PM scraps BTC meeting to focus on crime


Tribune Staff Reporter


CRIME fighting strategies will be the “singular focus” when Cabinet meets today, Prime Minister Perry Christie said, revealing that a key meeting on the future of BTC will be postponed.

Yesterday, Mr Christie said after consultations with the Commissioner of Police, Cabinet ministers will meet at 9am to “strengthen and escalate the war on crime” so that peace and a sense of security can be restored to streets, homes and communities in the shortest possible time.

His comments came after four persons were shot and killed in Fox Hill Friday night, while awaiting Junkanoo results.

The Prime Minister said the Cabinet meeting was originally scheduled to formalise a new deal with Cable and Wireless, the current majority owner of BTC, however “nothing is more fundamental” than keeping Bahamians safe.

“I have determined that nothing should distract us at this particular moment in time from the urgent need to escalate the war on crime. Accordingly, this crime-fighting imperative will be the singular focus of Cabinet tomorrow. As a result, Cable and Wireless has agreed that we should postpone the formalisation of the new deal until January.

“After Cabinet has agreed the course of action against crime a further statement will be made outlining the specific measures that will be implemented to battle and defeat crime in our country,” Mr Christie said.

“In the meantime, I join with all my colleagues in extending our personal condolences, and the condolences of the government and the nation, to the victims of Friday night’s attack and to their families, and indeed to all those who have fallen victim to senseless violence in our country.”

The Prime Minister said the Bahamian people should feel assured, therefore, “that my colleagues and I” are absolutely resolute in our collective determination to bring crime firmly under control.

 Prime Minister Perry Christie was scheduled to be out of the country at the Dolphins game in Miami to make the announcement of a Grand Prize trip to the Bahamas, at half time from Centre Field. However, while he did go to Miami, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe presented the prize on his behalf.


ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

"PM Scraps Btc Meeting To Focus On Crime" Hmmph...exactly what he should have been doing since May 13 2012

jlcandu 11 years, 2 months ago

Isn't the self-proclaimed sorry excuse of a programme "Urban Renewal 2.0" supposed to be the PLP's answer to crime??? Hit the ground running on Day 1 -- the PM running his mouth is the only thing that has been continuous from Day 1.

The PLP has no clue -- none -- how to solve this vexing crime problem. The PM is dilly-dallying from church to church, running his mouth.

The Police and the Defense Force know how to solve this problem, but the idiot politicians are scared to take any action due to loss of votes. When you are financed by drug dealers and other criminals to run your campaign, how the heck can you clamp down on crime when you are criminals yourself.

Shame on the PM and shame of this useless government!!!!

hj 11 years, 2 months ago

We can all sleep better, now that PC and his colleagues have a meeting about crime. Perhaps urban renewal 2.5 or 3.0 will be a part of this strategy.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 2 months ago

Solution for crime ,,vasectomies for every man that makes more than 2 children that he is does not live with and is involved in raising , ,,tubes tied for every single women after 2 children ,,,,,,short of this there is no solution ,,,YOU CAN NOT BE IRRESPONSIBLE AND EXPECT TO HAVE RESPONSIBLE OUT COMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B_I_D___ 11 years, 2 months ago

I got my two and stopping right there!! Mind you, I've also done the right thing and am married to the mother of my children...and have no 'outside' children. It's hard enough raising 2 kids properly, both mentally and financially. Start running around having half a dozen kids (the females), and countless kids from the males, and yeap, recipe for disaster. Government needs to start a spin off of Operation Potcake...maybe call it Operation Sweetie or Operation Deadbeat Dad's!!

John 11 years, 2 months ago

You should lead by example.. are you 'fixed"?

B_I_D___ 11 years, 2 months ago

It's on the schedule John, in the meantime it gets wrapped just to be safe!! But in all seriousness, I have zero reservations about the concept of vasectomies and I will be going down that path personally sooner rather than later.

TheMadHatter 11 years, 2 months ago

That is an excellent idea. It should become Law immediately. However, the churches will not allow it. They need more and more people (no matter how uneducated, undernourished, immoral, or hopeless they are) to put money in the plate/bag. You see how many churches are in Nassau and how many are currently under construction or expansion? Where is that money coming from and why? Where should it be going and why not?

But, of course, the financials of churches are off limits and cannot be published in the newspapers.

TheMadHatter * *

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

Interesting point. The webshops should start a church. They can make it flashy with all kinds of nice gimmicks, hip songs, fancy seating, beautiful young women, prize giveaways to members, houses, cars, the pastor could drive a brand new 20-x-teen luxury vehicle, the church could build him a sprawling mansion in some nouveau riche community just to show how much they love him, he could find comfort among politicians and they with him since he wouldn't preach against them and they could quid pro quo funnel crown land his way for his personal projects, he could wear really fancy churchy robes to signify the importance of his role, even better start a new sect that he could control. People would follow his charismatic performances blindly, no questions atall, a perfectly wrapped captive audience for any marketer with sufficient money to donate to the church, this car is ordained by God, this shoe store is ordained by God, this political party is ordained by God, do as I say or be burned with hellfire. It's really a great idea, I wonder why no one has thought of it yet...

TheMadHatter 11 years, 2 months ago

LOL - yes, it's amazing that nobody has thought of having churches like that in the Bahamas YET. LOL. Good one.

Oh, and don't forget to watch out for that hell-fire. You know God likes to burn his children in a never ending lake of fire (even though he's loving and all). I sometimes wonder why it hasn't been made legal for human parents to burn their children to death if they're naughty - cause we are made in "His image" - right? And our Law is supposed to be based on Christian "values".

Bahamianpride 11 years, 2 months ago

Actually the Police force don't same to have a clue and most of there responses are reactive, not proactive... Look at the organisational structure and the assignment of personnel in the Police Department. Too many people in ass sitting jobs working bankers hours.. How many criminals have to commit crimes in stolen or unregistered Honda Accords, Civic etc, before they figure out if we randomly run license plates to determine the status of all vehicles on the street we can engage criminals before they offend or at best get illegal uninsured, unregistered vehicles of the street. Lastly Nobody can move weapons or drugs that easily into and out off the Bahamas without the assistance of corrupt Cops and RBDF Officers. Professionalism in the RBPF has to be establish before u can do anything, that means an aggressive internal affairs department to rid the agency of criminals and evaluate responses to incidents. Despite the problems with the courts system i don't get the fact that there is no accountability with the Superintendents for Crimes committed in there areas or districts, thats what Com Stat was supposed to be about... Tell me the last time a Superintendent or Boss has been demoted or fired for poor performance with crime suppression in a area. U cannot reduce crime without accountability from the Police and the cooperation from People in the Community..

Bahamianpride 11 years, 2 months ago

Concernedcitizen, Bid, I knew its was coming LOL... But you're right, unfortunately this reckless breeding has been going on for decades and does feed this crime monster.. In the long term there is definitely a need for more emphasis on family planning or even just more usage of birth control..

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

Prime Minister a "Murderous Open-Air Massacre" occurred at the Fox Hill Roundaboutover over the weekend. The seriousness of its effect upon our tourism industry, calls for more than just you personally meeting with the Commish of the Policeman's. PM it's time to bring your entire cabinet into the crime mix. They too should be meeting with the Commish, not just you. PM the "Fox Hill Open-Air Murderous Massacre, “is no BEC, where "lights can be restored to streets, homes and communities in the shortest possible time." PM this is not the time for Bahamalander's PM to be grabbing media headlines and then in matter of days, all is returned to normal, that is until the next set of murders or armed invasions are committed. Do what is right for Bahamalander's Mr. PM.

realfreethinker 11 years, 2 months ago

The PM shows how out of touch he is with reality . After a massacre of epic proportion the likes that have never been seen he talk crap about putting btc aside to tackle crime. What the hell you guys have been doing the past 18 months.

John 11 years, 2 months ago

The meeting with BTC is important because after Cable and Wireless took over, they made it impossible for hundreds or hard working and innocent Bahamians to make an honest living by selling phone cards and top up. Many say o, these people need to find a real job and ya, ya ya. But take the blinders off and see the real picture. BTC is working Bahamians for pay that is below the national minimum wage. This is immoral, illegal and a national disgrace, that this government has allowed it to continue unabated and unaddressed. So is it ok now for fast food restaurants like Wendy's and McDonalds and Burger King (that is selling the Angry Whopper to hire young Bahamians and pay them wages below the national minimum standard? Many businesses have stop selling top up because it is not profitable.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 2 months ago

once again i live on a family island of 3000 people and have absolutly no problem finding top up ,from our small fish fry to the one gas station or the 2 liqouer stores,,what you want is more government jobs that we have to borrow and tax the public to death to afford ,,,geez lets charge the highest minutes rates in the region for the oldest technology so a few hundred people can sell phone cards ,,what a load of crap,,,,how about some f,,cking birth control,,,and less lets go forth and multiply sh,,t ..you could drop a billion dollars a month in to Haiti or parts of africa and still crime and poverty wouldn,t decrease b/c the warlords and despot would find ways to control it and the poor would keep making babies and boasting about it ,,i can,t count how many times i hear complete utter failures as men boast about how many children they have ,,and please don,t blame it on slavery this is an independant country w/ a 90% black population run by black people ..its us f@@king us

John 11 years, 2 months ago

Your post is illogical. First stop hiding behind the family island bullcrap and name stores that are happy working for and being underpaid by BTC. Second, regardless of what technology BTC has, it is not worth a hole in a bucket if BTC does not have persons willing and able to sell and distribute their products. They, however want to pay the same wages in the Bahamas that they pay in Haiti, Hounduras and the lowest income countries in the world. It is nothing about charging the highest rates per minute. The average income in Haiti is $2.00 a week! If all other companies operating in the Bahamas are required to pay minimum wage, then why should BTC be exempt? And it is also not about their inability to pay at the current cell phone rates. Just add up the millions of dollars this company 'gives away' each year, and you with all your common sense is telling me that persons selling BTC products should not be allowed to make $150.00 a week working 13 hours or more a day? Most products have a margin of 20-50% for sales and distribution. BTC is trying to do phone cards and top up at 9 percent..less than half of the minimum, 3 percent for wholesalers and 6 percent for retailers. So when a retailer sells you $5.00 top up, he makes THIRTY CENTS, the wholesaler makes FIFTEEN CENTS and BTC/Cable and Wireless makes FOUR DOLLARS AND FIFTY FIVE CENTS!! If the person doing your top up makes mistake and sends the top up to the wrong number, he loses the entire $5.00. BTC loses nothing, they do not fix the mistake and the top up vendor is not reimbursed. Likewise when a phone card vendor is robbed or is given a counterfeit bill. Where is your concern citizen?

hj 11 years, 2 months ago

@ realfreethinker.... Some of the goals achieved during the last18 months. Preparing a"non binding" referendum, stem cell research legislation, new taxes for the Bahamian people,and travelling abroad. Also last week, PC achieved another great objective by leading the Valley Boys into victory.

realfreethinker 11 years, 2 months ago

It hurts my heart to know he is a valley. We definitely aint that lousy

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 2 months ago

It's time to wake up man. None of our governments have ever had an impact on crime. This is above the commissioners head. Time to get real. Fire Greenslade and bring in a professional with police experience in communities similar to ours. Time to look at a police swap with another country. Time to go zero tolerance in Nassau. Time to start public punishments, whip they ass in Rawson Square. It is time to get real.

SP 11 years, 2 months ago

PPPSSSSSSSSSPPPPTTTT.....Hey Christie....Stop blowing blah blah blah and cut out the red carpet treatment for illegal Haitians........See why below


TheMadHatter 11 years, 2 months ago

You are right about that. Crime hasn't even started yet in the Bahamas compared to what we will have in 5 more years if this problem isn't 100% SOLVED before the end of 2014.

TheMadHatter * *

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

After their term is up what will their shinning accomplishment be? We acquired a 2% stake in BTC at a price we could ill afford, and we did it all while BOB was handing out million dollar uncollateralized loans to PLP MPs and associates all off the backs of average hardworking Bahamians. Nygard given a wink and a nod for his stem cell operation and allowed to dredge the harbor at will, Bimini seabed destroyed, NIB raped of assets to bolster the failed City Market acquisition...party supporters paid hundreds of thousand of dollars to weed yards, people dropping like flies over imaginary lines drawn in the sand all over Nassau town and 2 classes graduated dumber than the year before. I hope they have a big celebration planned when they announce that 2% buy back and a big banner reading "Mission Accomplished"

SP 11 years, 2 months ago

This nonsense need never have happened!

If Barney Rubble Greenslades' head wasn’t so thick he would implement sustained road blocks in strategic areas to stop criminals from roaming around with vehicles full of arms!

But nooooo......!!

Puzzled 11 years, 2 months ago

Since when has a line in the sand ever achieved anything in any country? When has any administration ever won any of the "wars on.." poverty, terrorism, drugs or crime? Plans require thought, planning and strategies, these are not things high on the list of characteristics of the present administration.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 2 months ago

They will happily form a committee though to do studies on it....but I digress...

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 2 months ago

So cabinet met so they could release the same crime plan they revealed for the election? No changes? So BTC put aside for this? No new answer to crime which says BTC deal looks like a sham too....

croberts6969 11 years, 2 months ago

Boy all you'll like talk but don't do nothing. Berma Road ring any bells?

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

I hope one of the suggested crime fighting strategies was to post billboards with the murder count on every major beach in the nation.

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

I hope they also realize that Bush Crack 2.0 is an abysmal failure

BrianFinnell 11 years, 2 months ago

In the meantime, I join with all my colleagues in extending our personal condolences, and the condolences of the government and the nation, to the victims of Friday night’s attack and to their families, and indeed to all those who have fallen victim to senseless violence in our country. http://www.southerncarparts.com/html/pu…">www.southerncarparts.com

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