SUSPENDED National Insurance Board director (NIB), Algernon Cargill, has accused Shane Gibson of bypassing transparent tendering processes to award contracts to Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters.
The allegations concerning the minister of labour and national insurance were contained in a letter sent by Mr Cargill to Dr James Moultrie, NIB’s current chairman, ahead of his meeting with the Board of Directors to discuss the findings of the recent Grant Thornton forensic audit.
The letter was also copied to Prime Minister Perry Christie and Mr Gibson.
The document alleges that Mr Gibson both interrupted existing tender processes, and issued instructions, requiring NIB to purchase products and services from an agent that supplied PLP election material during the 2012 general election.
Mr Cargill also alleged that Mr Gibson issued instructions to prepare a plan where all NIB contracts “subject to public tender” would not be advertised, but instead awarded to “select” engineers, quantity surveyors and other contractors.
Lambasting the audit report on NIB, Mr Cargill wrote: “The Grant Thornton forensic report did not conclude the Minister’s intent to cancel the NIB transparent process for awarding service contracts for security services, air-condition maintenance, plumbing, elevator maintenance, janitorial services etc., and instead award these contracts to companies that were deemed loyal to the Minister or the PLP. “NIB previously awarded these contracts without any political input to the vendors that provided the most comprehensive, and competitive tender through NIB’s public tender process and the tender exercise for these and similar services was always open to the entire public via public advertisements in the newspapers.
“Instead, vendors are being ‘selected’ to respond to the tenders, and the vendor who currently provides these services to NIB now considers that their contracts may be cancelled because of a change in government and not because of any concern about the service they provide.”
And Mr Cargill also expressed “shock” at being advised that NIB’s human resources committee and Mr Gibson, following his suspension, “again arbitrarily approved salary increases and promotions for nearly 200 NIB employees that were deemed PLP loyal in December 2012”.
Mr Cargill alleged that salary increases had already been awarded under NIB’s industrial agreements, and these payments fell outside of these arrangements.
“This arbitrary measure of additional promotions and salary adjustments, in all cases, was ultra vires to the Industrial Agreement and documented human resources policies,” Mr Cargill alleged.
“It was surprising at the rather unorganised and confusing way that the names were advanced for salary adjustments and, in most cases, we learnt from the two executives managing this process on behalf of Minister Gibson that employee X was a Campaign worker for Candidate Y, and similar comments.
“Both unions accepted these promotions to the dissatisfaction of the majority of their members, and this entire exercise still appears to be an issue of major discontent within NIB as some of the employees not promoted or who did not receive salary adjustments fear that they were victimised.
“Productivity and morale is said to be at an all-time low as staff members search for the rationale for the promotion exercise and question why they were not promoted. The cost to NIB of this promotion exercise exceeded $500,000 per annum.”
Mr Cargill’s allegations are likely to further raise the temperature in what has become a heated battle over his suspension from NIB last year.
They raise fresh questions about whether the Bahamian people, the ultimate beneficiaries of NIB’s social security system, are getting true value for money from the services/contractors that NIB is purchasing.
And the letter’s allegations also highlight how politically-led interference is detrimental to efficiency within key government corporations.
Mr Cargill, in his letter to Dr Moultrie, expressed surprise that the Grant Thornton audit did not examine several actions initiated by Mr Gibson.
Detailing his complaints, the suspended NIB director said: “Minister Shane Gibson directed that NIB not go through a tender process to purchase 30 Ipads for the Board of Directors and executive management team, and instead, procure these directly through an agent that procured PLP paraphernalia for the 2012 general elections, Nybor Investments/Robyn Smith.
“In fact, Gregory Moss had advised the Board of Directors that the Ipad acquisition was only to be purchased from the vendor (Nybor Investments/Robyn Smith) recommended by Minister Gibson. The vendor simply purchased the duty free items from Best Buy and added a substantial mark-up to the purchase.”
Nybor and Robyn Smith again featured when Mr Cargill alleged that Mr Gibson “interrupted the final stage of producing a purchase order for the printing of NIB Prescription Drug Plan Manuals that was awarded to American Printing Arts......”
Mr Cargill claimed that after receiving quotes supplied to NIB for the cost of printing, Mr Gibson “directed this job to Nybor Investments/Robyn Smith, whose price was marginally below the quotations received from American Printing Arts, the recommended bidder”.
Mr Cargill expressed further concern that Mr Gibson had allegedly directed the sale of a still-functioning NIB vehicle, a 2005 Toyota Yaris, “without a tender process” to an Abaco-based employee who was the spouse of a former Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) colleague of the minister’s.
“I am advised that he [Mr Gibson] was very troubled that this employee, the survivor of a former union colleague, had no transportation and had to walk/hike to work in Marsh Harbour,” Mr Cargill wrote.
“He collaborated with two NIB employees to provide this NIB vehicle to the employee, as a gift from him, on the understanding that one of the two employees pay for the freight of the vehicle from Nassau to Abaco, and the second pay for the insurance.
“For the ‘gift’ vehicle, I am advised he provided cash to [NIB executive] Theresa Burrows to conclude the purchase...... NIB employees are concerned that this vehicle was provided outside of the NIB tender process, and also outside of the process NIB uses to sell fleet vehicle to employees.”
And “even more alarming”, Mr Cargill called on Mr Gibson to explain why he directed the NIB Board to award the construction contract for the Blake Road-based JL Centre to Ran Mar Construction, even though the $8.879 million price was the same as that offered by Coastline Construction, which had already won the tender bid.
“Minister Gibson was also fully aware that Ranmar did not bid on this job, that they did not provide any costing or analysis that this job could be completed by Ranmar for Coastline’s price, who Ranmar’s sub-contractors were, and/or any normal due diligence that was associated at the time with NIB’s tender process,” Mr Cargill said.
The suspended NIB director added that he felt he was having to defend his, and his family’s reputation, against “the entire Progressive Liberal Party” despite them having been its lifelong supporters.
“My father was buried on March 9, 2013, with his PLP Stalwart Councillor medallion on his neck, and my oldest brother is currently an active Progressive Liberal Party stalwart councillor,” Mr Cargill wrote.
“My entire family that is resident in Yamacraw had publicly declared their support for Melanie Griffin over the many years she has represented the Yamacraw constituency, where I am also resident, until these attacks started on my name and that of my family.”
Agreeing that his political affiliation had “no relevance” to the current NIB situation, Mr Cargill added: “This matter is not a political matter, and politicians should allow the courts or the parties involved to determine the final outcome and stop using the public resources available to further defame my name and that of my family.”
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
...and so the plot thickens...welcome to your duly elected government Bahamaland. Absolutely despicable...but frankly not surprised knowing this is the only way the PLP know hot to play the game. Time to offload and privatise more of the utilities and get these cash cows of sorts out of the hands of corrupt government officials and get the government back into the business of governing, and not doing political favours at the expense of the taxpayer.
hotep86 11 years, 7 months ago
This whole thing is sickening. Cargill needs to go, Gibson needs to go. IAt this rate the whole management team at NIB NEEDS TO GO!
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
Totally agree. Politics aside, it seems like a house cleaning is in order. Cargill, Gibson and the rest need to go. Its now a he said, she said game. Can we the Bahamian people just get some service?
IloveBahamas 11 years, 7 months ago
Couldnt agree with you more BID. All for privatization!!
Collin 11 years, 7 months ago
Mr. Shane Gibson has to go!!!
Honeybun 11 years, 7 months ago
Hmm very interesting but not surprising at all...
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
This is unbelievable...Prime Minister Christie another audit must be asked for....these are serious allegations....
Stapedius 11 years, 7 months ago
@Thisisours. This why we really need to start pushing for more oversight in our Parliament. We all know that successive governments have pillaged and raided the resources of this country. That's why I say we need to make some amendments to the constitution for an autonomous agency to monitor the transactions of our governments. We always have this back and forth blame game when a new government comes in. We also need to restrict the powers of the PM from unilaterally making appointments for some key positions. Perhaps we need to even go further in making sure that the PM cannot take on the role as Finance Minister. And, whoever does become Finance Minister is properly vetted and there is continuous Parliamentary oversight.
SP 11 years, 7 months ago
Algernon Cargill is most probably guilty of several offences practiced by both parties when in power. Looks like he decided to take Shane Gibson down with him and not “crash & burn” by himself.
There are so many evident inconsistencies and favoritism. It is quite understandable why NIB is in a mess.
Time to clean house at NIB!
tonymontana 11 years, 7 months ago
I just love it when a plan comes together. Spit in the wind it blows in your face , They chose the right one this time . lest see shame shake this one , slimy bastard that he is .
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
I'm more curious to see how PGC and his spin doctors are going to swing this so all the PLP faithfuls can think their s**t don't stink.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 7 months ago
The PLP has disturbed the hornet's nest. Kudos to Mr. Cargill for continuing to fight!
retsof18 11 years, 7 months ago
This situation needs to be addressed quite quickly!
To say what this Cargill man has with 'NIB' from hence on! Is he still a staff at 'NIB?' Come on man get over this mess.
And, listen to all these political 'jonsers' N.I.B. is NOT for your ride/ manipulations!
ayatollah 11 years, 7 months ago
why mr cargil didnt speak up sooner all of needs to go to fox hill prison am so f@#$ing tired of the lot of them
Eddieh 11 years, 7 months ago
My Boss At Cat Cay once told me, "When you cut the fence and go in to make good your escape with the man things, don't forget someone is watching you and will always remember where the hole is". The long and short to this is a Leopard can't change his spots as in Shane Gibson will always be "Shame Gibson".
On the other hand, Mr. Cargill saw the hole and helped himself too. This is very shameful and if the allegations can be proven against Shane Gibson, he ought to be made to resign immediately, taken into consideration his past in Government and the Union. Hmmmmmmm!!. All Government Ministries and Agencies should go through a rigid inhouse independent audit in an attempt to roll out ALL the crooks (FNM & PLP's)
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
I like your "ALL crooks statement. knee jerk reactions always get us into trouble, there are rabid ravenous wolves in both parties who just bide their time till the next 5yrs rolls around. Lets start looking at the people that our parties are putting forward to represent us. No thieves no rapists no liars no lazies on either side, feet to the fire.
Concerned 11 years, 7 months ago
Simply said... "There is no honor among thieves"
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
All the rats fleeing the sinking ship...a lot of the PLP are being VERY vocal about things and misgivings within their 'regime' and in some respect, like Mr. Cargill here, he's not going to just let himself get railroaded by his corrupt collegues. Sure, he's probably never going to hold another government position in his life, especially under the PLP, but at least he is opening that proverbial can of worms and letting the public see all the nasty inner workings of the cookie jar! Obie also slamming the crime stats, instead of playing nice and putting on a cheerful face of tourism, he's coming out swinging and not taking the crap that's being played out. So I wonder, do they all know their time is up, they've screwed up so royally that their ONLY saving grace is to start turning on their loyal party members...interesting times. As disgraceful as this whole NIB thing is, I am hoping it is a catalyst for better governance in the future.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
...waiting for our fellow comrade to come in here and spin this on the so called red shirts...this should be interesting...
jackflash 11 years, 7 months ago
Give Tal a chance.
He is busy looking for a new image that relates to this issue...
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago
Ironvelvet 11 years, 7 months ago
LOL I too was scrolling looking for our fellow loyal gold shirt commenter.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago
I love you guys:) even Tal
PKMShack 11 years, 7 months ago
@JACKFLASH, ,,,Where is TAL to defend this. Like he Cargill said,,,,He also is a PLP so they eating each other alive on this one. PLP all the way....bunch of dummies.
They only need to know,,,The enemy of of my enemy is always my Friend..... Tal let me hear you blame HAI for posting Cargill at NIB
wave 11 years, 7 months ago
Now, now boy's and girl's your PLP are trying to send a clear and strong message that if you use the internet to bring them down or tell the truth about their misgivings, you can be dragged before their courts!
wave 11 years, 7 months ago
BTW, what happened to Bahamas issues? Where's Sicky when you need him!
B_I_D___ 11 years, 7 months ago know it must be bad...he's speechless!!
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