Urban Renewal staff honoured

TRIBUTES were paid yesterday morning to the “front-line warriors” of the country’s Urban Renewal Project for their efforts as part of that initiative.

Nine officers were presented with appreciation certificates at the Prayer and Praise Assembly Church on Ragged Island Street by Prime Minister Perry Christie, Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, and Urban Renewal co-chairs Cynthia “Mother” Pratt and Algernon Allen.

Mr Christie told the church he thought it was very important for him to attend the service “as an indication of the appreciation” he has for the work of the officers involved in Urban Renewal.

He said: “I’ve always believed that it is essential to law and order of this country and indispensable to the well-being of the disadvantaged in our country, that we have a programme such as Urban Renewal.”

Mr Allen told the press officials just wanted to give a “spiritual thank you” to the senior officers involved in Urban Renewal.

“I believe we’ve all determined that there has to be some spiritual uplifting to deal with what are taxing, vexing circumstances in this country,” he said. “We are fighting the demon of crime that seeks to consume this nation and the front-line warriors in this battle are the police.

“We in Urban Renewal appreciate that we are an integral part of this and those who head the centres are extremely important in dealing with this demonic – and I use the words quite pointedly – demonic forces.”

Mr Allen said in addition to the senior officers presented with certificates at yesterday’s event, the other officers involved in Urban Renewal – more than 100 of them – will also be honoured.

“The least that can be done, firstly, is to show the appreciation to the RBPF involved in Urban Renewal and to evoke the spirit of God in this tremendous challenge which is upon this country,” he said.

“We know that we will not be defeated. We know that the forces of good, the army of the good – as I describe it – will triumph over those who are involved in evil in our beloved country.”

Also present at the service were State Minister of National Security Keith Bell and Grand Bahama Urban Renewal deputy director Michelle Reckley.


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