Former Bahamas Contractor's Association president, 61-year-old Stephen Wrinkle, was sentenced to jail for one year for stealing electricity from the Bahamas Electricity Corporation in 2011.
He faces an additional three months if he fails to pay a $1,000 in one months time as stipulated by Court #5 Magistrate Derence Rolle-Davis.
UmarDaCatalyst 12 years, 1 month ago
Wow, next it's the politians I hope
atwr 12 years, 1 month ago
Unbelieveable.....what about the ankle bracelet system for a first time offender???!
Dont we need space for all of the violent criminals on our streets?
Again I am sure he tapped into the BEC because of how inefficient BEC is with hooking up new service and as a contractor he could not wait....still wrong...but just sayin'.
TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago
Comrade Wrinkle should be lucky he had not stolen no horse? I mean with the gold, red and even the green shits, all wanting rehire the hangman's nose?…
Observer 12 years, 1 month ago
Stealing electricity is a common pastime in the Bahamas, especially, on the island of New Providence. If BEC should engage 'detectives' to sniff out the electricity thieves and have all of them brought to justice, a new industry might be born, i.e. private prisons, because HMP would not be able to accommodate everybody.
John 12 years, 1 month ago
White Bahamian sent to jail for the first time in how many years?...I guess someone had to send a mixed signal to someone..
Reader 12 years, 1 month ago
A year in jail seems excessive... A very stiff fine would have sent a stern message and put money in the treasury.
sansoucireader 12 years, 1 month ago
Muddasic! I'm shocked! He must have really crossed someone to end up in jail. Guess he's the 'example'. Like someone else said, no ankle bracelet? No fine? WOW!
CookieCutter 12 years, 1 month ago
If Mr. Wrinkle's attorney is worth his wig & gown, an appeal should be filed against this ruling immediately. ALL BAHAMIAN CITIZENS HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE PROTECTED against rulings which support the Miscarriage of Justice in this country.
It is now time for the 'Immunity' held by members of the Judiciary, particularly Magistrates, to be removed and they should be held liable for grossly negligent rulings. If Bahamians want to be serious about the crime in this country let's start by passing legislation ensuring that Magistrates do their job at a 'professional standard' when considering evidence and passing judgement. A HIGH RATE OF APPEAL CASES ARE ORIGINATING FROM COURT 5. It is time to call an formal inquiry to determine the cause of this concerning pattern.
really 12 years, 1 month ago
if this was a poor black man sent to jail for stealing electricity i bet yal wouldn't have seen it this way... the point is this man has NO NEED to steal electricity he CAN AFFORD IT go check out where this man live and the lifestyle he and his family have ...he is greedy that's his problem and that's why he is going to jail ....simple!
TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago
@John, what difference does is make what color a persons skin is, if he has committed a criminal act he should be punished just like everyone else no matter if hes black or white. Your character is not determined by your skin color but by what you display to the world and that is what you should be judged upon not by the color of your skin. This country is not only made up of black bahamians but also white bahamians as well and myself being a white bahamian born and bred in this country all my life with bahamian parents both black and white am sick and tired of racist comments like that. All this racism need to stop in this country!
John 12 years, 1 month ago
i repeat "a White (Conchy Joe) Bahamian sent to jail in how many years? Crime has many faces. You may say that I am racist but do you know how many Bahamians go to court on the same charge and don't even make the headlines? Take for example just last year, someone we commonly refer to as a 'Joneser' was hauled before the courts for stealing electricity. His defence was that " If Big companies and certain persons can run up large electricity bills and not pay then what difference should it make if he connected his supply. His bill was less than $100.00 and he got 6 months in jail. SO I repeat "A white Bahamian sent to jail in how many years?"
pablojay 12 years, 1 month ago
The mere fact that he was convicted was good even though i disagree with the punishment.We have many convicted murderers and arm robbers walking the streets and others who are a danger to soceity.His reputation has been severly tarnished and i think we missed a great oppurtunity here. Since nobody,except repeat offenders ,like to go to jail , he should have been given an alternative ; that ,or build a house over-the -hill for some poor Bahamian free of charge and he would have to report there every day for a full 8 hours,5 days a week until it is completed.I believe he would choose the latter.In my view that would be punishment enough as black Bahamian politicians only go there when on the campaign trail and most of them don't like to .
John 12 years, 1 month ago
Yall fail to understand ..this white nigga..was theifin electricity whlle he was working on a government now he have a reason for his clothes to get 'WRINKLE' so talk to cousin Bubba because Corucka done dead
jt 12 years, 1 month ago
Mr.Wrinkle doesn't even own the building. One of the renters of a building he manages was stealing electricity. If you are black, you should be held accountable for your actions. If you are white, you should be held accountable for your actions. This man has done nothing illegal. This is an outrage and an example of grown children with an axe to grind throwing their weight around in the judicial system.
TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago
I guess half of the politicians who running the country need to go to jail to cause they dont pay electricity bill and they can AFFORD to! Just because a person can afford to pay a bill doesnt make him less of a criminal than the poor man its your actions that causes you to get locked up not the money in your pocket and definitely not THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN!
Understandfacts 12 years, 1 month ago
really 12 years, 1 month ago
totally disagree the bible say if a man steal because he is hungry take pity on him this man aint hungry he just greedy so the poor man would be less of a criminal
John 12 years, 1 month ago
Whatever happen to that woman who had someone run wires down the lampole, bury them underground and hook up her house. Then when BEC brought the police and remove the wires only to come back a short time later and found the house was reconncted.
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