Shot dead: Survivor of nightclub attack

A 19-YEAR-OLD was shot dead early yesterday morning and a 23-year-old woman rushed to hospital in the same incident, according to police.

Their report said the man and woman were in the parking lot of a Wulff Road business at 4:00am when they were shot.

They were both taken in a private vehicle to the hospital where the teenager, who was shot multiple times, died. The woman, who was shot in her thigh, is listed in stable condition, police said.

The Tribune understands that the youth survived a shoot-out at the Ballers night club last May that left one man dead and several others injured. There is a report that it was gang related.

Police are investigating and appealing to members of the public who might have information on the incident to contact them.


jackflash 12 years ago

Is the PLP still keeping it's election promice to lower crime?

Or was that just talk like the 10,000 jobs, morgage relief program, double the budget for education, take back BTC, etc........

Crime is off the chain! Worse then before!

Get on with the job Mr. Christie!!!

tonymontana 12 years ago

We need those bill boards back . Erbin renural was suppose to be the cure all .

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