Shane Gibson dismisses Nygard video controversy


Tribune Staff Reporter


GOLDEN Gates MP Shane Gibson is the second Cabinet Minister featured on the controversial Nygard video to say he feels the matter is a non-issue.

His comments to The Tribune follow the declaration of Agriculture Minister V Alfred Gray that he is not ashamed of his appearance in the video, which shows a group of ministers being entertained by the fashion mogul and includes the text “Peter Nygard takes back the Bahamas” in reference to the PLP’s May 2012 election win.

When asked for his response to the criticism of the video, Mr Gibson said: “Since when does meeting with a permanent resident constitute any sort of breach?”

Mr Gibson defended the Nygard Cay visit, dubbing it a “courtesy call,” and pointed to incidents involving former FNM officials which he believes warrant a resignation.

The video has draw criticism from the opposition, with deputy leader of the FNM Loretta Butler-Turner demanding the resignation of the ministers involved.

FNM chairman Darron Cash has also criticised the video, claiming it depicts the Christie administration as “far too compromised to govern effectively”.

In response, Mr Gibson said he possesses a photo in which FNM party members can be seen associating with a man who would later be convicted of a crime.

“Their party members entertained a man just before he was convicted and served time for criminal activities after they gave him permanent residence simply because he put a down payment on a piece of property . . . but they are questioning a courtesy call on a permanent resident who has donated millions of dollars to Bahamian individuals and charitable organisations.


ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago

Is that the Rolex on his hand?

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago

Tickle this Comrade's belly pink (no red OK). Now we have non other than minister Shane coming to rescue his "male" cabinet colleagues from there ill-advised private beach party excursion. If this isn't the most hilarious story The Tribune has published since way back when Sir Étienne began his newspaper career as a little boy. Am I the only one shaking he head that from the PM down are trying to say that there is nothing wrong with cabinet ministers partying with those who have business before his government? Like it was when Hubert couldn't fire his minister, cause he too had taken free rides aboard another billionaires, luxury 16 seats helicopter, 60000 natives are still going without steady paychecks.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 2 months ago

some of the female PLP ,s ex MP,S and maybe present are upset they didn,t get an invite to oogle the scantily clad womens at the soiree,,,couple radio personalities too..

wave 11 years, 2 months ago

I did not fast track that women's visa, or take a Rolex as a bribe!

jackflash 11 years, 2 months ago

You idiots!

That isn't the Rolex - he done cash for gold that.

It's the next timepiece for a favor////!


proudloudandfnm 10 years, 10 months ago

Shane's daughter was married at Nygard Cay. Nygard Cay goes for $45,000.00 a night. Um.....

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