BRAVE ROBBERY: Four arrested, one man still at large

Authorities have confirmed that four men were arrested for their alleged involvement in the armed robbery of Deputy Prime Minister Philip 'Brave' Davis and his wife Ann Marie last week.

The men, alleged to have fled the Davis's Westridge home with an undisclosed amount of money and property, were taken into custody this weekend. One man is believed to be still at large.

Police said the stolen funds and belongings have been recovered and thanked the public for their help in the matter.


bismark 11 years, 3 months ago

it is ironic,funds recovered?i could understand some but all?what they were going to do open a bank account?well you got them,evidence and all that shouldn't be hard 25 years no long talking,when they see the road again they will need the assistance of a cane that's how old they will be when released.

blackcat 11 years, 3 months ago

How interesting that this case in particular could be solved so quickly- what is that - less than a week ?

Either preferential treatment OR Davis knew the intruders. either way is bad news.

BDN 11 years, 3 months ago

How is it even possible that the individuals kept the cash on hand? Either stupid or it was never actually taken.. At least, that is my opinion.

HolandObserver 11 years, 3 months ago

this case surprises me everyday. this must be a record for the rbpf. in the blink of an eye this case ws solved. well done mr commissioner....i hope that the same zeal and dillegence can be used to solve other non-high profile cases.

star 11 years, 3 months ago

This case is fishy-er than the bathroom at Potters Cay.

JohnDoes 11 years, 3 months ago

This country got it backwards. First of all, a Death Penalty technically exists but because of an European Union we refuse to follow it through. The EU is only concerned with Europe and its surrounding territory. We are a Commonwealth where we use the Queen as Head and British form of Parliament, not laws and/or way of life. That is up to the members of our governing body. Secondly, on a different note to further represent why we have it backwards is the GED vs. BGCSE. Time and time again I see a lot of Bahamians turned away from opportunities because of the misinformation given by employers and members of the Ministry of Education as it relates to the GED and its value. Yes the GED is an american form of testing for those that have not completed high school and needs high school qualification, but because Bahamians hardly know anything about it, they say and believe that the GED is below the BGCSE. Technically that is WRONG according the UK NARIC (a national agency that works on behalf of the UK Government to provide a range of advisory services that compare international qualifications). When you go to school abroad, the U.S specifically, they ask Bahamians for BGCSEs with passes in Math and English etc., OR if you have the GED. So why in the Bahamas when you tell employers you dont have the BGCSE but you have the GED they insist that the BGCSE is higher and the GED isnt worth anything. That is ignorance at its finest. For example: One may not attend high school in the Bahamas, but if he/she passes the required BGCSE's in Math's and English etc, he/she would be suitable for a job and/or college in the Bahamas or USA. So in turn it is the same type of certification as the GED in regard to the fact that those who did not complete high school but passes and receives the GED will be suitable for a job and/or college in the USA which will justify why they should be allowed the same here in the Bahamas. Many think the GED is just a piece of paper, but tests are taken in the same important subjects like the BGCSE and not many pass just like the BGCSE. So ultimately we see things like this that are big problems in our system that we tend to put a blind eye toward, and it limits our productivity. I guarantee anyone in Ministry of Education will laugh at you when you say GED because they think, and only because they know about the BGCSE, that the GED is worthless. This is a gray area in our system that needs some SERIOUS SERIOUS attention and enlightenment.

JohnDoes 11 years, 3 months ago

times have changed my friend, especially now that the U.S is more diverse than ever before.

spoitier 11 years, 3 months ago

The way the world is going now, both are irrelevant. You need to get at least a bachelor.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 3 months ago

Good job on this one you got the guys.

John 11 years, 3 months ago

They caught the guys who broke in my house a few days after it happened. They did not recover anything. No cash, no jewelry, no cameras, laptops or cell phones. Then the police tells me the guys plead guilty and was going away for a long, long time. So our family went back to normal life, thinking that the guys who robbed and ran-shacked our home was behind bars. ' for a long, long time.' Then a few months later I get a call late in the afternoon from the police saying that the trial with the robbers who broke into my house was stet tro begin the next day and that I must be to court for 10 o'clock that morning. I asked them why I was given such short notice as I had to make work arrangements to have time off to be in court. So the officer tells me coldly "So you are not interested in persuing the matter aye? I'll let my boss know", and before I could say anything else, she hung up the phone. That was the last I heard about the matter. SWIFT JUSTICE..if you don't jump when they police say so, you gets no justice!

John 11 years, 3 months ago

PUBLIC FLOGGING??? persons who plan and commit rape and armed and violent robberies and home invasions should be publicly flogged at the beginning of their jail term and just before their release. They doesn't necessarily have to use the cat-o-nine tails but a whip or straps that can inflict enough pain to cause these monsters to cry out in pain and leave some permanent markings on their backside, especially those who plan and commit rape. (premeditated crime). There is too much criminal justice in this country./////“Most men fear getting laughed at or humiliated by a romantic prospect while most women fear rape and death.” ― Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence

SP 11 years, 3 months ago

This whole sceanero and literally hundreds more like it need never to have happened.

“Barney Rubble Greenslade” need to be shipped off to Mexico, Dominican Republic and Panama to learn how to fight crime.

Those countries all have "SUSTAINED ROAD BLOCKS" to prevent criminals from roaming free with a car full of firearms.

Saturation patrols and 12 hour police shifts are not sustainable and police won't do it for free especially as this cuts into their freelance security work at parties etc..

bismark 11 years, 3 months ago

SP road blocks are a good idea,i am all for them me being a lawabiding citizen I have nothing to fear,but the minute some big shit gets hold up in traffic they complain,and that's it,i say have road blocks on all the major transits,shake down these crime ridden areas,raid shanty towns,the police knows where every dope shop is,shut them down arrest people you complain about them getting released on bail,lock them up again,that should cool it down the police have to be relentless in their quest to stamp this out,not crying because they had to work a 12 hour shift,suck it up you wanted to be police that comes along with the territory.

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