THE government’s push to implement the Stem Cell Bill was not a campaign promise, but a bid by Prime Minister Perry Christie to create another multi-million dollar industry for the Bahamas, according to Peter Nygard.
Speaking to the media at his residence, Mr Nygard assured reporters that both he and Mr Christie were committing resources to the move as it is expected to grow and cause an expansion of medical tourism in the Bahamas.
His comments come on the heels of allegations fielded by the FNM that the government was rushing stem cell research laws to appease Mr Nygard.
“No there was no promise to me,” Mr Nygard said. “I think the Prime Minister must have gone and asked the medical community how they felt about it and then got the committee together.
“I don’t know why anyone would paint that as doing it for me. He (Mr Christie) is doing it for the Bahamas and if I can help, I will, and that’s a whole different issue, but there is nothing in it for me, this is not a money venture at all.”
“If I can help the Bahamas in anyway that is what I am doing every single day. I should be allowed to help the Bahamas without making any political issue about it,” he said.
Instead, Mr Nygard told reporters that he pledged to assist the government in establishing the Bahamas as a major medical destination.
“The promise that I made to him was that I will do everything that I can to spark growth and bring other like minded people like myself here. (Also to) practice and to invest in this place to be the leading edge.
“You would be the most celebrated country in the world to be able to come to this particular point in a leading age of medicine. The biggest discovery to ever occur.
“I have got plenty of business myself, just so every one knows. I am not dependent on the Bahamas.”
Mr Christie, should, therefore, be praised for pushing stem cell research to this point, Mr Nygard said.
“Every person should be congratulating him for what he has achieved. The whole country should be behind it whether I am involved or not,” he said.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
i don,t know who is more creepy .Nygard ,PGC ,or the now jailed head of our stem cell panel Dr Porter ..geez we can,t even find the glazed eyed spinners in the web shops gambling their babies milk money away ,how are we going keep Dr Frankenstien from cookin up embryonic stems cells in a bid to beat father time ..theres going to be a a log jam when some of our esteem MPs get to the pearly gates ,,Anna Nicloe in clown make up is a joke ,,hey Shame has your wife consuled any other B list dopers after her success w/ Anna ,,lmfao
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 5 months ago
I was trying to come up with an appropriate word... I was using scummy...but creepy might fit the bill....
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
first i was thinking slimmy ,but the three of them have a certain creepyness about them ,like you wouldn,t want your teenage son or daughter around the three of them ,,feel free to speculate on who you wouldn,t want young males or females around ,,with one of the three i would fear for either sex
concernedcitizen 11 years, 5 months ago
maybe the head of the task force on the stem cell panel ,the 'esteem'; Dr Porter can phone in from his jail cell and inform the PM how creepy ol Nygard can get his anti bogey man serum ,,,like Tals says a hollywood writer would have trouble dreaming up this crap ,,and i thought 2002 to 2007 was a laugh riot in one year the PLP has outdone themselves ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lmfao
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