Christie: Developed countries should give back to the Caribbean


Perry Christie


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie said developed countries have a moral obligation to give back to the Caribbean, stressing that the region’s success depends heavily on a continued working relationship with countries like the United States and Canada.

The Prime Minister made theses remarks at the 34th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), in Trinidad and Tabago.

“We must do more to impress upon our friends and neighbours that stability of our democracies and the stability of our countries are directly connected to the extent to which there can be a greater sharing in the strategies employed to address these challenges.

“More must be done to help with development; to strengthen the sharing of intelligence and funding resources with respect to deportees coming back to the region; more must be done to help in the education of our populations,” Mr Chrisite said.

“Indeed isn’t it a fundamental irony that when we are most challenged for resources, when our traditional partners are cutting back on funding for our countries, our young people who gain their education at public expense in the region are more and more moving to the United States and to Canada? So we are paying for the expertise which enriches their societies.

“It is therefore incumbent upon us to make the case that the developed countries have an obligation, dare I say, a moral obligation in all of the circumstances, to give back to our societies.”

Mr Christie said shortly after taking office he explained to Secretary of State of the United States Hilary Clinton that the most constructive role the US could play in the Bahamas and the region would be working to stop the violence and crime and enhancing security.

“The United States has a stake in this because it also impacts the security of the United States. There are many people who are trying to get into the United States, thereby bringing to the forefront the issue of trafficking in persons; the issue of the United States being the source of the guns and heavy weaponry that find their way to our countries; and the source of those who have committed offenses in the US and are deported back to the region,” he said.

“I said to the Secretary of State, that the US must pay closer attention to the concerns and challenges of limited resources of countries in the region in fighting the scourge of crime. I argued that the United States should dedicate more resources to enable the region to more effectively meet the disastrous consequences of crime. That was my message to her and my message much later to the US Attorney General Eric Holder whom we met in Port au Prince Haiti in February of this year.

Since that time, a delegation of American officials has visited our country and we are now working very closely on several initiatives to fight crime and to enhance security.”

Mr Christie also paid tribute to the late Sir Lynden Pindling, who he said was a great believer in the CARICOM project.


crabman 11 years, 8 months ago

what happen da chineese run out of money????????????????????

Frosty 11 years, 8 months ago

"...our young people who gain their education at public expense in the region are more and more moving to the United States and to Canada?"

Uh no Mr. Christie that whole public expense thing only applies to caricom countries that are willing to invest in their students. I can not comment on other caricom countries but, your students who obtain their education at COB, other Bahamian universities and even abroad leave the country because of the way it is horribly ran. A factor that has me also considering my options abroad as more USA based companies have an interest in my education vs Bahamian or Government ran ones The majority of students who do attend tertiary institutions on scholarships repay that debt b doing as that contracted document states and works for their sponsors. So do not use us as a scapegoat in your political agenda.

Also i hope when he mentions public expense he does not refer to government subsidiaries for reduced tuition as even that is being reduced for unknown reasons , amusingly, unbeknownst to him.

banker 11 years, 8 months ago

Why don't the government confiscate the $300 million from the Pindling estate that he made while he sold out the country to the drug runners?? That would help a lot.

Puzzled 11 years, 8 months ago

So he wants the foreigners to help, but will not give them the necessary work permits, just send money!

The PM does not want his "rejects" repatriated after they have broken the laws in their country of choice, and yet the government repatriates large numbers of people to their home countries that cannot give them a decent way of life

TalRussell 11 years, 8 months ago

OK I do know the red shirts can dream about reclaiming the reigns of Bahamaland's governmental power in 2017, but sooner or later, they'll have to put aside their hurt over losing their firm grip on power and work with PM Christie to deal with the many complications hovering over our Bahamaland. First things first. They need to deal with their internal party complications, because a whole lot of red shirts I talk with, don't believe Comrade Leader Minnis is the one to lead them to the glory of victory in 2017. It's even more complicated, being it's about a 50/50 split, whether it's such a smart thing to bring or not to bring back Hubert in time for 2017. Easily 90% have now grown cautious of Deputy Leader Loretta. With all their own internal complications hovering over their party. you'd think they'd want to at least take a short break, away from finding every fault with PM Christie?

banker 11 years, 8 months ago

Work with PM Christie? HAAAAA !!! Now I die. He is a do-nothing bag of talk who cannot rein in his own cabinet, and he is less proactive than cold feces in a dead cat. He is merely a puppet for the self-serving kleptocracy.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 8 months ago

LMAO @ banker...that's a classic...cold feces dead cat...ROTFL!!

The_Oracle 11 years, 8 months ago

The Red of the Bull, the cowardice of the yellow, in all decent purpose, no point in either fellow!

That large numbers of our best and brightest leave to pursue higher education abroad, and do not return speaks to their individual tenacity and sensibility! Public school systems the world over have failed, ours is no different.

We as a country do not value individual capability, we fear it. We do not encourage independent though and risk, We suffocate it before it emerges. We are not honest with ourselves about ourselves, We laugh it off and explain it away as How things go. We are loud, with no content. Constantly looking to divert blame elsewhere, We solve nothing. We defer payments, obligations, responsibility, and live like there is no tomorrow.

banker 11 years, 8 months ago

I am left wondering what the half-brain PM thinks the developed countries "took" from the Bahamas. He uses the term "give back" as if something was taken. The businesses developed by the foreign countries were investments that created jobs in this country, and now he resents the return on the investments that they are making. Suck teeth.

USAhelp 11 years, 8 months ago

Omg kill the touristtell them to stay away but you owe us so send more money. Won't miss it till it is gone.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 8 months ago

this is pure nonsense for the under educated ,,who is going PGC our lil darlins w/ a D average in a classes that a brain dead turtle could get at least get a C, or the 50% that laugh ,play, rub up the gals till there bellies swell and leave w/ a certificate of completion ,,

deablo01 11 years, 8 months ago

Sell Bernadette new breast. add the funds to the treasury. Idiot

digimagination 11 years, 8 months ago

Give back what may I politely ask?

banker 11 years, 8 months ago

Here is the totally ironic part. Everyone says that the Bahamas has no resources to make their own money. Bull. Take a look at this website:


The French government granted money to this French person to study Bahamian plants. Sea Grape Leaves and Royal Poinciana go into these extremely high end skin products. Once again foreigners are making money, and Bahamians get the dirty, low-paying jobs of picking the leaves.

If the Bahamian government supported its people with business development grants like the French or any of the G8 countries, we wouldn't need to have our beggar bowl out. Suck Teeth.

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