Moss 'happy to be out of NIB'


Gregory Moss

FORMER chairman of the National Insurance Board Gregory Moss is reportedly “relieved” to have been fired from his job, sources close to the Marco City MP claimed Friday.

Having been sacked by Prime Minister Perry Christie on Thursday night for failing to tender his resignation earlier in the day, Mr Moss was said to be concerned that he may have uncovered “too much” in his investigations into NIB.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said of Mr Moss: “He is a nation builder and his party sat by and did nothing while his name was being dragged in the mud. So he really had no option but to be fired because to be honest, anyone could have seen that was what this administration was planning all along.”

Mr Moss, who has businesses and a law practice in Grand Bahama, has reportedly received a “tremendous boost” to his popularity since being axed by the Prime Minister.

“And you will recall that individuals have gone from being fired to becoming Prime Minister of this country,” said the source.

In Mr Moss’s refusal letter issued to Mr Christie on Thursday morning, the MP said he could not tender his resignation, as doing so would be tantamount to an “admission” that he had done something wrong in the discharge of his duties as chairman of NIB.

“Nonetheless, I recognise that the mere fact that you have requested my resignation renders untenable my continued service as chairman of the Board,” Mr Moss wrote.

In Mr Christie’s letter of dismissal, he said that Mr Moss’s statements in the press showed that he had total disregard for the kind of “collegiality, mutual respect, and sense of collaborative endeavour” that is essential for the governance of the country.

“Quite apart for the matters concerning NIB, however, it is amply evident from your statement to the media that you are generally unhappy with a great many other things and that you feel completely out of step with the government, its direction, and certain of its policies. In these circumstances, I am sure you will agree that your retention of the chairmanship of the NIB has become untenable,” Mr Christie said.

According to sources close to Mr Moss, the decision to have the MP removed from NIB had been “some time” in the making.

“The public should be asking itself, why would the PLP throw one of its own members under the bus? Why wouldn’t the PLP capitalise on the information Mr Moss was exposing at NIB? That is a very scary thing,” the source said.

Mr Moss remains the PLP’s MP for Marco City, a position that he vowed in an earlier communication to continue to perform ‘to the best of his abilities’.

Any speculation that he would be stepping down as a member of his party, or a member of the House of Assembly were dismissed by several persons close to Mr Moss.

SEE page 4 to read the letters that were exchanged between the PM and Mr Moss.


lmajor 12 years, 2 months ago

LLet's be real. Mr. Moss is nervous that his shenanigans are about to blow-up in his face. When you dig a ditch - dig 2. Mr. Cargill is an honorable man and the reports, that will be rreleased very soon will fully exonerate him and expose the fired Chairman.

boldtruth 12 years, 2 months ago

Lies, lies and more lies. Moss is on the ropes and about to be knocked out. You can't keep a ogood man down like Cargill.

akbar 12 years, 2 months ago

He "relieved" the taxpayers are more than relieved to have such a character no longer watching over their benefits. Mr Moss is just one of the many who needs to be "relieved" of their duties. He seems to be disloyal to his party and openly defied his leader by not gracefully resigning. These so called "new leaders" are brash and quick to action but slow to reason. They feel that they have an inherent right to rewards without putting in any work. In all this I have yet to hear any positive thing he was doing or positive policies he was trying to implement at NIB. In my view he is a disgrace to his party and has brought shame on one of our most vital institutions. It is time that the PM realizes that the buck stops at him. Good riddance to bad trash. ALL PRAISES DUE!

bigdee 12 years, 2 months ago

hold your head high mr.moss you uncover a lot of dirt which was going at nib and the bahamas ggoverment fail to do something about it the thing is you should have fire mr.cargil before you were fired then the goverment would have had find a someone else my thing is why fire a good man mr.moss if i were you would go in parliment nt as a plp or fnm i would join the dna

ucargill 12 years, 2 months ago

Big Dee, Do you actually read what is published about this matter? Your comments are quite inconsistent with the actual information in the media. If you have another stream of evidence, do share it. Grace and peace, Rev Ursula Cargill, PhD.

ucargill 12 years, 2 months ago

It continues to amaze me that Mr Moss’ anonymous allies do not have the courage to tell him that in order for him to level claims against anyone, especially my brother, those claims must be supported by evidence. Claims without evidence are merely baseless speculations, invalidated opinions and unsubstantiated conjecture. Moreover, when people around Mr Moss get caught up in the ground swell of an ‘ego on steroids,’ there is no room for anyone to verbalize his/her opinion, especially when this opinion is contrary to Mr Moss’.

Anyone who purports to have gone to law school and later passed the Bar would know that allegations must be supported by proof; otherwise, slander, libel, defamation of character and outright lies are being shared with the Bahamian public. Spreading lies to the Bahamian public is a fundamental violation of the public trust, and Mr Moss, in his 22 page letter to Shane Gibson spewed lies and conjecture about my brother. The sad part is that today his anonymous source is saying that Mr Moss has begun to believe his own lies. That is pitiful. If someone like Mr Moss says something often enough, he actually believes his own rhetoric. Thankfully, the Prime Minister is not like Mr Moss.

If Mr Moss were actually interested in building, uplifting and advancing the interests of the Bahamas, he would never have attacked my brother. When looking at my brother’s actual track record at NIB, there is evidence to show that the nation was enhanced, the average Bahamian was heard, the law of the land was respected, and the Treasury was enhanced by $1.6 billion. The sad thing that Mr Moss built was a sea of lies, supported by anonymous people who ‘leak’ 22 pages of unsubstantiated opinions, and reinforced by anonymous people who weakly attempt to leave shards of untruth in the press. The PLP leadership did the right thing – at least Mr Moss was given an opportunity to resign. That was more than what Mr Moss had in store for my innocent brother.

ucargill 12 years, 2 months ago

Mr Moss was fired because he started spewing lies about my brother and those lies were exposed; therefore, he was instrumental in his own undoing at National Insurance. His termination is not a PLP issue, it is a management issue. There is nothing to capitalize on in the baseless allegations put forth by Mr Moss about my brother. One thing I do know is that when my brother said anything about Mr Moss, it was true because it was supported by evidence. My brother is an honest man with the highest level of integrity that I have ever witnessed. He had to defend himself against the baseless allegations in Mr Moss’ 22-page letter. When my brother defended himself, my brother had to shine a light on the lies, unsubstantiated speculation and nonsense rhetoric spewed by Mr Moss. At that point, life became uncomfortable – and somewhat intolerable - for Mr Moss. On January 1st, Mr Moss popped his own cork in his press release on Facebook. That is quite sad, but expected of cowards.

My family wished that this matter never occurred; however, we stand united in support of my brother. Those in power need to do the right thing to put this matter behind us. My brother needs to be made whole – the actions of Mr Moss really cut deeply into the reputation my brother took decades to build. And afterward, my brother needs to be reinstated so that he can continue the work that he started. In all of the Bahamas, my brother is the best person for the position of Director of NIB – his experience, academic and track record at NIB support my position. The sooner this is done, the better for the nation. Only then can all of the talk about nationalism and prosperity gain the necessary traction to improve the lives of the average Bahamian. The nation is watching…Grace and peace. Rev Ursula Cargill, Ph.D., Princeton Class of 2007

proudloudandfnm 12 years, 2 months ago

Greg Moss as PM?!?!? I would move to Haiti if that tiefin Moss even gets close to PM. Good riddance to bad trash, Moss is everything that is wrong in politics, no ethics, no morals and no honor. MOss is a thief and a liar, he is an embarrassment to our country and I am glda he is out of NIB. Too bad for Jerome Fitzgerald, Moss tried to give him NUA's contract. About time someone investigates that, we need to know how deep Jerome was involved.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 2 months ago

Moss got what should have came a long time ago. It's unfortunate that a call for his resignation then ultimate firing only came when the PM was 'disrespected' by Moss.

Dr. Minnis mad a call for accountability for victimization of those in governmental positions, by asking those who had been victimized to go to their attorney and file a civil suit.

It is action such as this that make people accountable and I applaud Mr. Cargill for being the first to publicly do so. I believe that Mr. Cargill has done a fine job at NIB and pray that he will be redeemed, however I do believe in the system and will await the results of the audit as everyone else.

I do believe that we are dawning on a new era of Bahamians that are trying to build the Bahamas and stand up for what is right. I do believe that we are coming on a time of standing up against incompetence and resistance from those trying to keep their jobs although they are ill qualified.

Let's keep pushing Bahamas. Please let us continue to demand better for our country.

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