BROADCASTING Corporation Chairman Edwin Lightbourne warned ZNS staff on Wednesday that there could be delays in their salary payments at “certain” bank accounts.
In a memo sent to the corporation’s staff, Mr Lightbourne said that the payroll, which was supposed to be made on January 15, could be delayed until the 16th for certain banks such as Commonwealth Bank and Fidelity Bank.
He apologised to staff for the inconvenience that the late payments might cause.
With this being the second instance when salaries had been delayed since the government changed on May 7, 2012 employees at ZNS are said to be concerned about the financial health of the corporation.
Having recently undergone a multi-million dollar upgrade to its television services, and having rehired scores of employees who had recently been terminated under the previous administration, staffers at ZNS claim greater oversight is needed of the corporation’s coffers.
They claim that at least 30 people have been hired after the election, many of whom are supporters of the PLP or in some way connected to the governing party or the new leadership at ZNS.
“On the same day we got the memo about the delayed payments, two new faces appeared around here,” said one employee on condition of anonymity.
jackflash 12 years, 2 months ago
I bet you the new 30 got paid, and don't even have to do any work!!
Ya get what you vote for!!
dacy 12 years, 1 month ago
Jackflash...I can only shake my head, Bahamians dont even know when something was done in the best interest of the Country, that we would all benefit eventually, I guess they are to suffer together.
1voice 12 years, 1 month ago
You get what you wish (vote) for. It is inconceivable to me that the people that voted he PLP back in did not forsee the many grievances that would follow. Just think, we have approximately 4 years and 4 months of this left!
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