'Real' productivity demands an effective protocol

By Michelle Miller

Are you really productive or just getting some stuff done? There is productivity and then there’s ‘real’ productivity. While the former is about just getting stuff done, the latter speaks to your realisation in producing something specific.

Most people are more familiar with the former. It is a concept that often leads to the superficial notion of getting a job just to pay bills; showing up at work but not actually working or never really being present.

‘Real’ productivity however, is as we say, different ‘kettle of fish.’ It demands a protocol and requires you to be present in the production of a specific achievement.

I believe we are born to be productive and that the fabric of productivity is sewn together by strong threads of contribution and achievement.

You can measure your productivity by the degree to which you are achieving or contributing to the achievement of something specific. Fail to do so and you drift aimlessly in the state of unproductiveness.

Here’s the point - there are 168 hours in each week. Every person, regardless of his or her circumstances, has the same number of hours per week. What you do with your 168 hours determines the kind of life you produce and live. Take an honest look at your life – what has you weekly 168 has produced so far? Any dismal total is only a sign of the need to improve your protocol.

Let me hasten to say, material things alone are not indicators of ‘real’ productivity – anyone with money could buy anything. Clue to productivity is the idea of producing.

Beyond this, we live in a state of nonstop distractions - texting, talking, surfing, and TV watching and the obsession with ‘chillin out’. Many people are simply unable to manage themselves.

As such, ‘real’ productivity demands an effective personal protocol that enables you to manage yourself and master distractions.

Until you control of yourself – you cannot control distractions. On a deeper level, I too used to believe that just managing time was the precursor for productivity.

While organising your time is a valuable function to being productive, time management alone is not enough.

When it comes to ‘real’ productivity, it seems that what matters most is not your time, but your energy. That’s right - energy, trumps time when it comes to productivity. Think about it, even if you have the time to do something, without the energy, you could not do it or would end up doing it poorly.

Deeper still, time is infinite and when placed in a broader context, time truly is not ours to control. Look at how it ticks away, whether we use it or not. Therefore, while you have the power to control how you use time, you have no power over time itself.

However, as it relates to your energy, you have all control. Only you could say what, when, where, and or why. You are the one who determines the direction in which your energy flows. As a result, managing your energy is the most potent ingredient in an effective protocol.

Those who practice ‘real’ productivity live a life of purpose and are fearlessly discriminate in how they invest their energy.

Where does this leave you? Are you maximizing your energy and making the most of your 168? Doing so requires a preset goal and direction for your life.

Productivity expert, Stephen Covey, suggests using a holistic approach for productivity improvement.

Begin with a life-assessment - where you want to go, where you are now and what is the gap? There is no real success without productivity; and there is no ‘real’ productivity without an effective protocol.

In simple terms, a protocol is a code of behaviour or set of procedures that governs an activity. Creating your own protocol path for productivity requires knowing what you want for your life. What may work for you may not necessarily work for somebody else.

Here are a few wholesome ingredients to consider for your protocol: 1) create a personal vision, 2) clarify your personal values, 3) adopt nimbleness, 4) secure your beliefs, and 5) anchor your faith.

Your faith must be non-negotiable. You must know like, you know, even if it is not apparent to others. Be mindful of the value of your energy and commit to investing only in activities that offers a meaningful return on your investment.

Taking the lead in your life is about doing something specific. One of the most powerful protocols for ‘real’ productivity is the story of the farmer. Every farmer knows before yielding a harvest, they must first create an enabling environment to plant the seeds. The right soil is the only way the seeds can grow.

As such, farmers commit to cultivate the land to make it productivity ready. No worries so much about reaping, instead, they focus on planting the seeds - doing the work. They know that by putting the effort the produce will come out.

You too can adopt the farmers’ way by creating an enabling environment for the realization of your life goals.

Make today the day that you take the lead to live a ‘real’ productive and meaningful life.

Now is the perfect time to shift your life paradigm.

What do you think?

Please send your comments to coaching242@yahoo.com or 429-6770.

� Michelle M. Miller

Michelle M. Miller is a certified Life-Coach, Leadership Expert and Author of Take The Lead. She is the CEO of TTL Coaching Strategies and founder of the Girls Leadership Coaching Club. Questions or comments can be sent to email – coaching242@yahoo.com or telephone 429-6770 or visit www.taketheleadbook.com or snail mail to P.O. Box CB-13060


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