Nygard claims target Bacon


Tribune Staff Reporter


AT WHAT was supposed to be a press conference to announce a $10,000 donation to the upcoming Acklins regatta, Peter Nygard spent a great deal of time verbally attacking his billionaire rival Louis Bacon – including alleging that one of his family members was a high ranking Ku Klux Klan member.

Mr Nygard yesterday made comments about Mr Bacon’s relationship with black people which he claimed stemmed from Roger Moore, Mr Bacon’s great grandfather who was allegedly an infamous KKK organiser.

He said that Mr Bacon found it problematic that black Bahamians had visited Nygard Cay for decades.

“I have been bringing black people here for 40 years,” Mr Nygard said, “bringing the ordinary Bahamian in here. Not just the guys who are on top of the food chain but every day Bahamians.

“My neighbour had not liked that. In fact he hated that because he and I come from two different schools. I come from Finland. We were slaves to Russia. We had to bow to the master all the time. (But) he comes from North Carolina and his great grandfather was the grand dragon.

“The ultimate black haters. So we come from two different cultures and he has a tremendous hatred for me.”

According to Mr Nygard, it is that reasoning which has caused Mr Bacon to hire certain influential persons to tarnish his good reputation lending to a continuing bitter relationship between them both.

“He has been hiring people to criticise me and ruin my reputation (of) which I have a good reputation everywhere in the world.

“I wasn’t so fortunate when Mr Bacon moved in. He decided to declare all war on me. A very silent war at first doing all kinds of sneaky things which I didn’t talk about. I didn’t bring it to the forefront. (The) only reason this is to the forefront now is because of Mr Bacon himself decided to attack me and the whole government and politicise the whole issue in here.

“It’s been pretty difficult for me this year because I had to continue to defend my goodness and defend something that shouldn’t even be defended.”


Collin 11 years, 5 months ago

Nygard really believes we are stupid. Google his name and see what you find; then tell me where in the world does he have a good reputation. Name one place...smt.

The disturbing thing about this entire affair is listening to the dialogue between he and CB Moss. It is clear that he feels he has bought us and we owe him.

He also claimed not get involved in politics here but again listen to the recording with him and CB Moss. This man clearly has a problem with the truth.

Far to many of us have become beggars always asking for a slow dis or dat, it has become deeply ingrained in our culture. He has been here long enough to know that and figures he throws a couple dollars here and there; invite us to one of his sordid parties then he has his minions controlled and bowing to their god.

marrcus 11 years, 5 months ago

smoke and mirrors. Every time the heat gets turned up on Nygard, he deflects attention to Bacon. This man is a hot mess. An old bahamian saying. "If you lie down with dog, you catch fleas."

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

i know Nygard wants embryonic stem cells ,but ins,t the head of our stem cell panel ,the "esteem 'Professor Porter , locked up in Panama ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmfao ,,,,,,tals the PLP really knows how to pick em ,,selling sin to the highest bidder ,come one ,come all ,,lmfao

nationbuilder 11 years, 5 months ago

suk teet. this stupid "bacon" smokescreen again????

leeza 11 years, 5 months ago

Peter Nygard is a perverted sick man and it irks me to see how some of us Bahamians putting us on the pedestal because he throws us a bone here and there we will sell our birthright we are selling our birthright to who or what yuck!

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Comrade Peter featured on YouTube. ACCESS to that beautiful sandy beach you see in this video belongs to ALL natives, regardless of your economic standing. The rich and the poor.That's what the "High Water Mark" law of Bahamaland says.


BIGWILL 11 years, 5 months ago


concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

nothing new ,Vesco was no prince charming ,we harboured him , the shan of irans first stop after ouster was paradise island ,,lets not forget Somoza getting his ill gotting gains out of Nicaragua ,i think G Smith was involved in that one ,,we got "the prince of prague " ..southern air did the arms for drugs in nica thru here ,,,,Harry Oakes wasn,t the nicest guy ever ,,thats what we sell ,sand ,sea, favorable tax rates and plyable Members of parliment ,,,don,t forget the head of our task force on the stem cell panel is in jail in panama ,,i,ve gotten over the nonsense and igdination and just accept what it is we sell ,,sun ,sand ,and sin ,,

gangof4 11 years, 5 months ago

Here’s what one of Nygard’s former ladies had to say about the Nygard International CEO:

“Peter has a lot of women and he supported us all financially. I was Peter’s –th girlfriend and Pamela Anderson was dating him too.

Pam was getting $38K a month to be Peter’s girlfriend. Beverly Johnson was getting sponsored by Peter too. I don’t know how much he was paying Beverly, but I know I was only getting $5K a month.

I was pissed at what I was getting paid so I asked Peter why is Pam making more than me? Peter told me ‘Black girls were cheaper’. Peter always kept the morning after pill around because he didn’t want any girl trying to get pregnant on him.

Jacky, Peter’s main girl can’t go to the bathroom when she wakes up in the morning. Know why? Because Peter’s main girl has to go straight to his room and urinate and defecate on him. Don’t believe me? Ask Suelyn Medeiros.

He used to take us to the Bahamas and that’s where a lot of sh*t when down but that’s another story.

I’ll say this Peter is a f*****g racist.”


concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

i,m no nygard fan ,but this is from a woman who he was payin to sleep w/ ,,he is a racist but you let him pay you for sex and are pissed b/c white girls got more ,,if he paid you the same to sh#t on you then all would be well ...lmfao

thomas 11 years, 5 months ago

There is something very wrong with this white man playing the race card

TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Even this Comrade is embarrassed at the behavior of PLP cabinet ministers. People still without no paychecks and they have time to be entertained by a man who many natives cannot stomach.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

tals we need to get over ourselves ,we been selling ourselves since the beginning ,,blockade runners in the civil war , rum runners , tax haven ,dope running ,gambling when it was only legal in vegas ...now the not so nice guys that moved their ill gotten gains and dodge taxes through here and bought influence ,,,Harry Oakes ,Vesco , Shanh of Iran ,Somoza ,Joe ledher ,Quadafi through flowers, Prince of prague ,the wesfeld brothers,,Southern air,gunsfor drugs ,,the" esteem" Dr Porter head of our stem cell panel now residing in a panamain jail ,,move along folks nothing new to see here ,weve always sold sun, sand ,and sea and plyable goverment ministers for whatever your fancy ,,i don,t get the uproar ,,

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

even in the boom times 2002 to 2007 ,,our economy couldn,t produce jobs as fast as we made babies ,,its math not PLP ,,FNM ,,,,OR SOME IMAGINARY industries that aren,t feasible

eye2eye 11 years, 5 months ago

One would hope that after 40 years of independence our elected governments would be ready to govern this country as an independent country for the benefit of all its people... That seems sadly not to be the case...

This whole Nygard/Bacon saga shows that among our elite Lawyer/Doctor/Politician/ cabinet minister circle...the slave mentality still reigns supreme....the ( I get mine/you better get yours ) syndrome is still very much alive...even among our highest elected officials.

What is even more astounding, is that a nation as a whole, plus the collective power of the so , so, soooo many churches seems powerless to hold these elected officials accountable after an election. In recent years the world witnessed the so called "Arab Spring " when, in several countries in North Africa,the people rose up and unceremoniously got rid of incompetent, uncaring,leaders...the question is, when will the Bahamian Spring come?????


TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Despite a clearly visible minister of health Comrade Dr. Perry playing HIS cameo role in this video, still he has denied that he was ever at this party, before the 2012 General Election? Quite obviously it did take place AFTER he had become Bahamaland's minister for the peoples health. If it ain't the minister he sure as hell has a look-alike running around the beach party circut?. The bigger question must be asked. Should ministers of the crown be attending a private beach party of a resident who is not only a controversial figure in Bahamaland but who has much controversial business before the government? Shocked he and Hubert didn't get along, considering both of these men's act as if their sh*** don't stink? Comrade Nygard sure as hell seems to go way out of his way to come across as a different kind of billionaire than the natives have ever before experienced the likes of? Is that a good thing? You tell me? In the meantime I'd like to be nice by reminding the billionaire Comrade Nygard, to start acting like the "invited guest" he is in the "natives" Bahamaland. It ain't never go'in belong to no gold or shirt shirts regime. That's a damn fact.


TalRussell 11 years, 5 months ago

Typo correction: Comrade Perry has denied he had attended Nygard's party, AFTER the 2012 General Elections. That when he had attended, he was not yet made a minister of the crown.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago

TALS,,,Oakes . Shah of iran , Somoza , Ledher , prince of prague ..Wesfeld brothers that are barred from trading in three countires ,,Manny Diaz ,,Quadafi money through one of our # bosses ,,,,,Vesco ,,,,what now we getting rigtheous ,,all of them bought and some are still buying ifluence through MP,s ,,,oh i forgot the head on the stem cell panel Dr , gray bar motel , Porter ,,Tals the crept keeper from the north now has more power than you me and 10,000 natives as you say ,,he done bought and paid for anti bogey man serum ,,,,calling Dr Porter , calling Dr Porter

Hi_Ho_its_off_to_work_I_go 11 years, 5 months ago

They'll be hitting each other with their handbags next or maybe sort it out with a bikini mud wrestling match. You don't need stem cell therapy to stay young, you ned to grow-up

crabman 11 years, 5 months ago

cash will always be king and people love their king new financial slogan for our country"it's better to be bought in the Bahamas"

John 11 years, 5 months ago

Rather than aligning themselves (and claiming to be proud to be in bed with) Peter Nygard, this Bahamas Government (notice I did not say PLP Government) needs to distance itself from both Peter Nygard and Louis Bacon. When since the differences between two residents of this country has escalated to the point that it grabs both national and international headlines on a too regular basis and furthermore it begs the average Bahamian almost on a daily basis to choose sides. If there was ever evidence that 'money talks', it is in this situation. Common sense would dictate to the Bahamas government to distance itself from both Bacon and Nygard and tell them, in nothing less than strong terms, to clean up their behavior or face the consequences. When Nygard is on the front page of a daily headline talking about the KKK, it gives a double meaning to the You Tube video title, ":Nygard takes the Bahamas back." This is an embarrassment when we, as a tourist nation, are trying to maintain racial harmony, and NYgard is trying to dig white sheets and pillowcases with holes cut out, for eyes to see, out of the closet.

marrcus 11 years, 5 months ago

Now he claims to have supported both FNM and PLP. So from whom is he "taking the Bahamas Back." Sounds to me like he has taken it back to "Nygard Cay" "Party on" puppet master, "party on......"

proudloudandfnm 11 years, 5 months ago

Nygard's great grand father Roger Moore built his plantation in 1735. KKK was not started until 1866. This Finnish piece of trash is lying.....

Mspiggy 11 years, 5 months ago

so true. see: http://ortonplantation.com/orton_histor… re grandafather Moore. he died in 1751. the KKK was established in 1861 see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klu_Klux_K… but whats a hundred and 10 years ? Guess Mr. Nygard never read, Winds from the Carolinas either. His history of the original loyalists that settled in the Bahamas is severely lacking I would say. Is he trying to insult all persons from the carolinas including the decendants of the original loyalist who are still there??? The land he is sitting on used to belong to one of them. . I wont say what I really think.

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