Choices in government

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is said that ‘Governing is about choices’. Governments decide what is important and what requires immediate attention and what can be postponed. It is clear that the present Christie-led Government has determined that the enjoyment and pleasure of its Cabinet Ministers is what is important and what demands the expenditure of scarce public money.

I have come to this conclusion because I am aware that the Christie-led Government has determined that it is not important or urgent to identify and expend $18,000 to make the Defence Force aircraft operational and able to maintain surveillance over our territorial waters.

And, the Government has determined that it is not necessary or important to fund the purchase of car parts required to repair and return police patrol cars to active anti-crime patrols around our streets and neighbourhoods.

At the same time, this Christie-led Government has found and continues to find monies to pay for extravagant international first class travel by cabinet ministers in excessively large delegations – like the recent five-Minister trip to Dubai led by foreign minister Fred Mitchell or the delegation of unknown size led by the Prime Minister to CHOGM in Sri Lanka with side visits to London and Rome! I believe that one return first-class airfare to Sri Lanka amounts to close to $18,000! Fly to Sri Lanka first class or repair Defence Force aircraft? What’s a Prime Minister to do in these tough economic times? It seems Mr Christie came down on the side of travel to CHOGM accompanied by his wife, several ministers, and a bevy of support staff.

And it’s not just wasteful international travel that is being placed ahead of critically required services important for the protection of ordinary Bahamians. Overseas official entertainment approved by the prime minister is also continuing unabated. A $60,000 bill for a reception during the prime minister’s recent visit to the United Nations does not appear to have been a problem.

All this extravagance continues while public sector union find themselves increasingly hamstrung in negotiations with the Government over benefits for ordinary public sector employees. And while dismissing union claims and complaints the same Government is spending hundreds of thousands of scarce dollars re-engaging retired permanent secretaries and retired senior police officers, some of the latter with less than sterling records, to perform tasks that serving public offices are fully capable of performing.

Governing is about choices. Our Government has made its choices loud and clear: it’s all for and about them!



December 1, 2013.


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