'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

An Injunction has been granted to prevent the government, police, and attorney general from shutting down web shops pending a hearing before the Chief Justice, The Tribune has just learned.

Wayne Munroe, who is representing the owners of the web shops, said no date has been set as yet for the hearing.

This means it will be business as usual for numbers houses until a ruling has been made by the courts.

Vote Yes campaign coordinator Philip Galanis said he would never try to predict what the courts would determine and if the substantive hearing will be favorable for the web shops.

"I am happy that the courts, though, have granted the injunction," he said. "I think what it clearly demonstrates is the separation of powers in government. The executive said they were too close and the judiciary said today they can remain open until the substantive hearing."

He also offered encouragement for web shop workers who were distressed by the referendum outcome, saying that the granted injunction was a good thing for them.

Island Games, which began this legal action, said their operations are now open after today's injunction was granted.

The Tribune understands that other webshop operators have followed suit and have now opened their offices for business.


legalmindatwork 12 years, 1 month ago

And no date will ever be set!!! In my opinion this was always Plan B should the people vote no. It is remarkable that Wayne Munroe's services were retained just for this very instance. Once again the public made their voices heard and the government refuses to listen. I smell a conspiracy!!!

242 12 years, 1 month ago

thats whatChristie was discussin monday night. the man will never stop lying with his bogus announcement that all web shops are to close. he figure out a back up plan wow. And they say ingrahama was a dictator....

Ironvelvet 12 years, 1 month ago

This is absolutely distasteful! So, there must a part of the law that makes this legal? Are we being hoodwinked, bamboozled, and had?

Oracle 12 years, 1 month ago

They MAYBE OPEN but under the law they CANNOT conduct GAMBLING activities

RealVoice242 12 years, 1 month ago

I don't want to make sound political, but Prime Minister Christie must be the most hypocritical, indecisive, Prime Minister that we have ever had in The Bahamas. I mean you cant take the people's money and wanna neglect them. I could careless if the legalize gambling or not but the truth is, its happening. Also we all as Bahamians are hypocrites because how can we think it okay for the tourist to come to the Bahamas and gamble but yet its suddenly "ungodly", "unethical", and "immoral" when Bahamians partake in it. I have never nor do I plan to ever purchase numbers nor spin but the reality is that its happening so it might as well be legalized. Now by no means am I saying that all of the arguments raised by the Vote Yes campaign are flawless, because so they claim that their business will enrich the economy , but how is that possible if there is no "new money" entering the economy. It just a circulation of the same money that was once there. From a macroeconomic point of view, it wont make a difference AT ALL, but at least when the government decides to imply income tax (which they will do before the upcoming fiscal year is up, because if you haven't noticed, we are BROKE, BUSTED, by more that 5 billion dollars!!!!!!!) it wont be as high.

242 12 years, 1 month ago

A lot of peopke talking about be discrimated against the bahamas. Pery Christie drafted the questions and purposely left that question out. u think he care about that? That is competiion for the webshops if bahamians go in the casino. l Christie will continue to fool many

TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

Only a top hired-gun lawyer would stand before a Supreme Court Justice and with a straight face, to dare tell the judge that selling numbers and spins and all other sorts of gambling, ain't breaching the conditions under which his numbers 'bosses" clients business licenses were granted, by the sovereign government of Bahamaland?

Comrades we read in the newspapers that when we speak out about matters before a Judge, they have been known to summon you before them to be held in contempt. Not this time Judges, cause we have all the rights as Bahamians to speak out loudly when the matter before the courts is of National Importance. So, get ready to schedule a whole bunch of buses to transport the angry crowds of Bahamians to ya Court Houses to face contempt?

The Justice must understand that if you don't agree with the intended use of your business licenses. It's simple. Return them back to the government.

The Justice should have told Comrade Lawyer Wayne, that it is clear that what his numbers "bosses" have been using their licensed business premises for, is to sell gambling and that it goes against the government's expectation of what even common sense says, is contrary to the proper use they were issued under.

Comrade Justice how in the hell can you stop the collapse of a business, that never should have existed in the first place?


pilgrimagerock 12 years, 1 month ago

Well said. At the end of the day, the Supreme Court Justice will do the right thing by the Bahamian people. These Web Shop Operators have no shame, they deceitfully used their web shop business licenses to practice illegal gambling in the Bahamas and calling it 'legal gambling'.

John 12 years, 1 month ago

F O U R young Bahamians killed in four days MURDERED! two more lost their lives on a motorbike accident..the time and effort and money spent on this gambling issue..is it worth it?

Observer 12 years, 1 month ago

My people perish because of the lack of knowledge and understanding. Their zeal outstrip knowledge and understanding by a ratio of at least 9:1 . So now the court will make the decision that too many of us are incapable of doing. And I guess, by our standard, even the court is an -ss.

stopit 12 years, 1 month ago

I find it very interesting that Mr. Munroe could get a supreme court justice to hear his injunction within ONE DAY. Mr. Ortland Bodie was denied this priviledge. Something SMELLS!! I want the government to defend the voice of the people in court if they have to. After the court battle, i want the government to go after the ASSETS of these CRlMINAL BOSSES and deposit those monies back in our piblic treasury.We can then use thes monies to creat REAL INDUSTRIES and put an end to these SPECULATIVE (GAMBLING) INDUSTRIES. We must return to REAL INDUSTRIES like AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES, LIVE STOCK, MANUFACTURING..ETC..ETC. Every other nation which engaged in SPECULATIVE INDUSTRIES (GAMBLING or DERIVATIVES), are facing BANKRUPTCY!!!! Wake up BAHAMAS, THESE NUMBERS BOSSESS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN PUPETS BEING USED TO DESTROY OUR WAY OF LIFE...WAKE UP!

TalRussell 12 years, 1 month ago

Comrades this no time to play the fool?

What would have happened this morning had the Justice asked Comrade lawyer Wayne, that due to the nature of his clients operations, if he is prepared to lay evidence before the Supreme Court, as to which agencies of Bahamaland's government, did his numbers 'bosses" clients, comply with to conduct and pass police background checks?

What would have happened if Comrade lawyer Wayne had been asked by the Justice, if he is prepared to produce certified financial records that his clients had submitted to any government agency, outlining the liquidity and capital requirements necessary not to be placing an unacceptable risk to their customers potential winnings?

Comrades let's not play the fool. It's no secret that they collect bets in the millions of dollars from their customers who play their numbers and spins, among other gambling games of chance.

Didn't they just go on TV to talk about all the millions the government is not presently receiving in taxes, from their rake from gambling operations? What was that big loud march on Bay Street all about, if not gambling?

It ain't like they hiding it, if they been seen on TV, as bold as can be?


John 12 years, 1 month ago

I don't it would be fair or reasonable for the government to shut the web shops down overnight. These peoeple have invested considerable amounts of resources in these businesses and should have been given reasonable time to wrap things up. It would also allowed employees time to search for and, hopefully, find alternative employment.

242 12 years, 1 month ago

then the same should happen for Die Stubbs and his employees. He invester a whole lot as well

John 12 years, 1 month ago

depends on which one of his business you talkin about, not the one he charge with aye?

concernedcitizen 12 years, 1 month ago

legalize it and tax it ,if anybody thinks PGC them were going to close the numbers man down you need your head checked ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they had Jon Issacs out of bed at 5 am to sign that injuction ,why u think PGC dem didn,t have anything bout illegal/legal on the questions

RodCoffee 12 years, 1 month ago

Can someone please explain to me why is that we allow these number bosses and an incompetent government to Confuse us. Why do they try to manipulate us into believing that if these Web cafes are shut down the money that a patron would of spent at these illegal businesses would be thrown in the garbage, vanish off the face of the earth, or no longer be added to the countries GDP. What would really happen is these web cafe' patrons would probably now take that same money and start spending it where they should of been spending it a long time ago i.e. B.E.C and other utility bills, food stores and restaurants, investments, Educating their children. I can think of a million better ways to spend hard earned money. I'm 100% sure if the government would of shut the number houses down other businesses would of seen an increase in sales. Therefore forcing them to increase their number of employees. It's like 2 plus 2 equals 4 or am I the only person in this country good at math. Why is there people that's so concern about the web shop employees and not the weak minded mother that loses her entire pay check spinning and is no longer able to feed her children. Finding a solution for 3,000 unemployed persons is much easier than finding a solution for entire nation. I've lived in other countries and I've never seen gambling affect so many households like it does in The Bahamas. The majority of Bahamians are not strong minded and disciplined enough to be able gamble freely. Who knows the damage these web shops have already done directly and indirectly to our country , and I'm sure if it continues it will be devastating. 0

Rontom 12 years, 1 month ago

What a very clever question--to regulate and tax. NOT legalize. Ensuring the end result would be much of the same. And the religious people got it wrong again. Not appreciating how cleverly they were used in this fashion, they are now emboldened to pursue this matter further with the unintended consequence of forcing the court to finally say that Bahamians have a right to choose to gamble if gambling is permissible in this country for non-Bahamians

B_I_D___ 12 years, 1 month ago

Wonder if Bahamians really realize that the government that is meant to be looking out for their best interest...the will of the people, just got DUPED!! Through the election the entire talk was do we legalize and tax them or shut them down. Due to the wording in the referendum, it had NOTHING to do with legalizing it...it was strictly a question about regulation and taxation. PGC and his crew, and the numbers bosses all had this planned out to a T, even I was duped so to speak, I thought the NO vote would have more of an impact, now they are using our vote against us saying all we were doing is saying no to taxation and we don't want the numbers guys to have to pay anything back to the government. Whether it is legal or not is not even coming into question at the moment. PGC knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he chose the word regulate or regularize. He could push it out there with a slight spin on it to make people think this was a vote to shut the numbers houses down when in matter of fact, it had no bearing on it whatsoever. Pretty sad that the government you all elected into power (I didn't vote them in) would deceive their own populace to this level. Sad...and very telling of the character of the PLP party.

hj 12 years, 1 month ago

Do you think our education system is failing by accident? No,"keep them dumb" that is the whole idea.

Understandfacts 12 years, 1 month ago

Perry should have done what Hubert did when he sold BTC, he didn't care about democracy, referendum, legislation, protocol or law. The man saw a benefit economically long term and jumped on it, Perry care to much about what people think and he is to personal. The people protested and said do not sell BTC, we will loose jobs, the government didn't listen, I protested, I lost my job after 17 years, four weeks later I got a job with one of the number houses.

My pastor who is on the Christian council, took my tithes and did not ask, where it came from, I don't think he really cared. Now I may be out of a job again, of course I will look, because I need to work, but if I choice, I would choose to stay. Thanks for taking my right to choose Bahamians! Greatest democracy ever...

Thanks for fighting for me to have the right to choose Wayne Munroe.

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