FORWARD, UPWARD AND ONWARD How to lead by example

By Rev. Angela Palacious

Surpassing Expectations:

Part II

In PART I, we considered what it meant to surpass expectations when it came to character as it relates to friendship, family and marriage. In this meditation, the challenge to our young people continues, even as we also promise them to lead by example.

You are going to be godly parents:

1. Training your children well as you lead by example.

2. Speaking firmly but lovingly, without sarcastic, harsh and cruel comments, instead making positive suggestions, rewarding obedience and administering appropriate correction.

3. Your children will rise up and call you blessed.

4. You will help others to parent their children, offering counsel and encouragement.

5. You will find ways to minister to our nation’s children, especially those whose parents are too young or inexperienced to do a good job.
When it comes to work, we expect you to have studied hard in school.

We expect you to aim for higher education, technical training or a job that will offer ongoing study and development.

We expect all of our youth to seek to find jobs, to open their own businesses, to be artistic and creative.

We expect them to use their musical talents, athletic abilities, or whatever their gifts to find opportunities to make their contribution.
We expect older adults to give you a chance to succeed by creating jobs for you.

Even if you start off volunteering, we expect you to be the first hired because you gave of your time. Know your gifts and use those gifts. We expect you to find your place in our country.

As for surpassing expectations, you have to go beyond this:

1. You have to join together even now to discuss ideas for the future of the country.

2. You are to get those college grades that make you globally marketable.

3. If you have to miss the party to ace the test, you will do what it takes.\

4. You will talk to professors and get extra help.

5. You will ask friends to help you if this is their area of strength.

6. You will be a worker of integrity on the job.

7. With the help of God, you are going to be the ones who are known to be punctual and ahead of time if need be.

8. You are the ones who will be conscientious, and determined to be promoted.

9. You will not be tempted to steal, cheat or lie, because of your high level of accountability to God Almighty.

10. If tempted, you will resist by the grace of God because your good name will mean more to you than money.

You will take this nation forward, upward and onward because you are called and destined for greatness. As you trust, obey and serve God, you will surpass your own expectations.


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