Tribune Staff Reporter
DNA leader Branville McCartney said the government must declare war on crime, or the citizens of the Bahamas will never be safe.
His comments came after Deputy Prime Minister Phillip Brave Davis was held at gunpoint and robbed in his home early yesterday morning.
Mr McCartney said he is thankful that the Mr Davis, his wife and his chauffeur, were not seriously injured, but said the incident proves the government is not doing enough in the fight against crime.
“Priority number one for this government is the issue of crime and the fear of crime.
“The fundamental principal of governance is the protection of its citizens. The people of the Bahamas along with government members are not protected,” he said.
“The Democratic National Alliance is asking this government again to declare a war against the criminals in this country so that they will realise and understand that there will be consequences for their actions. If a government cannot protect its citizens they must not be in government as they have breached the fundamental principal of governance.”
Mr McCartney was himself recently scarred by crime when his brother, prominent businessman Kurt McCartney, was gunned down in Gambier in October.
Kurt is the second son of Mr and Mrs William McCartney. His father owns the chain of Wilmac Pharmacies.
Kurt managed the pharmacy on Thompson Boulevard. He is survived by his parents, his brother, Branville, and two sisters.
The family offered a $50,000 reward for anyone with information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for his death.
Three persons have since been charged with Kurt McCartney’s murder.
TalRussell 11 years, 3 months ago
Comrade Leader Bran how many wars do our gold and red governments have to declare? If you want to use the fat lady.cliché you have to remember the fat lady only comes on at the end of the opera. This crime opera has been running strong for over 15 years. Comrade Bran how much longer can Bahamalanders wait for the fat lady to sing?
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 3 months ago
Crime has been running strong for 40yrs of independence, don't overlook the Pindling drug years
henny 11 years, 3 months ago
Don't use that cop out and blame the crime rate and other issues on African American culture. No one forced Bahamians to do anything. Everyone knows Bahamians and other islands like to "copy cat". It's those elected politicians who need to do what's right, be more aggressive and work to get Bahamian culture back to where it should be.
Bahamianpride 11 years, 3 months ago
There are many truths to what Rory is saying, our culture is watered down with American and Jamaican culture and music, but the greater systemic problems is with the government and the Education of the People especially the poor.. As a country we are hard on the poor, a lot of our people will look u up and down and turn their backs on u if u r not on their status level. Don't get me wrong we have a lot of wonderful people but it is this turning a blind eye to the needs of our brothers and sisters that fuels the problem.. It makes matters worse that we have a government of politicians that have careers lasting over thirty years feeding of the status quo..They know that if we don't push harder to deal with issues of poverty, poor education, family planning, employment, and livable wages, a generation of criminals will be at our door with Guns.. We have to destroy the feeding source of Crime...
VDSheep 11 years, 3 months ago
Declaring a war on crime is a bunch of baloney. Nixon declared the war on drugs, Reagan declare the war on terrorism, but they all grew diametrically since those declarations! I will tell you what is needed - since declaring war on anything…, appears degenerating - those non productive lawyer politicians ought to declare: Peace on the Economy! Perhaps peace on the economy will be successful in bringing about a positive change in the economy.
Reality_Check 11 years, 3 months ago
Any war on crime would have to start with a round up and jailing of most of our MPs and Senators!
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 3 months ago
Agreed. Why does Anyone other than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama need a 10car escort? Who is that person afraid of? Can we put that on a billboard? Country so dangerous DPM travels with 20 police officers
TalRussell 11 years, 3 months ago
Time to make a blunt demand of our politicians. The answer is an immediate and without hesitation, say yes to stopping the announcements of your newest, meaningless headline grabbing little war games on crime. Name one government's war on crime that has been successful. Our murder rates, robberies, rapes, physical assaults, employee and lawyer thefts, political corruption and domestic violence speaks to the real truth. While we're at it, same games with you headline grabbing preacherman's and wanna be government politicians. Start your war against government workers earning money they are in no damn way entitled to be receiving . If not, shut the hell up.
seekingknowledge 11 years, 3 months ago
If you want a goverment war on crime that has been successful take a look at new york. At one point New york's crime rate was through the roof but duing the 90s it experienced a significant drop. Here check out the link
croberts6969 11 years, 3 months ago
Ain't nothin gonna change unless the masses march on Parliament and demand better or kick the bastards out.
SP 11 years, 3 months ago
Better to declare war on political stupidity........That's why were in this mess in the first place!
John 11 years, 3 months ago
What we are failing to address is that there are too many young men sitting idle with nothing to do. Many are abusing drugs, alcohol and other substances and their behavior represents this: the don't care attitude, the don't look at me the wrong way attitude, the if you step on my shoe I will kill you mentality, the idea that if someone have something and they want it or need it ythey just go take it, even if it means taking a life to get it. MAYBE IT IS TIME FOR NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE ALL YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN not finding a job or not in an institution of higher learning or not otherwise gainfully employed within SIX MONTHS of leaving high school must sign up for service. They will be tested for drugs and alcohol and put through para military training. They will be assigned to government deprtments such as the hospital, Ministry of Works, Post Office, even police and defence force where they will receive job training. Their monthly stipend will be equal to the minimum wage and their tour of duty will last from 1-3 years, Their release will depend on their ability to find a job, enter an institution of higher learning, open their own business, join the police or defence force or otherwise become gainfully employed or occupied. We will no longer drive through the streets of New Providence and Grand Bahama and see droves of young men sitting and standing idle and visably engage in drug use and abuse. Many already look like the walking dead so they have no regards or life. THEN (and now) the question is asked where is the money coming from. The same place it is coming from to buy police cars and to house some of these very people in Fox Hill prison in the very near future if nothing is done.....“It always seems impossible until it's done.” ― Nelson Mandela “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela
John 11 years, 3 months ago
then you should stop quoting yourself @rory
The_Oracle 11 years, 3 months ago
So, we have a Government sponsored war on the Private sector, (VAT, increased taxation) A government sponsored war on Intelligence (almost won where Govt is concerned) and Bran proposes another War on Crime? Careful, it is a road to the Police state, curfews, and loss of Constitutional rights. These are lost first most often, and may be the real war behind all the battles.
seekingknowledge 11 years, 3 months ago
I armed war on crime is not the only solution. I think alot of arrest will have to be made but we need to focus on other factors that cause crime.
We nee to stop these criminals from getting bail. Anyone charged with murderer should not be allow out on bail.
We need to focus on creating more jobs since alot of these crimes are armed robberies.
Thats all I have for now but if we were to have a War on crime this should definitely be part of there agenda.
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