Tribune Staff Reporter
DNA leader Branville McCartney yesterday called on the government to do what is necessary to enforce the death penalty – even if it means “getting rid of the Privay Council”.
In a press statement, Mr McCartney said the government needs to act now and declare a war on crime, no matter what it takes.
“These criminally minded persons who commit murder, having malice aforethought against anyone must meet their maker.
“The only thing these hardened criminals will understand is a rope around their necks.
“A system must be put in place so that if a murder is committed and the police apprehend the suspect a court is specifically designated to hear those cases ASAP,” he said.
It is vital that the government demonstrates to criminals that if they commit a crime, they will be dealt with expeditiously, Mr McCartney said.
“It has now become commonplace to hear of three murders in one day. We hear daily of robberies, burglaries, thefts, assaults, drug trafficking and the list goes on and on. And there are many other crimes we simply do not hear of such as incest, rapes, domestic violence, stealing in the course of employment, and, yes the list goes on and on.
“We are a small country infested with crime so much so that we live in paradise but we are paralysed by fear. The criminally minded just simply do not care because there are no consequences for their actions. They say that they can do the crime and avoid the time,” he said.
Mr McCarntey also criticised the government for “wasting time” meeting with religious groups and church leaders.
He said: “Now, I have heard some talk recently about the government meeting with the official opposition, church leaders, community leaders, to form a strategy to rid this country of crime. In my view, this is a waste of time. There have been numerous crime reports, select committee reports on crime, seminars and forums, all for nought.
“The government only needs the political will to deal with this crime issue. Now is the time to exercise that political will for the sake of our country.”
DMoe 11 years, 10 months ago
Capital punishment is NOT a deterrent to crime. All you are doing is ridding society of one murderer as those who kill will kill no matter what. Capital punishment will then make the state just as barbaric as the criminal. Unfortunately, we may have reached the point of no return as we have let this situation fester for too long. So where do we go from here? The government should use that $465 mil to build a brand new prison to put a stop to the despicable and inhumane conditions that now exist in Fox Hill prison. The children of today are the only hope for a better society provided that parents teach them manners and respect at home and teachers do the same at an early age so that they can change the culture that is today destroying the Bahamas. This is a start but there is so much more that needs to be done and we ALL need to take responsibility and do our part. Calling for capital punishment is nothing but a cop out, looking for an easy answer to a very complex problem.
Solomon 11 years, 10 months ago
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
bismark 11 years, 10 months ago
It might not be a deterrent,but that scumbag will not hurt another innocent person again,new jail?i am tired of my tax dollars taking care of these lowlife bums,it is obvious the bad conditions don't scare them,now you want us to make it easier for them?let jail stay the way it is ,believe me any person who cant take that kind of lifestyle is not going back up there.
C_MonMan 11 years, 10 months ago
Once again Bran demonstrates his naivete on a matter on national interest. We can implement and debate capital punishment until we are blue in the face and it would not impact our crime situation. I do agree however, that whilst implementing capital punishment in and of itself is meaningless, comprehensive penal code reform as well as reform of the judicial system should feature prominently in any solution to our crime situation.
TalRussell 11 years, 10 months ago…
B_I_D___ 11 years, 10 months ago
Forget hanging...firing squad...use up the bullets and guns that are confiscated from the streets to send him on his way!!
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