Injunction filed by numbers bosses


A SUPREME Court injunction will be filed this morning by attorney Wayne Munroe to block any move by the government from interfering with the operations of Island Games, Island Luck, Asue Draw, Whatfall.com and FML after Prime Minister Perry Christie ordered all webshop gaming operations closed last night with immediate effect.


Wayne Munroe

Mr Munroe told The Tribune that despite the outcome of the gambling referendum, webshop gaming in the Bahamas is not illegal. He highlighted that the questions used in the referendum spoke specifically to regulation and taxation and not legalisation.

“The basis of what they do, is that webshops are not regulated by our laws at all. Basically as in other areas of law, technology and other methods of doing business have moved on, while the laws have stayed the same. They (webshops) are outside the jurisdiction of what the law maintains,” he said.

With the “No” vote that was registered on Monday against the taxation and regulation of webshops, Mr Munroe said the Bahamian people have only decided that they want this industry to remain “untaxed” – a privilege he said currently held by the church.

“This referendum has converted them to a church status where they are not to be taxed. The industry is still, by Bahamian law definitions, not illegal. That is the position that we have taken and that is the position that we will ask the court to declare. All sensible people agree that the court must rule on it. Just because someone jumps up and says it is illegal doesn’t make it so, even if you are the Prime Minister of the Bahamas.”

Mr Munroe’s application will be filed at 9am. He said his application will be made, bearing in mind that the question needs to be heard and determined by a court, up until which time the “status quo” must remain.

“In other words, these people have been operating in plain sight, with licenses by the central government. They say what they are doing is legal, so why should the court not preserve that position until they say what is what? So if they say ‘Yes, it is legal’, and they were closed for two or three months, then they would have to be paid their monies out of the Public Treasury.”

Mr Munroe said he has always had this position and is shocked that so many people who have not read the Lotteries and Gaming Act, have sought to suggest that what these men were doing was “illegal.”

“They seem to equate as what they see as immorality with illegality. They think gambling is immoral so they say it must be illegal. That is not how you operate. We are in a free country,” he said.

Up to around 6 o’clock last night, Mr Christie and his Cabinet remained tight-lipped as to if he would stick to prior declarations to enforce the law if Bahamians disagreed with legalising web shop gaming. Shortly after 6pm Mr Christie issued a press statement ordering web shops closed “with immediate effect.”

“In keeping with my Government’s commitment to abide by the will of the electorate as expressed on Monday’s referendum,” he said, “it has now become necessary to effect the closure of all web-shop gaming operations in The Bahamas.

“Accordingly, all offending web-shop owners and operators are placed on notice that all their gaming operations, including all online gaming and the numbers games, must cease with immediate effect. Failure to do so will leave all such web shop owners, operators and web shop gaming patrons exposed to arrest and criminal prosecution without further notice or warning.

“While web shop owners and operators must cease and desist from gaming operations immediately, they are not required to close the door on their employees and those persons with whom they have lawful commercial relationships. This includes relationships with landlords throughout the country, as well as relationships with utility and service companies, supplies of goods, and other third-party creditors.

“The Government expects that all web shop owners and operators will cooperate in giving effect to what I have just outlined so as to thereby eliminate the need for the relevant law enforcement authorities to take coercive action to compel the necessary result.”

While Mr Munroe’s action will be before the court, he urged webshop works to go about their business as usual as his injunction should keep everything “as it were.”

“We are going to be in court. What the court says is what is important. Not what the Prime Minister says,” Mr Munroe added.


shawn242 12 years, 1 month ago

Thank You very much Mr. Wayne Munroe. Screw all of these heartless so called Christians and Pastors, what is going to happen to these 3000 people out of jobs. And also how are these businesses illegal, if they have business licenses?

sense 12 years, 1 month ago

finally, some common sense and facts being exposed on this whole matter thanks to other like Mr. Munroe!

shawn242 12 years, 1 month ago

IKR i dont know why we as Bahamians give the Church so much power. THank god for Wayne

sense 12 years, 1 month ago

the courts will have no other choice but to give ok to the Injunction. P.M should know this, isn't he a trained lawyer? he knows web shop gambling is legal as there is no law to justify that it isn't. It baffles me that we as Bahamians are still taken for stupid!!

legalmindatwork 12 years, 1 month ago

So why did Mr. Munroe wait until after the vote to speak up....I'm sure he had every opportunity available to bring this to the forefront....I'm guessing the money wasn't right until after the votes came back in....Hmmmmm

MartGM 12 years, 1 month ago

Unlike the government, The number "bosses" had a Plan B in the event the vote was NO. He can spin the legalities of "gaming houses" anyway he chooses. The law is very clear and Mr. Munroe knows this.

Chapter 3, Article 26, Paragraph 4, clause (e), of the constitution states that any form of gambling whether via lottery, use of a gaming house, or in a casino is refused to Bahamian citizens and residents of the Bahamas.

This injunction only holds because these businesses are licensed "webshops" and they should be acting in that capacity. This is only to buy time...

These are a set of Brilliant Bahamians!

shawn242 12 years, 1 month ago

i find it very pathetic that you as a Bahamian have absolutely no problem with our own government discriminating against us. why cant we gamble? plz answer that!

MartGM 12 years, 1 month ago

I never said I agree with it. This issue is very black and white, but we want to add all these grey areas.

I agree that we need to eliminate that discriminatory clause, but I disagree with the way we have chosen to rebel against the law and do as we wish. That's just pure lawlessness and slackness.

242 12 years, 1 month ago

Christie knew that along he worded the questions he just want to make his hands appear clean. when they asked about the wording they said regulate means legalize now they sayin its different things. Christie know he obligated to the web men.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 1 month ago

Agreed 242, I do believe that Mr. Christie is shuffling above water, at the moment. He knew there was a loophole with the technology clause and only ordered these webshops closed to appease the people with a supposedly legit response to the referendum.

There are so many laws globally that have not caught up to the fast pace of technology.

Now, here is where the opposition comes in, by demanding an amendment of the present law in a rapid fashion so as to include the webshop component. Particularly in light of the recent referendum and to take advantage of the current hostile atmosphere peppered even more by this recent injunction.

I give it to the number bosses and Christie for being astute. Now, it is the opposition's turn to match them and to truly win the war.

BahamasGamingAssociation 10 years, 8 months ago



The Bahamas Lottery and Gaming Act Chapter 387 Section 50 Persons prohibited from Gaming


The Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Chapter III – Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedom of the Individual. Section 26 Protection from Discrimination on grounds of Race, Place of Origin etc.

The Bahamas Gaming Association stands by the Ideology that all human beings who are 18 years or older should be treated equally in all sectors of the Bahamian Economy which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

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