Police cracking down on opening hours of nightclubs


Tribune Staff Reporter


AUTHORITIES have grown concerned about a spike in the number of violent crimes occurring during the early morning hours, Minister of National Security Bernard Nottage said yesterday.


Dr. Bernard Nottage

In response to this trend, Dr Nottage told The Tribune, the Royal Bahamas Police Force is clamping down on nightclubs and bars, ensuring they abide by their permitted hours of operation.

He was responding to criticism from members of the public, who claim a curfew is being enforced in New Providence.

“My understanding,” Dr Nottage said, “ is that according to the law, clubs are supposed to be closed by 2am and they are going beyond the time their licence allows and permits them to be open.

“What I have gathered is that the police are concerned that when they are open late, the hours they are open is when violent incidents occur.

“So in an attempt to prevent those incidents, police have indicated that they will ensure that clubs live up to the conditions of their licenses.

“Where the licence indicates a club operates from one time and another, if they operate beyond police intend to deal with it.”

Just last week, Prime Minister Perry Christie told reporters outside the Cabinet Office that he was worried about the crime situation, and that this has encouraged him to focus on social programmes that combat violent crime.

He said initiatives would target young men and specifically their decision making capabilities.

At the moment, he said, the high levels of crime have the potential to disrupt the economy and discourage new investors.

“We cannot have a country that would have a successful economy in a small island such as New Providence with the kind of violence that is happening right now even though it might be segmented,” Mr Christie said.

Recently, US officials advised their citizens to stay away from Over-the-Hill areas at night. They said crime in New Providence is at a critical level.

Grand Bahama also faces high levels, the report said.

Nearly three months ago, police statistics revealed that although overall crime in the country was down six per cent, violent crime showed an increase of five per cent.


MartGM 12 years, 1 month ago

Perhaps we need to also look at the amount of "bars" that now operate like "clubs." They're open just as late...

TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

Comrades I ain't saying it be right small business owners be operating they clubs against the law but at same time it real funny that PLP members were lining-up to be standing in the House to talk about borrowing (cause they ain't got no real cash left) some $50 million to construct more comfortable digs for themselves but not one, and I mean not one PLP, has ever stood-up in the House to voice their opposition about how the numbers "bosses" gone out and hired lawyers to ask the Supreme Court to stand with them and "against the peoples votes on January 28, 2013?"

My Comrades you must remember the PM and his House PLP's did stand-up in the House many times to say how it would be a manpower drain on the policeman's to shut down the multimillionaire numbers 'bosses' web shops?

I do not fault the policeman's for doing their duty but I do have lots questions about the "passive response" being taken by the entire PLP government, over the ways the numbers 'bosses" are permitted to openly continue to benefit from gambling proceeds? Just legally operated internet cafe's my backside?

It's a damn shame Mr. PM and your entire cabinet and host of passive house sitting MP's. A damn shameful act by the people's government.


242 12 years, 1 month ago

easy with these comments na Tal. bahamaspress might lay u off if u keep dat up

really 12 years, 1 month ago

this dont even make no sense crime occurs whenever ppl buck ...so force the people to be out earlier when there are families and children on the road right? what kind of effect you think that is going to have? more innocent people would die ....please go sit down and worry about keeping all these guns out of the country ok how about that...this country dont have violence because people are out late we have violence because the infrastructure of this country is corrupt ..the government so busy putting up a facade for votes but we feeling the effects of the reality...sort out the justice system how about that!!!....furthermore if the numbers people dont have to adhere to rules why do the night club owners?!?! maybe they should get together and write yal a check like others......the "leaders" of this country are deceitful opportunists thats our problem!!!

really 12 years, 1 month ago

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan............Verse 4 By justice a king gives a country stability but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down....

Stop ego stroking and bickering like children in the House of Parliament yal are a disgrace an embarassment to see "leaders" acting in such a way...arguing about the past and casting blame avoiding the REAL ISSUES ....yal aint fooling nobody FNM AND PLP only a hand full of people in the house are respectable

242 12 years, 1 month ago

what about the workers who directly or indirectly work the late shifts at the clubs? they will make less money or be out of a job. Come on everybody lets march so it can be a great day for democracy!

242 12 years, 1 month ago

oh and we gotta have Christie leadin the way on a ass wit no legs since he wont have a horse in the race

really 12 years, 1 month ago

he must have a horse in the cash for gold race because that's the big problem and i don't see them tackling that! you cant even wear jewelry no more people will kill you for a chain and they talking bout club smh

242 12 years, 1 month ago

they are the self proclaimef gold rush party

TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago

Is this the same people who last year made all those promises about bringing crime under control and making the country safe. Since they came into office the crime situation has gone from worse to worser and I am sure it will get much more worse before it gets any better. I have not seen the first step into making any provisions to start to solve this crime problem only thing I keep hearing is urban renewal 2.0 what the hell is that suppose to do! You clear down the bushes and knock down the old buildings and then what crime is suppose to decline? We need plenty prayers to get thru the next four years under this government cause they dont have a clue as to what is suppose to be done to save this country. I guess thats what happens when a incompetent wutlass jackass is put as a Prime Minister!

JohnDoe 12 years, 1 month ago

It is ironic that we do not have the police resources to tackle the illegal operations of less than 10 numbers house franchises, however, we apparently have the police resources to enforce the law against hundreds of otherwise law abiding businesses.

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