Experts say mould harmless


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday said Canadian industrial specialists have examined the Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre, which houses his office and the Ministry of Finance, for mould.


Prime Minister Perry Christie

Those experts, he said, have assured officials there is nothing harmful to the scores of civil servants working in the building.

Mr Christie, however,  has advised staff at the Office of the Prime Minister to go home if they are greatly concerned about their health. He said they can return to their duties when the matter has been completed. 

Last week, about 30 employees — after two of them experienced breathing difficulties — walked off the job to protest the working conditions at the Centre.

“We have people at Environmental Health,” he said, “who are specialists in industrial hygiene and they gave us the assurance that there is nothing harmful to the people on the face of it. I brought out a WTO certified industrial hygienist from a firm in Canada. They came in and they have examined this building and other buildings.

“As we speak, we have a contorting firm in the building who I am told put up a sign today that they (employees) are locked off from a particular area and they are removing whatever could be remotely harmful to people.

“You can’t control fear or however unreasonable or irrational the fear is. It is fear and we have to deal with it. So I said to the Minister of State for Finance, if people are concerned about the proximity for where this is taking place, let them go home and come back when it is complete.”

The Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield Centre on West Bay Street was acquired under the former Ingraham administration to relocate the old Office of the Prime Minister on Cable Beach in 2012.

It was the former SG Hambrose building which the government bought for  $13 million.

The previous building was sold for around $17 million. 


TruthAboutMold 11 years, 12 months ago

Mould can cause serious health problems. For accurate information about the health effects of mould, go to http://truthaboutmold.info and check out the Global Indoor Health Network at http://globalindoorhealthnetwork.com. Be sure to read GIHN's position statement that discusses the diagnosis and treatment of illness caused by mold.

audleymitchell 11 years, 12 months ago

“We have people at Environmental Health,” he said, “who are specialists in industrial hygiene and they gave us the assurance that there is nothing harmful to the people on the face of it. I brought out a WTO certified industrial hygienist from a firm in Canada. They came in and they have examined this building and other buildings. If we have specialists at Environmental Health, why do we need the Canadian firm?

Islandgirl 11 years, 12 months ago

Correct me if I am wrong but, how is it that other companies were in this building for all those years and we never heard of this problem there? Just curious.

wave 11 years, 12 months ago

This man is lying through his teeth, no firm here would ever make that statement. I’m in the business, I know for fact that mold can cause savior damage to your lungs. Tribune get your so called PM to name this firm.

lazybor 11 years, 12 months ago

he's just un-be-lie-va-blehttp://bit.ly/10vCkE9" width="1">

bahamaslady242 11 years, 11 months ago

I do not understand, the mold is not harmful, but yet two companies are in the OPM building "cornering off sections that could be remotely harmful to people". What does this means? Someone please translate.

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