Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie admitted yesterday that great efforts must be made between Baha Mar and the government to see eye to eye as the development advances to completion.
In the wake of the alleged unannounced termination of 140 Wyndham employees, Mr Christie openly chastised Baha Mar chief Sarkis Ismirilian at a celebration of the Chinese New year over the weekend.
The Tribune on Tuesday broke the story that he had singled out Mr Ismirilian who was absent from the event criticising him about Baha Mar and the government’s relationship. He suggested that some contention existed.
Outside of the Cabinet office, Mr Christie responded to questions from reporters on the matter.
“I think both Mr Ismirilian and myself,” Mr Christie said, “we are aware of the extent to which we had very good relations in the past. I think we both feel that a much greater effort must be made for the parties to be on the same page moving forward.”
“The fact of the matter is that the government must continue to work at strengthening its relationship with investors and developers.”
The FNM has since criticised Mr Christie’s judgment through a press statement saying that it was in poor taste to use the Chinese New Year celebrations to make his remarks.
“The FNM wholeheartedly,” the statement said, “believes in holding foreign investors accountable. But there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. The PM’s way was the wrong way. Those remarks should have been made behind closed doors.”
Mr Christie had not been made aware of the hotel’s actions despite Labour Minister Shane Gibson’s admission that he was days before informed by officials of what was to come.
While he said the government has its hands tied when dealing with private sector employee relations, Mr Christie said provisions must be put in place to better protect the interest of workers.
“The government cannot interfere with decisions of employers when employers make those decisions. You saw that with the 800 people who were laid off at Atlantis a few years ago.
“What we are able to do though is to be able to sit with the employers with a view to try to understand the basis for their decision. It will give us the greater understanding of an industry where more protection should be put in place for workers so that there is really sufficient notice given to people to enable them to prepare for what could be a disastrous outcome for themselves.”
A meeting between Baha Mar officials and the government is expected to take place this week, Mr Christie said.
tonymontana 12 years, 1 month ago
the fact of the matter is the prime minister has his head so far up his *** that he cant see smoke from protocol. He waxes vain on so many fronts that when you think he would have amazed you with his, listen now speech , he comes right back and gives you another punch to the gut , its like a comedy show with this guy in charge ,when you think the curtain would have closed, he comes back from out of nowhere with more jokes, and" the fact of the matter" speeches . while the other PM would have been called boorish by some this guy is developing into so many split personalities that its hard to label him.
shortpants 12 years, 1 month ago
Labour Minister Shame Gibson’s and Mr Bag of Air Christie and the rest of his donkeys are a bunch of lying deceitful cronies everyday they have a bunch of rubbish to feed to the public.Why can't we just have them banish to the next part of the earth .These people knew this was coming ,so now make sure your beloved Wind Bag get all you'll a job that he promise to all you'll fool if you'll understood what a recession is you'll would have known that he could not have provided those jobs that he promise and still can't . Read Sharon Turner she said it all correctly just give them free everything .Now live with it . Now the wind Bag and his cronies all living high and mighty and don't give a damm about you'll ask the workers from city market.
TimeForChange 12 years, 1 month ago
couldnt agree with you more!
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