Well put ,good quotes @emac
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Comrades if it's OK with you, let's not advocate for a justice system which will not provide safeguards to avoid convictions, based upon “hypothetically-based evidence. Thank goodness for all of us, we Bahamalanders can still live in a country where ALL evidence must be subjected to close scrutiny. Has The Tribune or any other media source, ever scrutinized anything involving the Cubans? Is anyone suggesting that I am wrong in stating a known truth, that outside of their bias leaning politics, The Tribune can be an excellent community read. The real problem with this newspaper is they might as well hang a journalistic Code of Writing over the desks of all their writers. One that simply reads; "When It Comes To PM Christie, Write It Loud, Write It like It's The Truth. Write Like You Believe It. Write It To Make Your Readers Want To Believe, It's Da Truth." Why not come out of the closet and go "all the red way," by just hosting the red shirts Torch up they flag pole, over at Shirley and Deveaux Streets. Pretty damn sure its flying proudly, upstairs.
banker 11 years, 6 months ago
You say "Cubans" like white folks used to call us "n*ggers". You would think that being on the darker end of the racial spectrum and sometimes suffering for it, would teach you that we are all equal. You say that you are going to heaven? There are moral qualifications, you know.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
The tribune did not write the report, they are reporting what was written. Another attempt at finding a bogey man
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
This is simply horrible...where is Perry Christie?
B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago
Tal...have your read the Guardian today...they yellow or red?
JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago
Are you listening to yourself........ Everybody in the entire world is stupid except me....blah, blah, blah. Unconscious incompetence is a fatal flaw my friend, try and pull yourself out of it.
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
Comrade BID a yes or no answer. Have the lawyers for the state had their turn at challenging the authenticity of the evidence? Has the Guardian stated that they are simply publishing unsubstantiated claims by the Cubans and all others associated with this? Is it possible that something went terribly wrong over at the detention center? Yes! But at this stage all we know for sure is an attempted ESCAPE did take place, but beyond that fact, exactly what happened is still anyone's guess.What more could the government have done, other than to order an investigation? It is an act of treason for the reds to dare suggest that "their' own government was complicit in whatever happened to the illegal's. For many years in our Bahamaland, Cubans have been causing us big-time trouble. Why years back they did KILL four of our Marine Defense Officers on the high seas. They're still here ever day, raiding our waters of fishes ... all illegally. Do we really want to send a strong message to Cuba, that Bahamaland is an open "stopover" for Cubans trying to illegally reach the US mainland? God I hope not.
lucaya 11 years, 6 months ago
Please tribune, can you find another story to lead? This is now STALE news, the Cubans were sent back,an investigation is ongoing and the Cubans in America had their 15mins of fame, now get back to basics, news from the Bahamas....
JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago
This is news from the Bahamas..... and of the worst sort. This is a story and will continue to be a story until our government gets out in front of this issue. Even the PM has admitted that this has the potential to create significant reputational damage for us yet he has failed to lead to date. Blaming the messengers and silence obviously has not worked as a strategy. We must recoginise that as a small country compared to the forces we are up against we will not be able to control the narrative of this story, especially if we are jiving with the facts. It is time for the adults to step forward in our government.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
What planet are you living on? Fred Mitchell was summoned to the US State Dept. just last week...how often does that happen? Didn't you read the article, the police investigation is reportedly complete...
B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago
I get it now...Tal...you are condoning the violence to deter then from thinking to even consider trying to transit through the Bahamas...it's all becoming clearer now. They are a nuisance and a pest, and have killed some of our own, so we in turn get to beat the crap out them (theoretically speaking of course, as none of it is proven as yet)...and I will say, at the moment, it is NOT the OFFICIAL report and none of it is 100% undisputed truth, so until we do get the official stuff, this is all presumptious, but we see your true colours now, not really yellow or red, just violent and abusive and spiteful.
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
What is most troubling about this whole incident is how it is dividing the Bahamian people. It appears that the undeniable truth is that something did occur at the detention centre. Whether Rory or Tal choose to accept this as a fact is not for me to decide, but ignoring this simple fact will not change what has already transpired. The video has already been declared by all parties to be a fraud, but according to the leaked report the video was based on real events. It is now time to reveal all the facts of this case and if is found that the good minister did mislead the nation, even with his big words and brow beating of the opposition, he should be fired.
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
Why are calling anyone traitors if what they are saying may be truthful and has not been investigated to be found to be lies. I have seen people calling Mr. Sanchez a person with a criminal record on some of these blogs, however every freedom fighter can be branded a criminal if their actions are not supported by their government, Nelson Mandela is a prime example, he spent 20 years in prison for his cause.
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
I am Bahamian first and anything last. Nelson Mandela is always prevalent as he fought and paid a true price for freedom. This crazy ideal of taking up for an injustice that occurred is not right no matter who perpetrated the wrong.
dfitzerl 11 years, 6 months ago
can someone educate me as to when and where the Minister said that there was never any abuse? I am aware that he said that the Government of The Bahamas has not engaged in any abuse and that it will be investigated to determine if any individuals had been involved. I am also aware that he stated that the video was fake, but I am not sure he said because the video is fake that there was never any abuse. He appropriately said that it will be investigated and acted upon. Let the process complete itself and if it is not acted upon, then jump down his throat, not before.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
on july 18th FM said people are not beaten ,,,however in matters of immigration the RBDF and Immigration both represent the Bahamian government .Fred is just using "word play " all and sundry know that MP,s did not go to the center and beat people ..
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
I have always maintained that the media and the reds need to hush until the investigation has had its time to run the course. That let the chips fall where they might. To suggest that the PM is involved in a coverup is Treason. My God, Minnis was suspended from the House for a far less of an accusation. The Cuban Ambassador to Bahamaland has issued a statement just within the last 72-hours in which he said. "The staff at the Cuban Embassy to The Bahamas is very aware of the Cuban nationals at the Detention Center and their living conditions. This can be proved through the many requests to visit the Detention center made to the Department of Immigration as well as to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas. Only in 2013, our Embassy has paid (8) visits to that facility besides dealing with the huge amounts of emails and phone calls from the relatives that are housed there. Moreover, our Embassy maintains constant communication with the proper Bahamian authorities on this subject of common interest." My Comrades, wouldn't either The Tribune or The Guardian's journalistic instincts not be flashing amber caution lights, that the Cuban detainees never once mentioned to the frequently visiting Cuban Embassy Officials, all about how that they had been beaten viciously? It ain't like them troublesome Cubans don't like to complain. Right? They reporting about how the PLP government is coverings-up what may have happened to the Cubans, but the details they are publishing ain't from their own journalistic investigations. Where did they get their evidence? From this same damn PLP government's own investigations. My, my what strange twisted teaching we get, once we realize what strange media bedfellows, doth The Tribune and The Guardian maketh!.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago
Look out Guardian...Tal got you in the sights now for being treasonous red bassturds as well!! Gone is any unbiased news reporting in the country. Heck...there isn't a single unbiased, politically motivated news agency in the world. About the closest I have seen to fair MAY be the BBC.
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
On July 18th, the day before this report date minister Mitchell is reported in a Tribune article titled "Fred Mitchell: Defends nation`s reputation ahead of Cuban protests", the good minister is reported as saying "people are not beaten".
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
How simple this would have been to deal with .As soon as the police report was done the PM should have came on TV said that officers had been put on leave and charges would follow . Instead they thought they could buy time until it all boiled down and have some retired judge and clergy give a watered down report ..They under estimated the journalist and certain officers that broke ranks and talked ..We , us ,are becoming an increasingly violent people that use physical force as conflict resolution ,from child rearing ,to love relationships ,to policing .Although the PLP handled this badly our use of violence as conflict resolution is not political and starts w/ us threatening and beating children in anger as discipline .This reinforces at an early age that you get what you want through physical force .
newcomer2012 11 years, 6 months ago
You are correct concernedcitizen. It is wrong to abuse anyone however the FNM should not think this is a "win" for them; instead it is a lose for the Bahamas period. In fact if I were the parent or family member of any victim of brutality from authorities I would ask the FNM where they were when my family member was beaten to DEATH?! not beaten and lived to tell about it ..... to DEATH! I heard nothing from anyone. Now that it seems to make the PLP look bad this is going on and on. Wake up FNM, wake up!
Stapedius 11 years, 6 months ago
Are these images verifiable? There seems to be a lot coming out from the Tribune on this. Day after day they seem to have unfettered access to images and statements made by the abused. I see the political game has begun. They will attempt to hang this issue around the PLP's neck like an albatross. Really tired of the way we do things in this country. Same old cycle of nonsense. Can we vote for the aliens from Mars the next election? The FNM sucks and can't get their act together because of emotions and the PLP is no better. We are too emotional in this country. We want good leaders who make logical decisions. Granted, not every decision will be liked by everyone but for crying out loud lets make some big decisions that moves this country forward.
So sick of hearing about this Cuban nonsense, when the water pressure in my home sucks because W&S who can't get its act together always has some issue with pressure. Then there's this shambolic phone company called BTC Lime that has made us the communications laughing stock of the region. When are we going to get fed up with excuse after excuse they lay upon us? We need some big things to happen for us in this place. But we appear to delight in petty politics and theatrical performances in Parliament. The government and opposition need to work together more to resolve some serious national issues. We have no real major idealogical differences between the two major parties. So I cannot see why we haven't made sense enough to progress forward.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Funny although your comments are veiled your political bias shows ,the main thing you are emoting about ,,It would appear people got beat while being detained in the Bahamas ,since the PLP is now the Governing party and the RBDF and Immigration and customs act as agents of the government in matters of immigration and detention the governing party is where the buck stops ..
Stapedius 11 years, 6 months ago
Hahaha, you and I have had this conversation before. If you look at most comments that I make on here I am highly critical of both parties. I decided to abstain from voting in the last 3 elections because I was not satisfied with the choices. But Concerned you and Tal love to come on here and ramble on about your respective parties. I am simply pointing out that the Tribune is suppose to be an objective source. Or it claims to be anyway. If I had a bias I would be within my right as I have never claimed objectivity and I am not running a news agency. So analyse all you wish, since it appears that's what you are so keen on doing on this site.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
iI also swear alliance to no party .I liked HAI ,but did not vote FNM when they ran Tommy ,at the time i thought PGC was a better choice ,,The tribune has made no secret of there support of the FNM and dislike of the PLP ..Would the tribune not print something highly damaging about the FNM if there was cause ,i don,t know but i hope they would ,
tommymusic 11 years, 6 months ago
What a travesty. Illegal immigrates should not be subject to inhumane abuse while detained in a government facility. Shame on the Bahamas.
lazybor 11 years, 6 months ago
well said
http://tinyurl.com/c7l9ck6" width="1">
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
To make things even worse how could even the most stubborn anti-PM Christie creatures of hate be so stubborn . as not to at least admit to it being more than just a coincidence, that both daily newspapers would have done their due diligence in time, for the exact same story to have appeared on their front pages, on the exact same day. Somebody had to meet or copy somebody news? Rumors about beatings at the detention center have existed for many years. Flashback to an Amnesty International 2010 Report of ill-treatment at the Carmichael Road Detention Center. including an allegation of a man beaten so severely that he lost several fingernails and toenails. The findings of a Department of Immigration commission set up to investigate the allegations HAD NOT been made public. And, who was the PM at the time of the report? Comrades, ass whipping ain't no new breaking news. It's customary in we culture. Change the culture, not acting like it's some front page news story, for the two daily newspapers, on the same day. I have not met a single PLP supporter, that condones whipping asses? Have you journalists met some? You got any pictures of Minister Freddy beat'in anyone? If not, allow the minister to do his job, and if he doesn't, then demand he be fired. Them Cubans been capturing we own Bahamalander's on the high seas, and throwing them in brutal dungeons for years. .
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
JohnDoe 11 years, 6 months ago
It serves no useful purpose for any Bahamian, FNM or PLP, to gloat about the sorry state of affairs we now find ourselves in, just as it serves no useful purpose for any Bahamian to continue to believe that the entire world is conspiring against us or is out to get us. Our image is our major selling point as a touristic destination and a financial services center. As such we should guard our image with the utmost of care. I don't know what exactly happened at the detention center, but I am convinced something did happen. I am also convinced that our government could not have handled this any worse and it has nothing to do with PLP or FNM or being a traitor. What utter nonsense!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Crazy a## Papa would of marched these marines to the brig himself ...
B_I_D___ 11 years, 6 months ago
Lmao...you had to mention him didn't you...now TAL and rory are going to go on another tirade!!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Half of me was thinking bout crazy Papa and half of me was thinking about Rory and Tals ..
TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago
One day when I have a few extra hours to spend on the Hubert regime I may decide to furnish a shopping list, detailing all the cabinet minsters under him, who never resigned over 'serious" allegations made against their respective ministries. Tommy T would have had to have hired a shuttle bus to transport him back and forth to the PM's resignation offices. When questions of contract ethics were asked of the former minister of foreign affairs, did he resign from cabinet? Nope he excused himself from the cabinet room, but only before the voting for the contracts took place? Minister Freddy also has has been a regular target by the media, for flying off to all kind of foreign destinations. Look, he's the "foreign" minister, not the minister for Nassau Town. Where he to be flying off to, if it ain't suppose be some foreign destination?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
No time for that now Tals ,something stinks to high heaven in denmark ..Do you think Papa was sulkin around the detention center at night beaten the crap out of detainees,,??
Baha10 11 years, 6 months ago
I did not give this story much credit when it first broke, but it now appears as if there is definite fire beneath the smoke and our country's reputation is at stake internationally, which could potentially have horrendous touristic consequences. As concerned Bahamians celebrating 40 years of independence, we should not view this as political opportunity, but do nonetheless need our Government to get out in front of this embarassing occurance before it gets "much" worse. Clearly Mitchel was wrong when he adamantly declared the mock video as "complete fiction" and accordingly, under our Westminster model of Government should immediately tender his resignation. All RBDF and Detention Officers in any way connected need to be immediately relieved of duty and discharged, including those who witnessed, but chose to do nothing. Likewise, if Senior Personnel, including the responsible Minister were made aware and chose not to act, they must also go. Such action needs to occur tomorrow, rather than later, failing which the PM could find himself having to resign or contesting a legitimate vote of no confidence.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Completely agree..if what the tribune reported is true, that this report was shown to the entire cabinet some time ago...my God..what kind of men are these??? Who are proud to be associated with Nygard and keep their mouths sown up when fellow human beings are so badly abused. What manner of men are these?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
Men that crave power and all its trappings even if the cost is bartering the only thing they real own , their integrity .
John 11 years, 6 months ago
Can someone pleazd take me to the detention center so I can puke...honestly i have had enough oc thiz Cuban fiasco. There wasnt this much coverage when they blew the ddfence force boat to smitherings or when they burned the detention center of when the CubNz escaped from Fox Hill to a waitinv helicopter...and whT about them set who had the marijuana farm on thT island..that never even made the news..enough already if the tribune has another headline on this i will go have dinner with Castro...Fidel and Raul
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Waiting helicopter...never heard about that...anyway the times have changed...new ways for information to be disseminated, new ways for people to collectively comment on an issue. If we had social media when the Flamingo tragedy happened I think you would have seen the same level of outrage. Not that it didn't exist it just wasn't so easily measured
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
I ,m so dissapointed , I don,t think i,m going to get to hear from the retired judge and esteemed cleric ..Man i was hoping Ruby Nottage w/ the singing Bishop ..
concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago
The police finished their investigation on the 29 th of july ,the RBDF on the 14 th of august ,but alas Freddy is still out there investigating .He is presently circling the globe looking under the beds of all five star hotels for any evidence that may have been missed ,
John 11 years, 6 months ago
If you really want to chase a human rights story investigate how many hundreds of thousands of dollars arevtaken from Haitian immigrants every year when they are being raided and deported and they have no one to stand up for them
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Uh-uh, I don't like corruption wherever it happens, I don't like to see helpless people taken advantage of wherever they are, whatever nationality or colour they may be
I used to wonder why bad things happened to innocent people. This very question was posed to Jesus when a house collapsed while guests were celebrating a wedding. I kinda understood his answer but didn't fully get it. I think I know the answer today (beyond getting your soul right), it's so people can open their eyes to ""this should not be*".
When they turned the dogs on helpless black people in the 60's, people of all colour rose up and said "this should not be".
Hopefully this incident makes Bahamians look at anyone with an accent as a fellow human being deserving of respect regardless of their social status. Evil will still exist, but hopefully good men and women will open their eyes and hearts and trigger change
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
Intelligent for your age but prone to tunnel vision...I was actually not comparing the two, but now that you mention it, there is nothing wrong with comparing the two, both are evidence of social injustices meeted out on innocent victims.
If you had understood my comment, you would have seen that I was speaking generally to the point of "people being abused with no provocation whatsoever"
TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 6 months ago
We should all be quiet. If this is truly authentic, the next word I want to hear on this issue should be from Amnesty International... Let's hear what they have to say about this. If this is genuine, God help us.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 6 months ago
You don't give a crap what they think, people and governments worldwide do
guyfawkes 11 years, 6 months ago
Amnesty international has already provided comment on this matter and has expressed disappointment in the government by sending so of the detainees home before the group could be interviewed. But remember Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition was branded as unpatriotic for even asking if the government was trying to cover anything up on this matter. Listened to the talk show stations and I am sure during a news break it was indicated that none of the officers in this case were placed on leave until the outcome of the investigation.
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אתר מורדו ראה אור לראשונה בשנת 2010. והתחיל כתחביב ולמען העשרת רשת האינטרנט בתוכן איכותי. עם הזמן, ובמרוצת השנים זה התחיל להפוך לעסק רציני המאגד מספר עובדים שפועלים מסביב לשעון כדי לאפשר לגולשים ולחברנו בפייסבוק להנות מפתרונות בזמן אמת, בחינם והנאה רבה. ידע זה כוח - וידע אפשר להשיג חינם !
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crosswords 9 years, 11 months ago
אנשים אוהבים הכל ומהר ,במלי לחשוב יותר מידי. אם פעם היית מסתכל על הסבביה עוזר לזולת, היום אני תקוע עם ההעיינם בתוךך הסמארטפון. לפיכך, חשבתי שאולי לפני שתשחקו את המשחק באבלס, תקראו כמה תובנות ומידע מסקרן אודות המשחק באבלס. את כל המידע ליקטתי מחיפוש באתרים בעבית ואנגלית, קריה נעימה.
אז מתי ואיך נולד באבלס? באבלס נוצר בשלהי שנות ה-2000 כמשחק ארקייד. ארקייד למי שלא יודע זה מסוגי המשחקים שיושבים בתוך הקונסולות שמכניסים להם מטבעות. מכונות כאלה היו רווים בקניניום בשנות ה90. במשחק משולבות כמה תכונות שאנשים אוהבים כמו חשיבה, יריות ופשטות הפעלה. המשחק זכה להצלחה כבירה תוך שנים, ובעקבות זאת במשך הזמן נוצרו גרסאות כיסוי נוספות לבאבלס. כמו כן משחקים נוספים המבוססים על משחק זה פותחו.
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crosswords 9 years, 11 months ago
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