Tribune Staff Reporter
ATTORNEY General, Allyson Maynard Gibson said yesterday the Constitution should be amended to end all forms of discrimination, except discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Mrs Maynard Gibson said there have been no reported cases where anyone has alleged discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation therefore there are “far more pressing matters that need to be considered”. One of the matters she said was equal rights for women.
“The only provision that needs to be included is reference to equality on the basis of sex. I have talked about the anomalies that exist and I do not think, and certainly there was no evidence, that was presented to me that people were discriminated against because of their sexuality.
“I think it is very important that we function in the realm of objectivity and empirical evidence and no evidence has been presented that shows there has been any discrimination on the grounds that has been discussed, so for me there are other far more pressing matters that need to be considered.
“Also there are no provisions in the Sexual Offenses and Domestic Violence Act which in any way might be perceived as positively discriminating against persons on the basis of sexual orientation. It should be observed that persons who are in same sex relationships are able to avail themselves of the regular protection and remedies available under the Law in respect of violence or assault or property rights. I wish to emphasize that in The Bahamas marriage can only take place between a man and a woman. Contrary to reports otherwise, the Registrar General has assured me that there are no recorded “marriages” between any persons of the same sex.
Mrs Maynard Gibson did recommend, however, that the Bahamas amend all the provisions of the Constitution that treat men and women differently in terms of their ability to acquire citizenship and confer citizenship on their spouses and children.
She also suggested protection for persons with disabilities will be accomplished through the Disabilities Act and therefore “fundamental rights provisions need not be amended in this regard.”
ADubbs 11 years, 9 months ago
What an IDIOT. Let's wait for loads of complaints come in. Let's encourage people to discriminate based on sexual orientation by INTENTIONALLY leaving it out. How does that make sense?! The leaders of this country REFUSE to be precautionary rather than reactionary. This is why we never get anywhere. This is why there is so much hate in this place. This is why people are suffering. I hope people don't forget to discriminate against her for being utterly STUPID. There's no law against that, right?
242smt 11 years, 9 months ago
I totally agree. And when the leaders are reactionary - they are glacially slow to react.
UserOne 11 years, 9 months ago
Idiot, is right. She has made her own prejudices clear in this regard. To omit ANY group of people when you are talking about discrimination is so appalling, I just can't find the words to express it. She sees no discrimination here. How about the rampant homophobia that causes the suicide rate among adolescents to be highest among those with a homosexual orientation? I don't suppose she cares about statistics like that.
cargyvr 11 years, 9 months ago
Sickening! The rampant discrimination in this country is shameful. Gay, foreigners, non-Christians. Where does it end? Can we single out any other group? Christie needs to put a lid on some of his talking heads. The verbal diarrhea from people in high places needs to stop. They are further fracturing a country already in trouble.
This country is going nowhere if they continue.
aloethree 11 years, 9 months ago
This is a Christian nation majority, we all know a gay person can we really say that they are discriminated here really name one case, Gay people in the Bahamas have Jobs go to church, preach on pulpits and are in politics soo where is the discrimination.
A straight person is likely to be discriminated becuz he is not gay, you do have isolated incidents where there is a hate crime, but if your gay you can get medical service, adopt no one cares as long as you keep it to yourself.
You dont see straight people kissing and fondling in public so you cant want those rights or liberty
, its like a non seventh day member that a law should be inplace for people who eat conch, your are not discriminated against becuz you eat conch,
pilgrimagerock 11 years, 9 months ago
Well said.
jackbnimble 11 years, 9 months ago
I agree with the AG. The constitution is the first law. It governs all other laws. You put the word "sexual orientation" in the constitution, then I predict that a gay couple will show up on the doors of the Registry, apply to get a marriage licence and then test the courts by filing an action against the Government to say that they are being discriminated against by NOT being allowed to get married. I believe this is why Aaron Green is advocating so hard for the constitution to be changed. If you get it in the constitution then no other law takes priority including The Marriage Act.
jackbnimble 11 years, 9 months ago
If you put the word "sexual orientation" in our constitution whose to say that a same sex couple won't try to test the system by applying for a marriage license and when they are denied file an action in the court to say they are being discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. Everyone knows that the constitution is the supreme law which usurps all other legistation including the Marriage Act. I think this is why they have been advocating for a change to the actual constitution. The supreme goal being to actually use it to get married (among other things). But again, this is just MY opinion.
ilikethesunshine 11 years, 9 months ago
If you were discriminated against like gays and lesbians frequently experience you wouldn't be minimizing it the way you are.
Vickytg 11 years, 9 months ago
Yeah we a christian nation alright that why we have so much sweetherating going on. So much killing and so on. So that statement is a lie. I have been refused medical services at PMH by a Dr simply because I am transsexual which is a medical condition and not homosexuality. Because of that I went undiagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Thank goodness for Canada came here a year later got treatment for diabetes and in 2011 had my sex change surgery. With in the year of my testies being removed my diabetes went away. After my surgery which was recommended by Drs and psych in the Bahamas and Canada my birth cert was changed but the Bahamas passport office will not change a passport to F. So the Bahamas government forces me to face discrimination because the passport sex marker does not match the name the photo or even my birth cert when I travel. When PMH called to say my Dad was dying I went down my wife took our grand kids home then she came to PMH to be with me. When the security saw us as what looked like a lesbian couple he would only allow one of us in.
You want more horror stories of discrimination I lived them. I love my Country but my country does not love me. Living here in Canada I miss the sea sand and sun the Bahamian flag hangs in the door way of my apt. I see it when I leave and return to my apt. I dont call it home. I did not know christianity to be a religion of so much hate.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
the strangest thing is we have had gay people in very high places ,need i say one heart attack away from the leadership ,,but its just like the numbers thing ,these so called christians think they fooling their God ,,,,,so very strange that some of these politicians will lie about who they are for the church vote ,when half the revs sweet heartin or gay ,,i guess they god blind ,,,this is a joke ,,end all discrimination
bahamama 11 years, 9 months ago
After reading this article, I came to this conclusion: Allyson Maynard clearly does not live in the Bahamas. Anyone who actually inhabits the country recognizes the rampant homophobia that exists. When I attended high school five years ago, the boys in my class used to talk in effeminate voices to tease each other. One of our teachers, who would laugh along with them, finally got fed up one day as the boys were creating a distraction. Instead of telling them off for being hateful towards fellow human beings, she told them off for "being gay"... If in a Christian school hate is being wide-spread, imagine how much more in the streets where anyone who is considered anything less than the toughest thug is in danger of being attacked for being a "fag." People who are attacked for such a reason rarely do report it since they know the police would probably just laugh at them to their face, and do nothing about it. So... I suppose Allyson Maynard must think rapes are a figment of the imagination as well since a lot of them go unreported...
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
the strangest thing is we have gay preachers and politicians peddling homophopic rhetoric ,,,,,,,,,,,,
Vickytg 11 years, 9 months ago
well said
Charlie1 11 years, 9 months ago
This person is the A.G. for a country? WOW!
henny 11 years, 9 months ago
End ALL discrimination EXCEPT........? I thought ignorant remarks like that only came out of PLP leader Perry Christie. Regardless if you have no reported cases you need to cover all aspects. Otherwise, when you do get a few you will be looking at each other with egg on your faces saying "It's not on the books" Then you will start to think about it and then it will take forever to come up with a solution.
Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago
Ending discrimination has NO exceptions!!!
ilikethesunshine 11 years, 9 months ago
The Bahamas (as a whole) has a very well known reputation for a strong prejudice against gays and lesbians. This is known by gay & straight tourists - and it is also talked about in travel forums. There is a real problem with violent crime AND anti-gay prejudice. Both of these are serious issues that need to be addressed, not ignored or excused.
It is inevitable that legal equality for gays and lesbians is coming. We see this in country after country - even religious countries. If you don't see it coming for The Bahamas.... you are living in your own fantasy world.
This isn't about my personal views - or your personal views. It is about legal equality and treating others decently and fairly in society. If we are to continually marginalize and discriminate against people then shame on us.
Being judgmental and casting stones is not a virtue or trait anyone should be proud of. It is destructive and hurtful and it impacts REAL people.
BahamaBoy 11 years, 9 months ago
Sign the petition: Support sexual orientation in any anti-discrimination legislation in the Bahamas.
Vickytg 11 years, 9 months ago
One question for the homophobes when did your choose to stop being gay??
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