Nygard admits backing PLP in sworn affidavit


Tribune Staff Reporter


AN AFFiDAVIT sworn by Lyford Cay resident Peter Nygard claims that he has been a major backer of Prime Minister Perry Christie and the Progressive Liberal Party.

The 23-page statement, dated while Mr Nygard was in the United states on April 2, 2012, and bearing his signature, has surfaced in the wake of Prime Minister Perry Christie’s claim that he cannot reveal who donated money to his party.

Yesterday, during a press conference, leader of the Opposition Dr Hubert Minnis read a single line from the affidavit: “In addition, I am one of the major backers of opposition leader Perry Christie and his PLP party.”

The document continues: “An election is expected to be held soon. Louis Bacon is a major financial donor to the present FNM government.

“I believe (Mr Nygard’s neighbour Louis) Bacon wishes to discredit the PLP party by arranging false charges against me since I am a major PLP financial contributor who is associated by the public with the PLP.

“The facts and matters herein and either based on my personal knowledge and are true and correct based upon the sources that I have identified which are true and correct to the best of my information and belief.”

The affidavit was sworn as part of evidence in a lawsuit which Mr Nygard filed against eight defendants, including his billionaire rival Mr Bacon.

He claims that Mr Bacon and others engaged in a criminal conspiracy to destroy his good reputation and business in a bid to deprive him of Nygard Cay.

According to the document, Mr Nygard alleges that Mr Bacon contacted a major Canadian broadcaster to plan a programme that was libellous to his character.

“There is overwhelming evidence that Bacon contact employees of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) who were planning a scandalous documentary about me for broadcast on a programme called the Fifth Estate - ‘Larger than Life: He’s rich. He’s powerful. But, what kind of boss is he?’ He promised to provide them with material for a story that would take me down.

“Over the last five years, a number of women who attended parties at Nygard Cay stated that they were contacted by individuals hired by Bacon. These women said that those Bacon representatives were trying to obtain falsified damaging testimony about criminal sexual misconduct on my part.

“They commented that when they had good things to say about me, they were offered $5,000 to $10,000 to lie and make up a juicy sex story involving me.”


TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago

There you have what PM Christie says he cannot reveal. Many a supporter for the PM's return to office in 2012, are just about ready to cash-in their chips on the PM and walk away. If one thing Hubert learned it was that you can only get away with playing the fool for so long with natives, before they deliver an non reversible political slap to ya head. Maybe there is good reason the two made such excellent law partners for so many years. I ain't all that ready yet but this PLP administration is already an embarrassment to many. Can the PM turn it around. We shall see? If he has nine cat lives, I;d be generous and maybe give the PM a year to turn his image around, but that's it. For the record, is the PM and Mr. Nygard now prepared to reveal, exactly how many natives he presently has registered as National insurance contributors? Why? I'd like to compare his "real contributions" to Bahamaland, not by his crown land grant application or surrounding himself with known PLP operatives and one's "personal love offerings" to his selected Preacherman's and political parties, but lt;s be fair and compare his record to Sol Kerzner's over a billion dollars investment to bring tourism life back into Paradise island, while going on to presently employ some 8000 thankful natives. Comrades some things makes sense and many things simply don't. Neither the PM or Nygard is making much sense.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

PGC says he already got a study to show why "save clifton '" is foolishness ,plus he has one from Canadain experts to show how a 1000 ft peir won,t hurt Bimini ,,all payed for by us the taxpayer ,,at least we got roads and hospitals and airports from HAI ,,SO far PGC gave us a non binding vote on web shops , a slow red boat ,and a freak sticking needles in his belly ,and they borrowed close to a billion ,even if half of that went to pay off HAI stuff i think we got robbed ,,,

pilgrimagerock 11 years, 7 months ago

well said TalRussell. I couldn't have said it better. As for the PM turn it around, you would be disappointed AGAIN.

JohnDoes 11 years, 7 months ago

Busted is correct! Prime example of how the govt is more concerned with who has the deepest pocket rather than the people and their current state of life in the Bahamas. The people, citizens I should say, are like modern day slaves in their own country. Burdened with high living expenses with little to no income. When those trusted to lead and govern jump and skip to the highest bidder we wonder why there is not enough money in the treasury... that's because we focus on investors and substantial amounts of loans then while those responsible sit in their offices making hefty cheques, the people are backburned, pushed away from land and business ownership then introduced to a new tax system that increases their expenses from the already expensive bill to live while living the worst.

banker 11 years, 7 months ago

The only reason that Sol Kerzner is here, is because he was turned down a casino license in Atlantic City because of a pesky morals clause. Kerzner is not in South Africa because he was caught bribing the president ( 3 million kruggerand). with his options dwindling, he found someone that would take his money. That person was the highly bribe able Perry Gladstone Christie, as Peter Nygard has shown. A Plp lowlife cannot change his stripes.

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

@johndoes there will never be enough money in the treasury when 1 in 4 people work for goverment ,,the alternative to absorbing our prolific baby making w/ goverment jobs is crime and poverty that would make Haiti look like sunday school ,,,1,200 defence force officers for 4 big boats ,700 employees at Bahamasair ,,that cost money ,,i saw the defence force boat yesterday in the Exuma cays ,,it was filthy ,i had tourist out and was embarrassed ,,scrub the soot off the hull guys ,,but what can you expect from inner city boys that got jobs for votes ,,

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

Uh-uh, not good. Where you live has no correlation to whether or not you are "clean". what can you expect from inner city boys...., what are you implying???...not good concernedcitizen....

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

i,m implying that mother pratt kept putting boys from the urban areas ,mostly hers on the defence force ,,these are not sea men and its just a job to them ,,to be on the sea or farm you have to love it ,,basically our defence force runs down the cays " under land " from port to port ,,while 12 miles out on the bank the illegal immigrants are sailing past ,,i,m implying that we got 1200 people employed w/ the defence force and only about 4 running big boats ,,even though about every 10 yrs the U/S gives us boats ,,i,m implying its another way of employing our prolific baby making w/ no real results ,,i,m implying that many of them are in cahoots w/ the dominicans and bringing back crawfish as there cut w/ the gov paying the fuel and the boat ,,i,m impyling that if we don,t keep taxing and borrowing to absorb our birth rate w/ uncivil services jobs we would have crime you couldn,t imagine ,,i,m implying the end result is to be like haiti and jamaica ,,i,m not implying i,m saying the boat was dirty !!

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

But how do you know the boys she's alleged to have padded the force with were on that particular dirty boat...maybe they were a bunch of lazy seamen from charlotteville or old fort bay.... (I have no idea about regular boat cleaning schedules or defence force vessel schedules) but maybe you left 2mins before they were scheduled to clean it (unless of course you kept an all night vigil just to see if they would:))

Everything was ok until the but what can you expect.... I just don't like broad brush strokes or book cover judgements...especially in the Bahamas where we have so many nicely bejeweled, fancy car'd, expensively housed and elaborately dressed empty suits. (Did I just do what I complained about? I'm not sure)

concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

every time i see the boats they are dirty ,,its joke jobs padding the gov payroll ,,a completly overstaffed fake middle class that produces very little ,,,public service jobs and public unions broke Detriot they will break us too ,and no politician says no to them ,,in reality w/ what we owe in unfunded public pensions we are already broke ..for 1 million a year i could catch 10 times the illegal immigrants and make a profit ,,the last boat on dry dock they stole the propellers off to sell for scrap ,,truth be told i don,t have much hope that we aren,t going end up like Haiti and Jamaica ,cuba opening will just hasten it ,,when you make babies like topsy w/ a 75% illegitimacy rate the results are predictable ,,crime and poverty ..i don,t really care where the marines came from the boats are dirty and they are in cahoots w/ the poachers ,,.

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

PGC is going to SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT!! This is going to be interesting. He and his party have lied and swindled their way into power, leading the masses down some rosey path strewn with lies and broken promises. Now in the face of a SWORN affidavit, I'm curious to see how he is going to make the masses think this is something other than it is and spin it away...

digimagination 11 years, 7 months ago

C'mon - we all knew the truth quite a while ago!

B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago

The smart ones did...but the dumb ones...as per Leslie Miller wasn't it? Losing track of which politician said it, are still believing in these jokers.

banker 11 years, 7 months ago

Leslie Miller is no brainiac either. He wanted to sell our sovereignty to Venezuela in exchange for cheap oil with the Petro Caribe fiasco. We would have been stuck with a huge debt to Venezuela and no oil. The whole PLP party is a bunch of retarded crooks.

The_Oracle 11 years, 7 months ago

Interesting that he says that he Backed the PLP because Bacon backed the FNM.... Think an affidavit can be found that shows how much Bacon gave Hubert? So, both parties are for sale? Can't we get them listed on BISX? Then we can all call favor, we could buy shares in Politicians !

Seems the unwritten political courtesy and rules are now being broken. Swipe and joust for the sake of the show, but don't go too deep towards the truth, We could lose the pup...peoples support.........

ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago

I had a conversation with a friend a day ago, I said maybe the problem with these ministers and their financial integrity issues stems from the fact that they're not female. I know my mother always told me to be careful of men bearing gifts and always take $5 for taxi fare. My friend who likes to inject reality into my rantings said, that is true, but maybe their mother told them if yuh guh lay down down, yuh might as well get something for it...interesting point.

pilgrimagerock 11 years, 7 months ago


What more proof do you need? Here is the EVIDENCE.

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