Tribune Staff Reporter
AS THE shock of two murders within hours of each other lingered yesterday, Prime Minister Perry Christie said his government will not allow a small group of criminals to ruin the chances of the majority of Bahamians.
Mr Christie explained that the ongoing spate of killings have shown a “wanton disregard for human life” that has manifested itself too often.
With that, the Prime Minister said his administration is “tasked” with finding a formula that will not only sustain law and order, but inspire young Bahamians to understand their heritage.
He was speaking at the official count down launch of the country’s 40th day of independence at Rawson Square in downtown Nassau.
“When you do the things some young people are doing,” Mr Christie said, “you are manifesting, whether you like it or not, know it or not, hatred for your country. The Bahamian people cannot and will not allow a few to ruin the chances of the majority of people in this country.
“Young Bahamians do not know (our great history) and we cannot make the mistake, having recognised, continuing to allow that. Particularly as we have this wanton disregard for human life that manifests itself, now seemingly egregious of people killing each other, two today (yesterday).
“In this country and at this time, we have to find the formula, not just to apply sustained law and order policies, but to somehow inspire a generation of Bahamians to understand why their pride should lead to patriotism. And their patriotism into loyalty to their country and to their fellow citizens of this country.”
He said a great deal of effort must be exercised to recognise the significant works of national heroes, a task that successive government have failed to do.
“We have a great history but we have not been able to lift up that history and contribute to it, Bahamians do not know the iconic role of Dame Marguerite, the iconic role of His Excellency Arthur Dion Hanna and the icon role of Sir Arthur Foulkes,” Mr Christie said.
Paula 11 years, 9 months ago
Mr Christie just woke up hey? Sound like he just hearing about all of these murders. What is he going to do about all the crime???????? 'NOTHING' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Puzzled 11 years, 9 months ago
Why keep recalling a history built on piracy, blockade running, rum running, gun running and drug smuggling. Why not look forward to build a future and put the dubious past out of mind.
HarryWyckoff 11 years, 9 months ago
"Prime Minister Perry Christie said his government will not allow a small group of criminals to ruin the chances of the majority of Bahamians."
But his government is the small group of individuals ruining the chances for the majority of Bahamians
realfreethinker 11 years, 9 months ago
Man you hit the nail on the head couldnt have been said any better
Deepdrop2 11 years, 9 months ago
To the government: Change the laws - they are outdated!! Stop twisting the Truth!! Crime is not down!!!
And we as Bahamians need to wake up. Take responsibility for our children and how they are brought up. STOP THE Enabling and the Cover-ups!!!!!! - when these things are done you are guilty by association!!!!!!!
John 11 years, 9 months ago
First of all let me say some one mussy throw coffee on Perry and wake him up. But no Perry, this crime wave is not "a small group of criminals(who want to) ruin the chances of majority of Bahamians!. No these criminals may be 'small' in number compared to the rest of us, but they are a powerful group, his crime wave thing sarted opver 40 years ago and it grows year after year. Murders and serious crime continue to increase and, like a snake when you chop the tail of,this 'crime monster", it grows a new one back and becomes more vicious than before. While te average age of the government , despite many persons having died off, continues to be around 50-60, the averae age of criminals in this country is like 17-21 and since they have been operating for over 40 years this tlls you that the Bahamian people are losing the battle. Just imagine we are losin at least one hundred young men each year to murder and another 60-70 who are charged with the crime. Over 10 years we have lossed close to TWO THOUSAND young Bahamian men whocould have gone on to be productive citizens. Not to mention the role they could have played as fathers, uncles, brothers, mentors, politicias even. Take some of the $8 million and findout why our young men are so angry, why they turn against society, whythey war with and kill each other. Are our young men failing us? or has government and society failed them?
joey 11 years, 9 months ago
Everytime I hear the Rt Hon Perry G .Christie talk about we have to find the solution or the right formula or somthing,wake up prime minister, there is no formula do your job and stop talking like you are lost and dont have a clue.Stop depending on others to find a formula for you.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
EXACTLY he's the one person responsible for who is overseeing what in the country. Establish milestones for every position and if they aren't met fill it with someone else. Make everybody accountable for their do's and dont's. Use professionals who have a track record of success in the area and not fly by night people just in it hoping to become millionaires.
What happened to the investigation that OW promised at the gaming board? Do you know? You should, you're the only person in charge. Start acting like it.
John 11 years, 9 months ago
Sometimes when I travel I use to meet with persons who have been to the Bahamas, on a cruise or on vacation. Sometimes they use to ask, "Why are the Bahamian men so angry? The women would talk with you and smile but the men always seem to be screw face, many of them give good service but they aren't friendly at all." I didn't realize or couldnt understand it then but yes the tourist were right: Many of our young Bahamian men are DEAD ANGRY. We need to find out why
proudloudandfnm 11 years, 9 months ago
It is now time for the government and the police to STOP TALKING!! Get to work, times are now desperate, a murder ever 16 hours. We need desperate measures! PGC needs to either take control or STEP DOWN... God this country made a huge mistake putting this failure of a government back in office.....
lazybor 11 years, 9 months ago
well said! no time to waste anymore!" width="1">
stillwaters 11 years, 9 months ago
FORMULA????? What the............. Is our Prime Minister doting because of his age? Do we need to have him medically examined so that we can understand why is so clueless and unaware of what a great crises we are in. Our young men are waging war against us and you sit there wondering about how we will find a formula!!! Come on Mr Christie, please lead like you were elected to do!!!!! Hell !!!!!!!
ohdrap4 11 years, 9 months ago
the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides
jackflash 11 years, 9 months ago
They said that they were ready to Govern on day one!!!......
They said that they had an answer on crime and that HAI and the FNM did not have a clue.
Then again they said a lot of things on the campaign trail and they put a lot in writing.…
They are a dismal failure and have no clue who is saying what or doing what.
Yet they have so many back room under the table deals going on it is frightening...
And now no one is paying their NIB because they don't have to....
USAhelp 11 years, 9 months ago
Number house rules nothing will change as long as the government allows these crimes to take place right in the open. Wake up citizens our vote don't count.
The_Oracle 11 years, 9 months ago
No no no, we simply haven't gotten the right foreign consultants to tell us what is wrong with us............. Above DeepDrop2 said update the laws, Perhaps we should try applying the existing laws properly before we screw with them, We suck at self control, self respect, and self governance. We have failed the rules.
leeza 11 years, 9 months ago
The family structure no longer functions in our homes. Single women are bringing up young men, I seriously doubt it, until we start at the root not the fruit because that is what we are seeing. Things will get worse if you think this generation is bad without Gods intervention we will call these the glory days when the next generation come on the scene. Men who have fathered children or who know about some young men who are growing up take time and help mentor them we're in this things together. We need to be our brothers keeper
jackbnimble 11 years, 9 months ago
Family structure is just one part of the problem. We also have a watered down Bahamian culture. A "true true" Bahamian does not resort to violence to solve a problem. Too many half-breeds are mixed in with us if you ask me. Our neighbouring countries have sucessfully passed their issues onto us as their illegal citizens and their culture of violence are alive and kicking in our midst. If this tide is not stemmed, we will shortly be looking like them, sounding like them and very shortly our citizens will start looking for a new home while they continue to take over.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
Yikes...I have a lot of very intelligent halfbreed friends with masters degrees...that's not the problem
blueothello 11 years, 9 months ago
The easiest thing to do is to blame someone else for the problems in this country. In this case it is the spectre of not full bred foreigners, but the evil half-breed who has mixed with the "true true" Bahamian. Thankfully we have the peace loving Bahamian genes to try and combat those evil genes from the south. Maybe there needs to be public service announcements made so that "true true" Bahamians can avoid those foreigners from neighbouring countries to avoid creating the evil spawn that is wreaking havoc on The Bahamas today!
The mere suggestion of foreigners ruining this country is simplistic and naive at best and xenophobic and destructive at worst because there is not one shred of evidence for this disturbingly ignorant theory. This kind of BS only stirs up contention and adds nothing valuable to the conversation. Remember "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought wise than to open it and be considered a fool." You might want to keep that in mind before you get your foot wedged in your mouth again.
IloveBahamas 11 years, 9 months ago
Where is TalRussel at a time like this?? Im waiting for my read for the day!!
ayatollah 11 years, 9 months ago
just do your m.f ing job ...and stop letting nine white men 6000 miles away run this country
Concerned 11 years, 9 months ago… Why does our Prime Minister not know that he and his government already have the authority and power to combat crime but as long as they allow a few criminal elements to hold their reins, nothing will ever change? In the words of Hubert Ingraham, "STAND UP CHRISTIE!!"
Reader 11 years, 9 months ago
It is time for the Christie administration to call general elections... They have miserably failed at their promise to bring crime under control. The Bahamian people have lost all confidence in their ability to govern this nation.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
How do we tell them how we feel collectively?
jackflash 11 years, 9 months ago
General Elections ?
Good luck with that one, they have only had a year at the cookie jar and have not quite set up all their side deals and taken care of the cronies yet.
Collin 11 years, 9 months ago
Family Planning! Self Discipline! Respect! Love!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
well said
pat242 11 years, 9 months ago
Honestly. Why some Bahamians love to complain and is not doing anything to fix the problem . The Bahamas is in a serious state where criminals are making everyday life very difficult for Bahamians and tourist. If the Prime Minister and his team has a plan to successfully combat crime, support it because we all are effected one way or the other. And if your are not doing anything to assist the Prime Minister, his team and the police SHUT THE HELL UP and let the professionals do their jobs. If your part of the solution your part of the problem.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
Professionals??? Not hitting at you but, who can you name in the admin that is performing on par with a professional? PGC never knows what's going on in any ministry, SG is never aware of any union unrest and was seriously purchasing a run down decrepit building for 8 mil dollars, BJ says its not his job to tell CG what to do, OW is blaming all his problems on someone else, JF is palling around with drug dealers, KR says NEMA can't be expected to respond to unpredictable emergencies, whatever that means. And BD Is just biding his time waiting for PGC to fall flat on his's a huge mess.
I would love it if PGC actually got some professionals in there to do the job. I am not exaggerating, I am dumbfounded by how quickly they ....this up.
leeza 11 years, 9 months ago
Everytime I hear you on them talk show you sickens me to the stomach and they know you so they is give you air time don't come on here trying to dictate to no one here this een no host here to listen and allow you to come on with crap and don't answer stay on the radio Pat
tonymontana 11 years, 9 months ago
pat242 nah you is one ass , those in the majority did what they had to do on may 7th and elected a man who said he had the plan, no w either he lied or the plan is not effective enough , if that is the case then say so , we elect governments to fix the flippin problems , had it been as you say, then grant each citizen their independent budget to address all there vexing concerns, the so called professionals are not doing there flippin job and the only resolve is to fire them it happens all over in coporate world , the man cant perform we need to go back to the drawing board s
SP 11 years, 9 months ago
More empty lip service. For Christ sake Perry, stop jawing and start doing!
Why is it so hard for Perry to figure out this simple formula?
1) Carry out the law on the books and clear death row. Too bad if some don't like it. They aren't living in this hell hole watching the country being destroyed by a few animals.
2) Get a handle on illegal immigrants who thrive on all things illegal and are proven major contributors to the crime index.
3) Close the bail rotating doors and pick up all the scumbags out on bail. Make room at HMP by building low security wooden units for passive offenders. Better yet throw the guys in for small drug possession out. The U.S. have done the same to make room for hardened criminals.
4) Implement sustained road blocks and police check points in strategic locations. Key words here are SUSTAINED ROAD BLOCKS.
What the PLP and FNM find so difficult in dealing with crime is beyond me.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
Ok seriously I'm somewhat with pat242 how does every Bahamian PLP, FNM, DNA who thinks something is seriously wrong unite to make their voices known to PGC? They know Bahamian people, next week we will have all forgotten what happened this week, a few weeks will turn into years and who knows what we will look like on May 7th 2019, how do we get them to listen and to act??
John 11 years, 9 months ago
Where there is no vision the people perish. and when 'my people, who are called by my name (Christians) shall humble themselves and pray, then shall they hear from heaven." Ainn no man could fix these problems any more. Just watch what is going around in the world. America facing some of the biggest and most powerful tornadoes in its history, the Boston bombings, fire in Texas, buildings collapsing in the US and in the Far East, threats of war and rumors of war. food, gas and utility prices sky rocketing, babies not only having babies anymore, but babies killing up one another.. instead of ministers of the gospel preaching the word, they are caught up in things of the world, gambling, new car, new homes new wardrobes.. perilous times have come.. where will you hide when this world is on fire?
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
I don't know that I agree, what is different about the wars we have now and the wars we had in the 80's? When WW1 and WWII hit I'm pretty sure people thought the same. Jim Baker, Rev Moon etc.
I do agree with the vision and the humbling and praying. How do you do that collectively? But you know what's weird, when God told Samuel to listen to the voice of the people (I always find that interesting because never once did God say his voice was the same as the people's), He told Samuel, listen to all they have to say and do it, but tell them, when they appoint these men in place of Me, these men will take the best of everything from them, their land, their chariots (what the MP's driving around in again?), their young men, their young women. The passage just repeats and they shall take... and they shall take.. and they shall take... The most chilling thing in that passage is when God says let them know when they cry to me for the men that they have chosen I will not hear you. I thought about that passage on May-13th, because I thought the country had made a collective mistake this time, in my wildest dreams I did not expect things to deteriorate so quickly.
I want them to pick up their socks or admit defeat and let someone else try to turn us around. And I don't mean BDavis, FMitchell, BRoberts or SGibson they are all part of the failure.
Maybe we need to march around parliament 7 times or something....I have had it
John 11 years, 9 months ago
The fact is that Bahamians (collectively) do not know what they want. Our leaders are hearing so many different cries and so many different voices they have become confused. Our church leaders have become like hermits..they onlystick their "collective' heads out when something benefits or otherwise affects them. This country has no direction. We have foreign investors pulling us one way, inexperienced politicians trying to go in another direction and the once God fearing , peace loving Bahamian do not know who he is anymore. The quality of life was better for the average Bahamian when they were crammed up, all together in Bain and Grants Town and in The Grove. Living in clapboard houses with no running water and outside toilets. But back then they knew God and they served God and Bahamians were God like. Three and four children sleeping in the same bed and when the lamp was blown out everyone gone to sleep. They cared for each other, shared their few possessions with each other, and rape and murder was things one watched in a 'dirty' movie or on the foreign news. Today we have become a part of the world and now indulge in the things we dispised back then. The Prime Minister says the young people do know our rich history, but whose fault is it?. Many of them also do not know GOD, but whose fault is it still? And so they can embrace crime and murder and mayhem without a conscience. Watch how some of them who have ankle braclets behave. They put on their neatly ironed short pants and new tennis and 'bop' through the streets prouder than a peacock. Some are reverencing death by tattoeing teardrops under their eyes, one for each person they kill and making tattoes for their 'boys', who have been killed across their chests, or on their arms, glorifying death to the fullest. Doing the work of satan who is the prince of death. Nobody ever told them that Christ has come and died to overcome death and the grave, and we should be celebrating life, not death.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
Well said. Now, you and I clearly know that Jesus is the answer to every problem. We know that. But not everyone who reads here is religious or Christian (in the true sense of the word). and we are dealing with a Caesar problem. What action do we collectively take toward a Caesar solution?
John 11 years, 9 months ago
Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and unto the Lord which is the Lord's. We are talking about souls being lost and since all souls belong to God, this is also a crime problem is a Godly one. Some people may claim to sell their souls to the devil for economic or social gain, but at the end of the day it is still God they will have to answer to. But even in the days of Daniel when kings had problems they would consult with their soothsayers and fortune tellers. When these people could not give them the answers they sought they would then consult men of God, such as Daniel. Many times the answers they got from men like Daniel upset them and they would seek to punish them, but they knew in their hearts that the word of God always came to pass. If a real man of God was to advise this Government in this time, I think they would tell them to give up their idols of gold and silver and filthy lucre. Turn back to the Gods of your forefathers and God will heal your land. But we will not heed these words because a new car, or a house or even a piece of gold. yanked from around the owner's neck or even taken at gunpoint, is worth more today than our souls are worth on the day of judgment. To put it simply since everything and every soul in this earth and on the earth belongs to God, the problems of mankind (Caesar) cannot be resolved unless God is involved. John 3:16
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
Jesus never said render unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar " that wasn,t put in until the King James version b/c he was having trouble w/ tax collection..guess you believe in the talking snake and eve spreading wickedness ,,Adam in old hebrew meant man and Eve meant desirable ,,,what about just being good to be good and not b/c your ego is hoping for everlasting love from the sky god ,,and i am spiritual and do believe in a creator ,,just not fairy tales ,,,
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
@John, We can be Christian, guided by lofty Christian ideals and beliefs but we live in the world. Going to assume that you voted. Why do that? Why not just pray all day on election day that God appoints a good leader? He is all powerful and can do anything. Why not just leave it to him?
Joseph rationed food when God told him a 7-year famine was coming. He did not pray that God would send manna from Heaven during the famine. He applied a realistic worldly solution to a wordly problem. Ok, he probably prayed for 7 yrs too, but he acted knowing his feet were on the ground
I'm not suggesting that we take God out of the equation, I believe we include him by letting our actions be guided by his principles. But we ACT.
(I agree with your overall point though, if everyone in the country turned to God, yes, our problems would be solved.... For the 1st day:) then we'd argue till eternity about who gets to lead the church)
TheObjectiveVoice 11 years, 9 months ago
Perry Christie is responsible for the government, but we, the parents are responsible for our own children and how they are raised. We have had a generation in this country - maybe two - of deadbeat, you have to drag before the courts to take care of their children. Some of them would rather go to jail than to invest in the lives of the kids they helped to bring into the world. While that's happening, the Mommy is too busy working to take care of the children to notice what things they are getting into - until it is too late and their kids have been severely brainwashed by the streets and American television. Governments blame each other for crime in a nation because they want to brainwash us all that one is better than the other. But the reality is, we as parents have to be parents to our children and invest in their lives... Some kids have psychological issues from the time they are very young but we ignore them and do not get them psychological help at an early age because of the stigma attached or because we just can't afford it. Our boys end up in programmes for At Risk Youth and some turn their lives around and others are just numb to a conscience. The "unconscionable" are the ones running around town now killing up everyone because they just don't care and have respect for human life. But these guys and gals didn't just drop out of the sky... they are somebody's kidsss...they have parents somewhere... Where are the people who love them? Love and support shouldn't start when you have to go to the court to post their bail.... you're lateeee. Maybe God sent those floods to save some lives those days and give the earth a break... the blood of the murdered is crying out from the ground... We need a national Month of Fasting and Prayer... the whole entire nation. We need a starting point..a chance to start over and get it right.
john33xyz 11 years, 9 months ago
2 murders in 24 hours? I'm sure more than 2 babies were born at PMH in the last 24 hours - so don't worry, the population is still growing. Food and rent prices will continue to go up. Relax yaseff.
Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago
Lets break out the bill boards.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
@ Grillup...yeap...PLP thought it was acceptable to put up billboards advertizing the murder rates during the election...let's remind them of the murder rates since their time in power...I can bet you 99.9999% that they would balk and fuss and object to them being put up.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
The PM has spoken...all hail the chief!! I am just filled with all sorts of warmth and confidence whenever he opens his mouth and reassures us that he will look into or resolve the matter. Carry on, all our problems are now solved. LOL
hj 11 years, 9 months ago
Totally agree with you. There is nothing to worry about now. Perry has spoken.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
as long as single mother of 5 for 3 different deadbeat dads is the norm in the inner cities ,and people are great grandparents at the age of 45 ,crime will continue to explode ..we have the labratory results right in our back yard ,Jamaica and Haiti ..the proof is in the pudding ,you can not breed willy nilly and have a law abiding civil society ,its called cause and effect ,,and no matter how special we think we are and how many times we shout " we is Bahamian '; you can not escape the laws of nature ..
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
I,VE been robbed at gunpoint twice in my life in my own country ,next time i,m going to tell them don,t they know about the iconic Dame Marguerrite , or A D Hanna ,,i,m sure this will make them throw down their weapons and beg repentance ,,lmfao
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
I suggest you travel with State minister Bell and MP Nottage from now on.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
good idea , i would prefer Nottage ,,Bell is a bit much
raducu 10 years, 4 months ago
I agree with some of the things he is saying. We can't let some people ruin everything for the majority. We need to stay focused and try and pull out the bad weeds.">radu
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