PROPOSALS were put forward yesterday in the House of Assembly for the construction of a new Parliament building – despite concerns over how the country could afford it.
While specifics were not revealed on how the Government would pay for a new facility, MP for Fort Charlotte Dr Andre Rollins said that even if such a facility cost $50million, the Government could find a way to pay for it.
According to Dr Rollins, the new Parliament could be used as a toursit attraction – with visitors charged $5 a time to tour the complex and appreciate the Bahamas’ “deep democracy”.
Some Opposition members were against the notion, citing the increasing debt of the nation.
Parliamentarians said that the current edifice is aged and does not meet modern standards. MPs have expressed concerns over the security and the structural soundness of the buildings that comprise Parliament.
The issue of a new complex has for years been discussed but none of the plans ever materialised. The first sitting of the House convened on September 29, 1729.
Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell, who headed the debate, said a new complex is long overdue.
“I do not like to work in this building,” he said. “It is cramped. It is inadequate. It is too intimate and too accessible. It has long ago outlived its adequacy.”
He wants the government to travel to neighbouring countries, including Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Antigua to observe their parliamentary complexes.
Parliamentarians also debated launching a select committee to review the benefits and allowances of MPs yesterday.
And while the government does make provisions for MPs to receive assistance and certain provisions to help their constituents, Mr Mitchell said the current system is not enough.
MPs now receive a $1500 per month allowance to foot constituency expenses which included utility bills and running community programmes. Members who have to travel to Family Islands constantly are given the same allowance.
“It is easy,” he said, “to simply argue that people are seeking to fix themselves up. But I say that this is a matter of such importance to the future of the country and its ability to attract people of quality to service here that it must be fixed.
“This is not an exercise about salaries.”
Mr Mitchell also insists that the pensions of MPs and Senators should be reviewed.
“Pensions for example ought to be reviewed regularly and members ought to know what the status of their pension is, how they can improve the worth of the pension. It is a contributory pension and the value of it might be improved by allowance purchases of additional benefits.
“When a Member or a senator retires, it is the House or Senate that should provide the services to that member to ensure that he is properly treated and deal with such items as support for health care.”
Opposition members, however, said that while the country is in need of a new complex, there are other pressing issues which should precede it.
Neko Grant, Central Grand Bahama MP said: “While this Parliament and building is not what I certainly would wish for us to have, having visited the parliament in Ottawa, I can only again question the timing of it.
“Should we not focus attention on matters more substantive that will enrich the lives of people who we serve? That we continue to say need attention and are suffering from closure and suffering from employment?”
Ironvelvet 12 years, 1 month ago
While I agree with the minister from Fox Hill, this is not a venture that is in dire need at this time. I believe that current infrastructural needs of the country should be addressed first. I believe that we have been doing that with the new airport and roadworks projects.
I do feel that monies at the current moment should be directed toward increasing general population employment and conservative spending should be the goal.
While I do agree with the idea of investing now for the future, the next future major project should be upgrading downtown Nassau and creating more in the entertainment portion of the tourism industry. We can make alot of money in this venture as well as increasing cultural displays that would encourage young people to go into this industry and encourage tourists to come to see what's different about our country.
jackbnimble 12 years, 1 month ago
Fox Hill would know, aye? By all accounts, he spends his allowance (inter alia) to see other Parliaments. Nevertheless, the money can be used for other things: police force, supreme courts, etc. This Government is way off helping the people... it appears to be more about helping themselves.
atwr 12 years, 1 month ago
I agree the building may be old but this should not be anywhere near the top of the list of priorities for this country at this time. Do our politicians know that Fox Hill Police station and Elizabeth Estates Police stations only have 2 working Police cars between them right now? The media should confirm this fact with the stations and report it! This is woefully inadequate and with such limited resources they can not possibly protect, respond, patrol the citizens of those areas. Let us not forget, theis government was elected because crime is out of control. We must make and keep crime the number one priority....we are losing our bahamaland to criminals.
Put the money that you would spend on a new Parliment into the Police force, trainings, cars, and new recruits!
jackflash 12 years, 1 month ago
This is insane,
Fly away Fred has figuered another excuse to travel -
'He wants the government to travel to neighbouring countries, including Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Antigua to observe their parliamentary complexes
So Fred, the country is broke, no money in the bank, asking for another loan, blaming it all on the FNM and you want a new parlament - which I aggree is needed - WHEN WE CAN AFFORD IT !!!!
Not now, and I am sorry, another committiee, this one to - Parliamentarians also debated launching a select committee to review the benefits and allowances of MPs yesterday.
So you want more money for yourself?
What about the small man? The power station here at Wilson City, the roads in Acktins, the dock in Salt Pond.
Do you think we should put some engery in BEC, Bahamas Air The Bloated civil service?
No, let's travel the islands (with the committee) and look at the other parlement and have dinbner with them.
Yu gat to be kidding me....
PKMShack 12 years, 1 month ago
They may get piece, some Little bit and we government people Plenty,,,,= PLP Visitors charged 5 dollars to visit an attraction, what non sense. Re face and clean up dirty bay street should before any gov. building. Let visitors experience a first class downtown area not 1 building. I guess they want to sit in a pretty building and create dumb ideas which at the end of the day does nothing for the entire Bahamas. Bring some ideas to the table that make sense, in fact put that idea to the people and see what we tell you clowns. We might need an early election to rid some of these people because clearly they are not about the countrys business
jackflash 12 years, 1 month ago
He probably already has quotes in hand from one of the boys....
Another job not gone out to bid...
TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago
Woohoo! Perfect solution for a government counting the few treasury pennies, is to fly-off another plane load of House MP's? Don't matter why, what or where they flying-off to, just as long as they land somewhere, anywhere that got's some fine hotels, eat'in places,and limos drive them around in.
Again., who works for who?…
nationbuilder 12 years, 1 month ago
These people in the House of Assembly are rabidly sick
tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago
new house calls for new occupants just sayin .
jackflash 12 years, 1 month ago
Good One!!!
But we still have 4 1/2 years to wait.....
tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago
this may be true , but with this new bunch they are like the old bunch , plenty planning and ground breaking , but the other guys always have to come and do the heavy lifting, its all in the execution forget the planning.
mdraconis 12 years, 1 month ago
Not sure that's all true. They have things in the making. Big pong park is just one of the upcoming projects.
TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago
Comrades while they thinking about building fancy digs for the MP's to carry out the peoples business on a part-time basis, maybe not bad idea rush through the coins to construct a tunnel running from the Churchill Building to the House of Assembly, so them PLP cabinet ministers can duck the noisy crowds of Bahamians who will be soon showing up, if they dont quickly start to demonstrate to Bahamians, that they go'in put the "peoples horse" in the race go'in on over at the Supreme Court, where the lawyers for the numbers men's is attempting to disallow the peoples votes against the web shops numbers rackets acting like the 'Yes Vote' did win on January 28, 2013?
Some good advice.Them PLP cabinet ministers best tell the "no bid" PLP contractor to make sure he install plenty them quality air vents, just in case the angry people block their asses inside the tunnel, for an extended stay?
Pack some cheese and crackers in ya government issued briefcases along with your official cabinet documents.…
sansoucireader 12 years, 1 month ago
MP Mitchell is 'talkin' fool' ("a very serious ting"). This is all just a big distraction to take the pressure off of the recent referendum, PM Christie and any other PLP foolishness. He cannot seriously believe that now is the time to build a new Parliament building or increase the salaries/pensions of MPs and Senators! If it is cramped and uncomfortable maybe that's a sign that there are too many of them in the building and on the payroll. Get out and find something else to do.
exgraphix 12 years, 1 month ago
These people have some serious balls to be talking about a new parliament when they have left thousands of us in the Family Islands out in the cold in regards to Hurricane Sandy aid.
Way to flip us the proverbial bird guys!
antoeknee 12 years, 1 month ago
The government know the country can't afford to spend $50M on a new building just so they can feel comfortable. They say they can find the money for that. How about finding the money to help law enforcement to battle the ever increasing crime rate. They should be ashamed of themselves.
PKMShack 12 years, 1 month ago
Who you voting for Tal?
BoopaDoop 12 years, 1 month ago
Time to start calling the PLP "Gold Shirts"?
MyBahamianPeople 12 years, 1 month ago
LOL all I can do is laugh.Have any of you'll actually seen inside the house? The restrooms?.The majority of you would probably strike if you worked in those conditions. I hardly ever comment on this site for the same reason cause there never seems to be anyone with anything positive!. How old are you guys? Seriously? Some of you'll talk like you guys have been around awhile!
Listen instead of burning holes in your keyboard, go out and try make a difference. Everyone seem to have all the solutions, but wont do nothing about it lol. Im 28 years old wanted to run for politics, but seeing how my people act has discouraged me unfortunately.
Most Bahamians are so behind the times and still stuck in the 1700s. K4C is talking about history. I would be glad if everything British was gotten rid of. We're suppose to be Independent and still talking about British... the same people that dont do anything for us. Not to mention they over turn every ruling on convicted criminals! . You need to read your history. Hey maybe they can revamp the old house and upgrade it.
Before the year out I wish for every single Bahamian black or white, to try uplifting their fellow Bahamians instead of bringing them down
really 12 years, 1 month ago
what yall need to do is go clean up dirty bay street and like the other reader said put energy into the entertainment aspect of tourism the people want show and show= jobs, bahamian people able to express themselves and their creativity through music dance crafts culinary arts and make money....yes the parliament need an upgrade but right now we have bigger fish to fry sorry i know mp might want to interior decorate but not on the people dime and time when we have much bigger issues to be adressed
TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago
Are you kidding me, all this crime and unemployment going on in the bahamas especially in nassau and this is what the goverment is talking about a new building WHAT THE HELL! But thats what happen when you have a bunch of incompetent people running a country who dont know their hand from their foot!
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