Online reaction to the storm

SOCIAL media websites were alive with conversation through the day in the aftermath of the storm. Here are some of the comments from internet users:

FOR those back home in Nassau, especially those in the Pine Wood area, those out East and everyone that sustain damages to their homes, vehicles and livelihood my heart goes out to you. Remember the storm doesn’t last forever, neither does mateial things or vanity! Thank God for life and compassion! Pray for restoration, and be grateful for what you have, and for things you didn’t lost! Only Those Who Feels It Knows It!

Know That GOD Is Still Able!

Rutycia Sweeting Duncan

WHILE many of us are safe and dry, there are those who have been seriously affected by the rain. Let’s pray they haven’t lost all their possessions. I’ve heard stories of cars floating and water coming thru walls of houses as if it was crying. My car is fine and my home is in good order, but im sensitive to those who weren’t so fortunate. I truly understand what the people of New Orleans experienced; sometimes we take things that happen in other countries for granted, thinking it can’t happen to our lovely Bahama-land.

Yvonne Evy Smith

SIGNS of end of days.

Clarissa Jaydisha Pinder

WHEN the MET department made the alerts @3 pm we were unaware. Cable Bahamas broadcast on every cable channel but unlike most persons who were either to work, doing runs, like myself doing school pickup. If BTC can send a text to your phone once you top up, below balance etc they could’ve n should’ve send a nationwide text. Every major department should work hand in hand. Thank God it wasn’t a super storm. ...

WOW, it’s so sad to see what the rain has caused in some area’s last night. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who were affected!


SO what if Nassau flooded! - it’s a little rain, be grateful its not a tsunami. I prefer to bucket water; not drown in one.

THIS is a shame... praying for the people with damage to their homes...sigh…I’m still confused as to why we didn’t know allllll that rain was headed our way. Way to go meteorologist reactive rather than pro active.

LOOKING at all the pics I really feel for people but I wish some would not venture out if they don’t have to. Flood water usually brings disease and contamination. Think about it... Garbage, dog poo, etc... Most of y’all walking around bare legged in this water like its the beach. I’m just saying....

THANKING God after driving through my community and seeing soooo many cars and houses that were flooded!! Give thanks for life!!:)

HEALTH Concerns. Overly flooded areas are at risk. Rats, Snakes, Sewer, etc. Thanking all Good Samaritans and continued Good Samaritans. Thank you so much for helping in all the areas unheard of today.


MY heart goes out to the pinewood folk.

MY car was a mini boat tonight water and my house lets say i feel like i am in Venice.

THANKING God that my area is not as bad as I’m reading in some of these statuses. I bet though, work is going to be real interesting tomorrow...prayerfully, there won’t be that many call-ins.

Why do we (COB) bother to even have a FB page, a website or email if it is not for moments like this. I stopped counting the number of confused students (on FB) trying to figure out if classes were today.



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